Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 65: Demon Pet Summoning

In fact, when Celesa appeared in front of Beunita, the witch recalled something. It was a softly hummed melody, and Bayonetta felt that the melody was very familiar, but she couldn't recall more things when she thought about it carefully.

It's just that she couldn't be sure whether the pictures that appeared in her mind were real or were Baldr's magic, just like the vision before seeing Celesa, so the witch never told Salomon about those things.

But the witch still told Salomon that she had met the woman with short white hair in red dress. The point is that that woman has exactly the same ability and fighting style as hers. In this regard, Beunita doubts the accuracy of some of the information provided by Salomon.

"You mean, a witch?" Salomon asked, "Since the current Lumen Sage is the one from five hundred years ago, your father, it is not so unexpected that a witch who has lived for five hundred years appears. This can only be explained by the lack of information. After all, Kama Taj did not observe the battle all the way. Maybe even the Venerable didn’t know where you were buried. Luca’s father might have hit you by mistake when he released you. You collided by mistake, because if those angels knew your location, they would definitely rush over to get back the 'left eye' as soon as possible."

"But the so-called 'left eye'." Salomon shook the pocket watch in his hand, which belonged to Celesa, "I don't think it has much to do with your pocket watch."

His curiosity made him examine Celesa's pocket watch carefully, but it did not have the power of the "left eye" as the witch said. It was just a very ordinary pocket watch, but the words on it were inlaid in the center of the pocket watch. Ruby is a bit unusual. But that is at best a magic gem that protects the pocket watch from damage and supports its operation, nothing too unusual.

Salomon spent the night on Bayonetta's sofa, and Bayonetta needed to cuddle the little one. Because Celesa woke up after turning over. She became a crybaby again after she found out that Beunita was not around. If the witch didn't embrace her again, she might cry all day .

And Celesa also slowed down Beunita's exploration of the small town of Vigrid accordingly, because she could hardly bear the time without seeing Beunita. Even when Salomon took her shopping, the clingy little guy would ask the mystic from time to time how Beunita was doing, whether she was hungry, whether she was cold, and when she would be home.

Faced with Seresa's foolish words, Salomon could only use his whole life to coax her, and he still held on to Seresa's hand tightly, lest she run out to find Beunita.

Let's put it this way, Salomon has lived the life of a dad that he has never experienced before. The magic in his hands is no longer the terrible necromancer or the evocation spell that brings destruction, but the fancy illusion. He even complied with Celesa's request and used illusion to decorate the sofa as a rabbit hole. Perhaps it was because the witch had a premonition of the trouble this little guy might bring, so she easily threw Seresa to Salomon to deal with. Although Theresa is very cute, Salomon doesn't want to take care of children anymore, he still has his own magic to learn, and he can't watch the little girl all the time.

Immediately afterwards, he came up with a good solution - to find a magic pet to solve the problem.

Demon pet, the big baby of the spellcaster, the real life partner. Even if you are married, you may get divorced, but the magic pet will not, it will accompany the caster wholeheartedly until the end of life - the premise is not to find the magic pet of the lower plane, the evil nature will make them unconsciously brew Plots capable of killing the master, sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don't.

It would be fine if he was alone, but he wouldn't feel at ease keeping such a pet by Seresa's side with such a creature.

Not to mention the celestial creatures, I am afraid that Beunita will trample the familiar to death as soon as she returns home, so the fey familiar has become the only choice. The great magic of finding a magic pet was cast for the first time in this world, and it was actually for raising children. I don't know if the conjurer who invented this magic would feel sad.

Celesa stared with curious eyes, watching Salomon put the brass basin on the floor of the living room, and found oak branches, fine charcoal and various spices into the basin, and finally he lit the fire Thick smoke was gurgling from the brass basin, making Celesa cough again and again, but she still did not forget to hold the puppet in front of her chest.

"Sweetie, I think you should back off a bit." Salomon carried Celesa out of the living room, and he said, "Do you like cats or mice, or mice, or frogs?"


"Okay, so that's the cat. I don't think I can find a cat that can laugh, though."

This ceremony took Salomon an hour. He needed to constantly recite spells to locate the familiar he needed. He even worried that there would be no Fey Plane in this world. But fortunately, not long after, a fuzzy ball of green light appeared in front of him. Following Salomon's spell, it slowly formed a complete shape. Finally, the green light receded, and a chubby tabby cat appeared in front of him. In front of Salomon and Seresa who sneaked over.


