Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 609 Gentleman and Lawyer (Second Change)

The lawyer's heart was beating like a motorcycle engine, and his physical signs all showed that he was ready to fight.

But his goal was extremely loose. He not only slowly opened the beer bottle cap, but also deliberately brought two glass beer glasses, trying to show the lawyer how he poured beer. Salomon doesn't want to waste any abbey beer - look at this mahogany-like dark brown body, smell this rich bread aroma, and aromas of apples, plums, figs and raisins, the unique aroma of yeast, honey A perfect combination of sweetness and a hint of oak.

This is the best beer in the world. It is a substitute born when the Nordic monks tasted the "blood" of Jesus because of public health considerations and the inability to grow grapes due to climatic reasons. Salomon strongly invited Matthew Mer Doc to taste.

After drinking the whole glass of beer in one breath, Salomon put down the glass contentedly.

"I have no hostility towards you, and I have no hostility towards anyone." Salomon looked at Matthew Murdoch, who was still ready to go, and the untouched glass of beer in front of him. The guy who came across the border was hostile."

Matthew Murdoch was silent.

Last night, a small tonnage cargo ship arrived at a private pier in the Clinton district of New York. There was only one blue container on board. In order to welcome the goods, all the important figures of the Japanese gangsters were present, and they also carried MP7 submachine guns equipped with silencers. This method of smuggling using containers is common in people smuggling. This kind of thing almost disappeared after being cracked down by unknown forces some time ago. But gangsters grow wantonly like weeds, and so do their businesses, but Japanese gangsters carry weapons not to guard against rival gangs, but out of concern for the goods in the container.

The cargo was a boy chained and collared.

Also last night, Matthew Murdoch had a violent conflict with his teacher. Because his teacher Gun wanted to kill the boy directly, but he prevented Gun from shooting the arrow, and he was reprimanded by Gun for being immature and naive. Matthew Murdoch settled down and carefully recalled what he heard last night.

Twelve sets of heartbeat sounds, no, thirteen sets, he can guarantee that there are no omissions.

"Where are you hiding?" he asked. "I promise you were not there last night, or I would remember your heartbeat."

"I'm not there, but my elf is there." Salomon said, "Kama Taj will pay attention to the alien creatures that invade the main material plane, and the thing on that boy is one of them. I Knowing what you're asking, you want to know why I didn't go get that boy myself. The truth is, I can't."

"Why?" the lawyer asked, "You have super powers, isn't it easy to deal with a few gangsters?"

"I can't explain some more professional things to you. I believe you can understand why I do this, because you will not try your best to make the client understand all the loopholes in the legal clauses." The mystic said, "I can only tell you You, the thing on that boy is the tentacles of a different-dimensional creature. The location of the body of that different-dimensional creature is not yet clear. I can find out its approximate location through prophecy, but if I want to predict accurately, I have to pay some irreparable cost. And I want to save something, no, not money, not something as simple as that.”

"You want me to help you find that thing?" the lawyer asked, "Then you have to tell me why that boy is so important, and what are the so-called 'Black Sky' and 'Shadow Field'."

"Have you ever seen a client who wants to understand the terms of the law, then tries to defend himself and is left with attorney's fees?"

"I have, but I don't think I'm that bad."

"The truth is, there is no difference between you and such a client." Salomon shook his head, "Shadow creatures are not afraid of swords without magic. For ordinary people, bullets cannot harm them. Just like those who try to A client who saves on legal fees, only understands outdated legal terms, and sues the store owner who sold him alcohol with Prohibition-era laws."

"You've been explaining this to me in a way I can understand. Why?"

"Because it has already taken a fancy to you, Matt." Salomon smiled, "Its fate is entangled with you. As long as you continue to investigate about the Hand, Black Sky will find you, and it will sooner or later will appear before you."

"And then?" The lawyer asked coldly, "Who are you going to kill?"

"Only Black Sky." Salomon said, "I assure you, that innocent boy is not particularly important. As long as you can help me find the place where Black Sky is hiding, that boy will be free. I will give him the rich talent How about some education and life, so that he will not wander the streets to make a living?"

"Deal." The lawyer nodded and agreed to the deal.

This condition couldn't be more generous. For a person who can use such a strong method to invite him, for a child of illegal immigrants who was born in a church, the kindness shown by Salomon is far beyond ordinary people. But Matt Murdoch still kept his eyes open. He wanted to investigate the identity and background of this person carefully. The humility shown by Salomon was disturbing.

"Tell me something off topic." The lawyer seemed to relax. He took off his sunglasses, revealing his blind eyes, "You're rich, how did you do it? Do you have any tax issues to solve? Who the hell are you, I mean..."

"How do you change from an orphan to a rich man and a magician?"

"Yes." Matthew Murdoch smiled sheepishly, "If this offends you..."

"Ah, it's not such a big deal. You know, there's a lot of diamonds and gold in alien planets, and I don't think the US tax office can go to outer space to collect taxes. Even if they don't, Eton and Oxford Networking makes me good too - I can be very social if I want to. As for how I got on the arcane path, I'm sorry I can't answer, there are too many secrets in it, the name I told you You already know all the information, all you need to know is that Kama Taj has been guarding humanity since the birth of human beings, but it was not called by this name before.”

The mystic pushed the glass forward, but the blind lawyer couldn't see his smile, "Then before you leave, have a taste of Westvleteren No. 12 beer. Dinah will prepare a suit for you, from Scabal, England The advanced custom suit is made of super250 wool. In terms of long-term experience, the suit of this fabric is very comfortable.”

Seeing the lawyer waving his hand to refuse, Salomon quickly added.

"The suit has already been made the moment you came here. There is no need to wonder why I know your body data. I have your medical report. In this Internet age, many secrets are not secrets. Please Wait a while, have a beer, your suit will be ready soon. Please don't say no, it's a deal deal, I can't let you walk out in this suit after all. A suit is a man is armor, a lawyer You have to wear a good suit to deter lawyers from unscrupulous businessmen, right?"

Sorry, Maomao vomited twice in a row, I was busy asking the doctor.

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