Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 611 Golden Palace Spy (Second Change)

Salomon looked in through the observation window of the training cabin.

Countless tiny cables contract and expand like living things in the dark green liquid. This high-tech body that uses a combination of biological tissue and alchemy is currently being wrapped by a large number of black, snake-like cable tentacles. Only one Zhang's bionic face was still exposed. Countless messages flowed through the body via cables, then processed, and appeared on the computers of the Immortal City's Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The mystic stood in this dark room for a while, then turned and left, walking to the other side of the dungeon.

The daughter of the Rhine was imprisoned there. As a witch who can charm male creatures with her voice alone, she is currently enduring an unimaginable shameful punishment in her room deep in the dungeon. The long humiliating torture and personality destruction did not make Lorelai feel resentful. Maybe there used to be, but under the psychological adjustment of the mystic, Rhine's daughter has been replaced with Stockholm syndrome. She will be Salomon's most important spy. The long torture, interrogation and destruction are only for an extremely important task, a task that will have a profound impact on future generations.

For this purpose, Salomon did not hesitate to get his hands dirty and trained Lorelei in a way that no good person could bear. And this goal that made him do whatever it takes is the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard. If his intentions were revealed, even the now semi-retired Odin would mount Sleipnir, hold Gungnir, and rush to the Immortal City to kill him.

Even the venerable could not stop Odin who put his life at risk.

It is not the time to turn against Asgard before the dusk of the gods. In order to obtain information about the Rainbow Bridge before Asgard is destroyed, Salomon must train a spy who can lurk into the Golden Palace. This person is the Charming Witch Lorelei, and the long-term training is for such a goal.

"The time has come, Lorelai." Salomon untied the shackles, picked up the limp Rhine's daughter, and carried her into a bathtub filled with warm water. He used the sponge to wash away the lustful smell all over Lorelai's body without distraction, but those traces of torture such as whip marks and shackle marks would not disappear with the foam. Lorelai closed her eyes, enjoying the tenderness from the mystic with great satisfaction. Her body trembled slightly under Salomon's touch, but her heart longed for the sweet pain inflicted by the mystic.

"What time?" she asked softly.

"Only once, when Heimdall couldn't lock it." Salomon continued to wipe off the foam on Lorelei's skin with the sponge in his hand without raising his head. Heimulda has submitted Thor's mission report, and soon Thor will use the Rainbow Bridge to come to Earth.

Salomon doesn't know many space rifts, and most of those rifts will be monitored by Heimelda after using them once. He can't bet on whether the secret passages he knows are already under surveillance, and he doesn't dare to bet on them. . He had to take his chances, and only when Thor descended did Heimulda's eyes lose sight of Lorelei.

"I'm going to Asgard, my dear." The Enchantress said with her eyes closed, "Is there nothing else you want to do?"

"Wait until the mission is over." The mystic kissed her lightly on the forehead, "I promise you."

"Shall we have a welcome party?" Nearly all the Avengers were waiting in this Arizona wilderness. They believed in the information from Salomon very much—although all members of the Avengers did not know much about Kama Taj, but as the only organization that could communicate with Asgard, and the only one that the Avengers could contact A known member of Karma Taj, the information provided by Salomon will naturally be taken seriously.

"Where's the little guy?" Even though Salomon was over eighteen years old, Stark still liked to call the mystic in an older manner when he was not there. "For half a year, this is the only time he communicated with us. He has been absent from the Christmas celebration!" Perhaps because he hasn't seen an alien visitor for a long time, Stark couldn't stop talking, "You guys have received Have you heard from him?"

Dr. Banner blinked.

He had heard about the turmoil that Salomon caused in the academic world half a year ago, but the mystic was not the protagonist at that time. The first author of the paper was Dr. Hank Pym, a long-retired quantum physicist. The highly controversial Pym particles were produced by him. He looked at Natasha Romanoff—if anyone in the Avengers had the most secrets, it would be Black Widow. Agent Romanov, however, just smiled, and she raised an eyebrow at Hawkeye. Yet Clint just shrugged, roughly saying "I haven't seen him since the last time you brought him to see me".

"He said he would come," Agent Romanov said, "but didn't say when."

Steve Rogers sighed, he really doesn't like the time concept of young people nowadays.

"This scene is really endless." Stark took out his mobile phone and pointed the camera at the sky. The dazzling glare penetrated the clouds, and the thick dark clouds curled, circled, and expanded under an invisible force, and finally formed a huge vortex. The strong light behind the clouds gradually intensified, and the colorful storm full of energy split the entire sky, bringing lightning and strong winds, strong light and loud noises, and descended on this barren Gobi. No matter how many times, the scene of the rainbow bridge descending is so exciting. But the huge sand and dust raised by the Rainbow Bridge made it unbearable for the members of the Avengers. They quickly hid in the car, listening to the crisp sound of gravel and gravel densely hitting the car body.

It was at this moment that brilliant orange-red sparks burst out from the thick dust that was thrown up.

When the storm subsided, Salomon stood there with a spotless body. He was still wearing the crimson holy skeleton cloth robe, the seven silver chains on the front of the robe were tightly fastened, and his right hand with three rings was hidden behind him, tightly clenched into a fist. With a smile on his face, he greeted Thor who had just arrived and the members of the Avengers who had been waiting here.

Stark got out of the car and patted the grit out of his hair and clothes.

"Hello, my friend." Sol held the hammer and strode forward to hug the mystic. Now that the height gap between the two no longer exists, Salomon also generously gave him an Asgardian-style hug—that is, wrapping his arms around each other's body, and then exerting all his strength. The deeper the relationship, the stronger the hug. The strength of the arm will be greater. People with weaker physiques might be strangled to death. Such people are cowards in the Asgardian concept and cannot go to the Hall of Valor.

"You really know how to choose your timing!" Stark got out of the car, desperately patting the gravel from his hair and clothes.

"Hello, Tony Stark! Hello, Rogers! Hello, Banner! Don't you ask the big guy to come out and say hello?" Thor smiled, accompanied by the stench of molten glass and ionized air, In turn hug all the Avengers you know. But Dr. Banner refused the hug. He felt that his life was threatened, and Hulk would occupy his body if he was not careful.

"Why are you here?"

"The magician told us that you will appear here!" Stark patted his chest, trying to relieve the embarrassment that he could hardly breathe just now, "Although I don't know why you came to Earth, I think we should have a carnival reception first !"

"Stark, we should listen to what Saul has to say first." Steve Rogers interrupted Tony Stark's out-of-the-ordinary arrangement. He looked at Saul, "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Yes, my friend." Sol waved his hammer and said with a smile, "This will be a battle full of glory!"

Natasha Romanov took advantage of the opportunity when everyone was surrounded by Saul, and slowly slid to Salomon's side. She sniffed quietly, then looked behind Salomon. "It smells like barbecue, and your fingers are burnt," she said. "What did you do?"

"It's just some magical accident, Natasha." The mystic said with a smile, "It will heal soon."

Agent Romanov subconsciously judged that Salomon was not telling the truth.

Ask for a ticket!

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