Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 606: Ancient Philosophy and Modern Physics (Part 1)

Dr. Hank Pym reluctantly welcomes Salomon, for no other reason than the fact that the guy has a theoretical solution to how to enter the Quantum Realm, and supports fractal cosmology to some degree. Salomon believes that only after collapsing into a three-dimensional fractal geometry can we truly enter the quantum realm.

This theory is quite interesting and quite partial.

That is, our universe may exist in the subatomic space of the smallest particles in another universe, while another universe exists in the subatomic space of a larger universe, and so on. The source of Pym particles is another dimension under the microscopic scale, which is enough to prove the theoretical basis of shuttle quantum field. This also made Salomon have to go back and look at the "Avatamsaka Sutra", "The Brahma Net Sutra", "The Diamond Sutra" and "Da Fang Guang" with a rational eye. Yuanjue Xiutuoluo's Yijing Essentials Explanation".

There were many ways of practicing in ancient times, and the preaching of the sages often contained the truth. Salomon believed that as a regular monk with a certificate issued by the Religious Affairs Bureau, he should not look at those scriptures with an outdated view. Waiting for the next exchange meeting, he can also be recommended by Kama Taj to go to Zhengdao's ancestral court, Longhu Mountain, Sihan Tianshi Mansion for exchange and study, and share the experience of making talismans (transcribing scrolls).

Although his facial features are very different from those of Chinese people, he can't stop him from speaking Chinese well. The rich collection of books in the Karma Taj library also allows him to read many more scriptures than ordinary monks. When he was unable to cast spells when he was a child, he had read the entire "Zheng Yi Jing" collected by His Holiness, and he would not lose in arguing with others.

Dr. Hank Pym kept his contemptuous gaze, watching Salomon eloquently expounding on the description of the quantum realm in religious philosophy (+30) in the past, if it wasn’t for the inclusion of Pym particle users entering the quantum realm Dr. Pym has long been impatient to continue listening to the assumption and calculation of whether the wave function exists. He hates thinking about philosophy when exploring physics. He has never done philosophical thinking in his life, and that is not something a physicist should consider.

"Quantum superposition state!" Dr. Pym slapped the table hard, bringing back the topic of Salomon's deviation, but at the same time, he also slapped the biscuits in the bowl to the ground, making the draft paper full of biscuit crumbs.

"You will be defined as the probability of existence at a certain point in space at each time point. This idea may not be correct, but you may indeed exist in the form of a wave function." Salomon glanced at the fidgety old guy . The truth he expounded helps to resolve the grand unified theory. Although it is not a beautiful formula, it is enough to inspire the research of modern theoretical physicists. The alien civilization's interpretation of the grand unified theory was transformed into practical scientific research after being absorbed by the Immortal City, so Salomon was qualified to speak in front of Dr. Pym. However, Hank Pym is unwilling to listen to his conjectures. He just wants to know whether it is possible to enter the quantum realm in the state of a wave function at the 10-10 scale, and what changes will happen to quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics after entering.

"You need to be observed, and the wave function will collapse. But none of us know what will happen after the collapse, just like Schrödinger's cat." The mystic picked up a pen, swept away the biscuit crumbs, and clicked on a series of calculation formulas , "We can measure it through the entanglement effect."

"Hmph! Don't mix philosophy with physics, what I want is mathematics and physics!" Hank Pym picked up the biscuit and glanced at it, then looked at the biscuit packaging bag, hesitated and stuffed it into his mouth inside. Anyway, it has expired for four or five years. As long as it is not moldy or damp, it can be eaten. He has no psychological burden on using expired biscuits to entertain guests. Salomon saw that Dr. Pym stopped thinking and chewing, and listened carefully. He stood up suddenly, grabbed Salomon's arm, and tried to pull the mystic from his chair.

"Go, go!" Dr. Pym hurriedly chased away the passengers, which made Salomon very puzzled, until the mystic heard a strange heartbeat approaching slowly, instead of passing by like other passers-by. Hank Pym sure knows who this guy is, and his ubiquitous little ants make the best scout ever.

"Your daughter Hope?" The old guy couldn't pull him, but out of respect for the elderly and fearing that Hank Pym would break his spine in a hurry, Salomon still stood slowly. Get up before the old guy gets hurt. But what he said next stunned Hank Pym for a moment. "There's one more person," he said, "probably a man."

Hank Pym let go of Salomon's arm, turned around and picked up the pistol that was under the table.

"Are you serious? Your daughter is not a high school student. Is it necessary to shoot her boyfriend? I believe that an adult will not accidentally get pregnant!"

Dr. Pym ignored Salomon. He flipped the safety, loaded the pistol, and stowed it inside his jacket. As a veteran who participated in World War II, Hank Pym is no stranger to firearms. His taste in pistols is similar to that of Salomon. He uses a 45ACP Colt pistol but the M1911A1 semi-automatic pistol is still reliable after years of baptism.

"Are you still planning to stay here?" Dr. Pim glared at the uninterested Salomon. But the mystic just shrugged his shoulders, gloating that he didn't mind staying, which made Dr. Pym have to consider whether to give the first bullet to this guy who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. "Get out!" He walked towards the door and waved his hand vigorously, "I don't need help!"

"Who are you talking to?" When Dr. Pym turned his head again, the big guy who was nearly two meters tall had disappeared. Hank Pym didn't have time to think about it, he glared at his former student who was following his daughter, this disgusting, nasty, plague-stricken bad-ass Darren Cross who wanted to crack the secret of Pym particles Looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Get out!" The old guy was like an aging lion, trying to deter the rising star in the lion pride with his voice. The moment he was about to close the door, he slowed down again, as if he was waiting for something. Sure enough, his daughter had already pressed the door panel. "Get out!" Hank Pym opened the door again, but his voice was obviously not as loud as last time. He looked at his deceased student, "I won't tell you the secrets of Pym particles! I don't have Pym particles here either! Don't even think about it, you wild wolf!"

"Hank, I would like to ask you to solve a few technical problems." Darren Cross shook his head helplessly, "Are you afraid that others will achieve your academic achievements? This is your academic spirit? Don't you know What a bad name in academia for Pym particles that no one else can make but you? I'm almost done with Pym particles, Hank..."

Hank Pym closed the door contentedly, ignoring Darren Cross' clamor.

He had already seen his daughter, and she was obviously doing well. As for Darren Cross, the clown, Dr. Pym no longer paid any attention to his thoughts. He believes that his past students will never be able to replicate Pym particles, not to mention that he has embarked on a more correct path now. Salomon inspired his research on the theory of the quantum field. As long as the theory is formed, he can enter the quantum field to find his wife. This is his obsession that he has lived up to now, and he does not allow anyone to delay his steps on this matter, let alone disturb the Quantum Realm before him.

He must get Janet back, no matter the cost.

Ask for a ticket!

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