Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 614 Earth Tithe (Part 1)

The intuition of an excellent spy has always led her to believe that Salomon has hidden many vital secrets. Even though they have known each other for many years, Natasha Romanov has never extracted any information from Salomon that he does not want to disclose.

Stranger, a guy full of secrets and extremely smart, a magical magician, this is the impression that all Avengers members have for Salomon Damonette. Perhaps there is also a newly added impression-preliminary development of solutions to quantum field theory problems without gravity, Dr. Banner seems to want to chat with him about quantum chromodynamics, which few people can understand Knowledge.

Agent Romanov is one of the few in the Avengers who can understand some of the secrets about the mystic, but the more she knows, the more mysterious Salomon becomes in her eyes. The Salem incident intensified his sense of mystery. No one knew what he had gained in that incident. Everything covered him with an opaque carapace, shaping him into her What it looks like now.

Salomon Damonet is an extremely pure person. He has predicted disasters since he was born, and he has been tortured by predictions since he was a child. When S.H.I.E.L.D. still existed, only the intelligence analysis department in charge of Nick Fury made the judgment that "Salomon's prophecy ability is also the origin of his mental illness". However, this is not the case. In the eyes of Agent Romanov, Salomon stood up against the prophecy with his firm will and prepared for the disaster that may never come, just like a hero in a mythical epic.

These are all one-sided impressions she pieced together from countless facts and lies.

Maybe he's right! The catastrophe he had shown her had to be resisted by all means, and someone had to be sacrificed!

The thought sent shivers down her spine like a cold corpse's hand around her heart. Natasha Romanoff shook her head quickly, trying to get the thought out of her mind.

"Do you disagree with this tactic, Natasha?" Rogers looked up from the holographic table and looked at the agent.

"No, I just thought I was going to wash my hair." She forced a smile. "The dust from the Rainbow Bridge made me itch."

She looked at Salomon who was sitting aside. He blinked at her, as if he knew what she was thinking.

"Me too," he said. "It's no surprise. I'm the only one with long hair. Thor's scalp doesn't count, and I suspect Asgard has mites the size of ants."

Saul let out a good-natured laugh, he liked the little brother with his sense of humor.

The big family of the Avengers still welcomes Salomon, not only because he once played an irreplaceable role in the Battle of New York, but also because other people know a little about Salomon that they know. After reading some of the stories, everyone has admiration for this magician who has been trained since childhood and has been fighting so far. Although some people will disagree with his methods and ideas, his achievements and abilities cannot be erased.

Especially Steve Rogers. He once fought with the ghost knight, participated in the battle of the monastery, and repelled the vampire clan and human traitors with Salomon on the air bus, and then witnessed the grand battle of the wizarding world and the tip of the iceberg of the devil's invasion of reality.

Also after that, Steve Rogers strongly asked Nick Fury not to obstruct Salomon's actions. That is a disaster that ordinary people can't deal with at all, and only professionals can deal with it. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, Salomon has become an expert in dealing with magic issues in the Avengers, or S.H.I.E.L.D. Regarding the handling of that incident, even Captain Rogers kept secrets, and other people's inquiries could only lead to his severe reprimand, and no one has ever seen those agents who witnessed the grotesque scene again.

Natasha Romanov's brain is extremely clear, she knows that Salomon never said that he joined the Avengers, only Stark would naively think that he is a member of this big family. He has always maintained an attitude of distance from this organization, such as now-the Quin-jet fighter that has experienced more than an hour of sailing gradually slowed down and docked on the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building. Salomon got off the plane, and after saying goodbye to the others, he opened the portal and left here. No one knew what he was doing.

"What did he do?" Steve Rogers asked. Stark also shrugged, he didn't know what the mystic was going to do, and Jarvis told him that Salomon had a class to teach. But Dr. Banner knew that Oxford would not make any demands on Salomon's attendance.

"Perhaps he went to hand in official documents. Usually, Heimdall handles such matters, including the documents of wizards." Thor shrugged, and walked into the top floor of the building with a hammer in his hand, "This is not what a soldier should do. thing."

"Heimdall." Salomon tilted his head, looking at the Lord Himminyog who was as tall as himself. The tip of the giant sword Hfu with a human face was resting on the gilded floor, the branches of the silver-white world tree shone with colorful light, and the eyes that could see the entire universe were fixed on the eyes of the mystic, as if wanting to penetrate Through those obsidian pupils, dig out his heart. Salomon looked straight at Heimdall fearlessly, "You promised me that political disputes in Asgard will not affect Earth."

"Thor is the future Lord of Asgard."

"But he's not yet."

"He is." Heimelda said in a deep voice. "You know it, and I know it too."

"The All-Father isn't here, you need to take care of Loki, that damn guy is trying to tithe the Earth lately. If he does, I'm going to storm the Golden Palace and take that bastard's head Cut it off."

"He is the prince of Asgard." Heimdall remained calm. He smelled the belligerence of the young man, an impulse that was all too familiar to him. Sol, who is fifteen hundred years old, will be like this, so this twenty-year-old young man will also be like this, which is normal.

But what made him hesitate was that there were no fools in the spellcaster organization of Karma Taj. He didn't know if this was a disguise made by the mystic so he could find an excuse to really do that kind of thing. Kama Taj has every reason to do this. After all, Loki made a lot of absurd things while sitting on the throne, otherwise there would not be so many world rebellions.

"The father of the gods has an agreement with the supreme mage, do you want to be the oath breaker?" he asked.

"If Loki is the one who breaks the contract, if he thinks the oath was written in the snow, then the contract carved in stone will not save his life. The earth will never pay taxes to Asgard. Written in stone, with sword and spear." The mystic threw the letter at Heimulda's feet. He turned his head and walked towards the Rainbow Bridge, "Asgard has already paid for his life once, and I don't mind the Golden Palace doing it again. As long as the current Asgard can afford the money , as long as Loki hasn't ruined the family fortune of the Asa Protoss."

Heimelda was silent.

Salomon is very sure that Asgard will pay this money, and spend it together with the military expenses of the peace rebellion, and will never let Loki, who is sitting on the throne, know. And in order to make up the money, a wealthy Asgardian businessman who suddenly appeared with a lot of money had a reason to enter the Golden Palace.

He hoped that Lorelei's operation would go well.

Ask for a ticket!

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