Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 604 Chapter 600 The first candidate (first update)

The boy walked slowly into the pitch-black training ground, the rough linen cloth clinging to his skinny chest rubbed repeatedly with his footsteps, making his skin tingle. What made him feel even more uncomfortable was the cold wind in the training ground, which made him shiver when it blew through his freshly shaved stubble, and the smooth and cold marble floor under his feet mercilessly took away his remaining body temperature, his toes were numb from the cold. The only sound of his footsteps in the training ground was clear and lonely, just like his heartbeat.

He was chosen from among his people to participate in a ceremony that only he could participate in.

For this ceremony, he had to go through extremely heavy studies and be exposed to political, military, geography, mathematics, physics and chemistry knowledge that he had never learned before. The brief study gradually revealed itself. Unlike the other boys in his clan who liked to jump up and down, he was more interested in listening to stories around the prophet than snowballs, bows and knives, and the prophet often told him about the tenth-century Byzantine emperor, John I Tzimissis. The tragic death of Basil II, and the story of Basil II, known as the Butcher of Bulgaria. This evening Patriarch Sophia, the Prophet's daughter, dragged him out of a bed that wasn't too warm and not particularly soft, brought him here, and let him walk in alone. Immediately afterwards, Sophia left alone, ignoring the doubting boy.

Even if he didn't know what to do, he bit the bullet and did it.

He repeatedly experienced the fear mixed with the cold, repeatedly chewing and swallowing on the tip of his tongue. During the short journey, he thought a lot, but he didn't seem to think about anything. He just walked forward mechanically, as if something in front of him was attracting him.

There was a light in the dark training ground, and all the coldness receded in an instant. After a brief surprise, the boy regained his spirits. He squinted his eyes and looked towards the light. A vague figure was standing in the middle of the training ground. "Good evening, descendant of Theodora." The figure said to him in a very gentle tone, "From now on, you will start your real training."

"What training?" the boy asked.

This is an indescribable feeling, and he thinks that the knowledge he has learned cannot describe this sense of fate for the time being.

"The most rigorous training in the world, my child." The light gradually weakened, and the boy gradually saw the person in the light. It was a tall man with long black curly hair, his facial features were as perfect as an ancient Greek statue chiseled with knives and axes. He said to the boy with a gentle smile, "But I believe you can bear this kind of training. Look, that is your armor and weapons, and you will become a man worthy of that armor in the future."

The boy quickly glanced in the direction the man was pointing.

"That's too high," said the boy nervously. "I can't grow as tall as a room!"

"We'll figure it out." The man smiled and stepped forward, placing his big hands on top of the boy's head. Like a warm exhalation, the boy felt that all the tiredness on his body dissipated with the arrival of the warm night. "It will be a long service, and you will face the unbearable weight of the human mind, but you will bear it. I promise you, you will wear this armor and stand by my side to face the human race Unimaginable enemies, or command the world's largest fleet and order artillery to destroy those disgusting monsters."

"Why me?" The boy looked up, looking at him with clear blue eyes.

The man's expression seemed to be a little embarrassed, and the sacred feeling that should have existed was destroyed by his own upturned mouth. He looked like he was about to laugh at any time, and at the same time he was a little embarrassed. Only then did the boy realize that the man was not old enough to grow a beard, he was still very young and very strong. But the boy still couldn't look directly into the man's glowing eyes, which seemed to dig up all the little secrets of his past. For example, he would secretly eat in the middle of the night. In Siberia, when he couldn't sleep at night, he would run to the village and throw stones into the wellhead.

He was worried that these embarrassing things would be known by this man.

He is shaking.

"Because you are the most suitable." The man raised his eyebrows cheerfully. "This is not some nonsense, but a coincidence. I was looking for the right candidate, and then you appeared, that's all."

No one knew why the boy with the marks of the surgery had been following Salomon, and no one knew why the boy was carrying a dagger and a pistol. If people who don't know this scene see this scene, they will be surprised and angry at the surgical marks on the boy's body. But for the client, although there are still dozens of operations waiting for him in the future, he is very satisfied with just the first several days of surgery to change everything.

It seemed like a long dream.

He's grown taller, his brain is working faster and his reflexes are quicker. His appetite increased, his thin limbs began to grow muscles, and he was able to use a short bow to shoot things that he couldn't shoot before. He is no longer a skinny nerd, everything is moving in the right direction.

The operation for this boy was specially customized. Maya Hansen worked non-stop for a month to prepare for it. After a short rest, she devoted herself to the next stage of work. With ready-made templates, this job goes quickly. This boy carries all the current achievements of the biological laboratory, including the gene tailoring of the Extremis virus, alien genetic engineering and biochemical implants. His technology involves many medical fields and powerful alchemy. As he grows, so will the surgeries, with the boy undergoing daily checkups to make sure the implants and genetic engineering are safe from side effects.

This procedure will continue until the final goal is reached, which is the final form of the Golden Armored Guards. But that was just a template, and Maya Hansen modified the transformation plan for each different subject. So the boy's final form is slightly different from that of the golden armored guard.

When the first stage is over, the boy will also receive Salomon's psychic illusion spell and the mental and chemical adjustments made by the brain-computer interface, making him a superman on the psychological level. This is a very difficult and long process. Modern scientific research on the brain is still in its infancy. Even if the Immortal City invests in many laboratories and receives technology from the future, the boy will have to stay in the room while he is being adjusted. In the training cabin, to avoid huge fluctuations in physiological signs during mental adjustment.

"What did you do to this child?" Natasha Romanoff looked at the boy questioningly.

Although she rejected Salomon's invitation, she would still come to the Immortal City out of emotional impetus, lest Salomon really carry out that brutal plan. Although she did not see the hell she had imagined, the traces of the surgery on the boy could not be erased. If she knew that the boy had grown twenty centimeters in a week, she might have jumped up in fright.

The boy ate the chocolate cake obediently, turning a deaf ear to the conversation between the female spy and Salomon, and the earphones he wore did not allow him to hear other sounds. After mental adjustment and implant surgery, his senses have become oversharp and he is now in an adaptation phase. According to normal procedures, this boy should be sent to the forest for wilderness survival training at this moment, instead of sitting here eating cake.

But the flow was interrupted by the arrival of Natasha Romanoff.

Salomon spread his hands nonchalantly, "Something has to be done, Natasha."

Ask for a ticket! There are too many words in this chapter, so cut it off to the next chapter.

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