Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 623 The Fifth Demon God Pillar (Second Change)

"Phoenix, let's go." Salomon stood in front of Kama Taj's permanent portal and said hello, and then the air began to expand, bursting into extremely gorgeous flames. The big golden-red bird landed on Salomon's shoulder and rubbed his head affectionately on his cheek. "Let's go to Marbus [Note 1]." Salomon said softly, "I don't know if that lion will obey my orders."

"Oh! I'm sure it can't wait!" Phoenix said in a melodious voice.

"Don't be so optimistic, Phoenix. I remember the seal of the lion, but I'm not sure it will be willing to serve me again." The mystic is far less happy than Phoenix, "If it is completely corrupted by the power of the abyss, I will Must seek help from the Manchester gods."

"I can take my twenty legions with me, my lord."

"Just do it." The mystic stepped into the portal and entered a space full of smoke and sulfur. The portal, glowing with red-gold sparks, closed behind him, and Salomon lowered the statuette of Pegasus to the ground, and summoned the mount that the goddess of wisdom had given him. Pegasus, who was happily nibbling an apple, was summoned here before he could react. "It's time for you to lose weight, my pony. If you don't lose weight, you won't be able to run anymore." The mystic patted the white pegasus' butt, and then avoided the ponytail that came straight towards him. He straddled the horse and pulled the golden rein, "Hurry up, we're going to a lot of places today. Phoenix, go gather the legion, and then we'll go to see Malbus."


"It's sealed, we can't open it." Stark looked at the regeneration cradle and said, "Even opening it will take a lot of time."

"We have to start the program, and then disintegrate the body tissue from the inside." Bruce Banner roughly gave the idea of ​​​​decomposing the contents of the regenerative cradle, but Stark didn't immediately pick up the words.

"Will Natasha leave you messages outside the network, the old way of spying?"

"There is such a way, I will find him!" Since Natasha Romanov was taken away by Ultron, Clint has been restless. He hurried downstairs, relieved to have something to do at hand. Seeing Clint leave, Tony Stark walked around the laboratory slowly, looking like a primary school student who didn't want to go to school was struggling at the door of his house. Dr. Bruce Banner could see that Stark had something on his mind. He said, "I can destroy body tissue, but only if you can turn off the operating system implanted by Dr. Zhao."

"Hmm." Stark dragged his voice, "Well."

"Oh! No way!" Dr. Banner shook his head hastily. He has been working in the Stark Group's laboratory since the Battle of New York, and getting along for a long time allowed him to guess what Stark was thinking. He'd always thought Stark was right, until this happened recently. They must destroy the body created by Ultron, there is no other way.

"You have to trust me." Tony Stark said hastily.

"I don't really believe it."

"Remember our ally, the guy who protected the military's nuclear weapon code from Ultron? I found him!" Stark turned to the holographic screen and began to operate on his hand. Dr. Bruce Banner was a little curious why Stark mentioned this matter, and then Jarvis's matrix appeared on the holographic projection screen. It was a complete and normal running Jarvis, and Dr. Banner's eyes widened in surprise. He even checked the matrix operation log carefully, for fear that Stark would make an appearance to deceive him.

"Hello, Dr. Banner." Jarvis was as polite as ever, "I didn't completely stop Ultron, but it was delayed by another force."

"Ultron attacked Jarvis not out of anger," Stark said, "but because he was afraid of Jarvis' abilities. So Jarvis lurked underground, disassembled the system, wiped the memory, but kept the Communication protocol. He didn't even know he was there until I fixed him!"

Now, Tony Stark's intentions are very clear. Dr. Banner glanced at the regeneration cradle, "So you want me to help you implant Jarvis into this thing?"

"No! Of course not!" Tony Stark yelled quickly, "I want to help you implant Jarvis into this thing, you know organic biology better than anyone else!"

"Do you think Jarvis's calculation matrix can defeat Ultron?"

"Jarvis has already defeated him from the inside without knowing it. This is a good opportunity, we can create a perfect Ultron and get rid of the murderous character." Stark spread his hands, " We have to."

"I think it's worth a try," Jarvis said without humility. Just as Dr. Banner was about to continue the argument, a loud noise interrupted him. An assault transport boat parked steadily on the tarmac of the Stark Group's top management. Since Salomon did not consider silence, coupled with the requirements for firepower, the noise of the assault transport ship was not small when flying. The noise of shaking glass rudely interrupted Dr. Banner's argument with Stark, but they soon saw the assault transport leave Stark Tower - the pad for the Quinjet was not large enough to satisfy A transport boat with dual needs of firepower and transportation, especially when fully loaded with ammunition.

Clint hurried over, "Hey! Miss! You can't go there!"

"Hello, Miss Dinah. Long time no see."

"Get out of the way." Dinah, holding the prototype of the chainsaw sword, broke into the laboratory from the tarmac all the way into the laboratory wearing the costume that Salomon customized for her. She activated the chainsaw sword without hesitation, the dragon's heart excitedly drove the sawtooth whirling, and the irritable noise was like a roar from the depths of hell. "The Monarch is looking for an alternative, and this plan must be discontinued before then." Dinah glanced at Jarvis. She handed Stark a mobile hard drive that smelled of incense. She didn't tell them what it was until Dr. Banner took it carefully.

"This is the reason for Ultron's betrayal." Seeing that other people did not rush forward, Dinah also slowly turned off the chainsaw sword, "The monarch called it the 'Devil Code' or 'Information Demon', if you can, please use it in the virtual world." Otherwise, any artificial intelligence will be easily corrupted. The general reason for the emergence of these codes is the natural way of thinking of artificial intelligence after encountering the secret energy of the universe."

"Then what? What does this have to do with what we are going to do?" Stark asked dissatisfiedly, "Chick, I watched you gain a body. Before that, you were no different from Jarvis. You are How do you know what we just said? Could it be a prophecy?"

"First: I am not an artificial intelligence, I am an artificial human. I have a soul, and the monarch gave me an alchemy soul." Dana said blankly, "Second: That gem is the singularity of the secret energy of the universe. If If you do this, that body will form another 'information demon', and Jarvis will no longer be Jarvis. You can't guarantee that the Ultron you recreated can get rid of the murderous personality, you Gambling with the future of mankind, Stark, my sovereign will not allow this to happen. If you want to continue, then open the Cradle of Rebirth, and I am ordered to take the gem."

"Where's Salomon?" asked Dr. Banner. "Why didn't he come himself?"

"He's going to hell."

[Note 1] The fifth demon god among the 72 demon gods of King Solomon, the rank commander, the hell commander who commands 36 legions. Malpas' special ability is to find the truth. Neither hidden treasures nor secrets are hidden from him. At the same time, he is also proficient in healing arts and mechanical technology, as well as the ability to transform summoners. Although it is usually in the form of a lion, it can also appear in human form at the request of the summoner. In Plancey's "Dictionary of Hell", Malbas is called the Grand Commander of Hell. It also appears in Shakespeare's works.

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