"Cheshire!" Theresa yelled. This chubby cat has short gray fur and blue-green fluorescent markings, which is very similar to the Cheshire cat in the story, which is also a little characteristic of fey creatures. Except for howling the first time it appeared, the cat didn't bark any more. It raised its head and stared at Salomon with two big round eyes—the contract brought by the ritual magic had already made the cat cry. It knows that Salomon is its master.

"First order." Salomon said, "Your name is Cheshire."


"It seems that you like this name." Salomon pointed to Seresa, who was standing aside with bright eyes, and said, "Take care of her until the witch returns. Forbid Celesa to touch all dangerous objects, such as sockets, gas Wait, the snacks are in the drawer, don't let Celesa eat too much. There is no litter box here, you have to go to the toilet, if you can excrete, remember to flush..."

"Meow~" Before Salomon finished speaking, the chubby cat walked over on its own, and rubbed Celesa's calf, causing the little guy to scream in surprise.

I hope that the magic pet of this chaotic camp can carry out the order well.

The mystic looked at Theresa who ran out of the living room after her pet, put the hanging ring on her left hand, and cast the spell engraved on the hanging ring. He is going to take a look at Vigrid next to make sure that the witch will not fall into Balder's trap, because the power involved in this whole thing is beyond the power of Salomon now, but his ultimate goal is to kill Die Badr.

At present, only the witch has the ability to kill Badr, and the best way to kill him is to use the lipstick of Beunita's mother Rosa. In other words, Salomon wants to ensure that Beunita is not hindered on the road to patricide.

Of course, Salomon will not feel any guilt because of this, and even said that he did not feel that he had done anything wrong in the slightest when he pushed Beunita to commit such a crime. Because if Baldr's plan is successful, mankind will be finished, and the Supreme Mage will have to use the Eye of Agamotto to go back in time.

Even if you use the Eye of Agamotto, it's nothing more than doing it all over again.


To pursue a secret five hundred years ago, one must go to a building with a history of at least five hundred years. The good news is that there are extremely ancient buildings preserved in the small town of Vigrid, and there are also some extremely modern buildings. in the building. The bad news is that there are many such buildings.

By the time Bayunita reached Vigrid from Sunrise and Crescent Canyon, the sky had grown dark. And in this ancient town, she met Joan of Arc again, the woman with short white hair in a red dress.

Joan of Arc was riding a motorcycle, surrounded by a large group of friendly angels, fell from the sky, and fell in front of Bayonetta. Although they belonged to the same camp, and the angels brought her here, Joan of Arc didn't show any mercy to the angels. She used the wheel as a weapon and ran over the body of the friendly angel. When he moved, flesh and blood flew under the motorcycle.

Bayonetta also put away her attacking stance temporarily. The person in front of him is undoubtedly a witch, but Salomon has not found her origin. The mystery of this woman is even more puzzling than that of Bayonetta. Sure enough, when Joan passed by on a motorcycle, this woman still mercilessly crushed all the angels present.

Joan's motorcycle was rampaging on the wall, and she stopped condescendingly only after there was no living thing here except her Beunita, but she stayed on the wall.

"Sure enough, you are here." Joan said, "You are looking for the secret of the past, aren't you?"

"Your face is very familiar, and you use the same ability as mine." Beunita embraced her arms. The previous battle with Joan of Arc had flashed back some scenes for her, but she was still not sure how the complete incident happened. thing. She asked, "Excuse me, do we know each other?"

Joan snorted a few times, and put her long legs on the front of the car, "The same ability? Don't be kidding. You have been running in the lake for too long, are you rusted?"

"I haven't touched water in 20 years since I woke up." Bayonetta took a few steps, hands on her waist. For some reason, she seemed to get angry when she saw this woman in front of her. Bayonetta said in an extremely disdainful tone, "The only rust on my body is because I haven't met a real challenge yet. Maybe you are that challenge?"

"You really disappoint me." Jeanne took out a brass pocket watch from her bosom, and it was only then that Beunita realized that the pocket watch ornaments on her chest had disappeared. Joan of Arc stole it the moment she passed Beyoneta, and the method used was also the witch time commonly used by witches, but obviously, Beyoneta's speed was not as fast as Joan's.

"Tsk!" Beunita jumped up and grabbed the pocket watch in Joan's hand. But Joan threw her pocket watch up and looked at Bayonetta jumping up, she said, "It's not that simple, my dear."

Remember to recommend tickets! !

Also, there is no spellcaster in the world who can cast spells without external magic power, not mages, warlocks, artificers, not even pf alchemists and witches.

The only ones who are free from alien magic are psions.

Salomon's magic power is Weissandi's magic power + refined life force, and he has no magic power himself.

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