Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 71 Phoenix and the Madman's Missile

The Ancient One Mage is the actual ruler of the earth. This title is not obtained by relying on sensational elections and empty political promises. Everyone can smell the bloody smell on the throne. As the king, the Supreme Mage has the right to decide the life of everyone on the earth. This is an unquestionable authority.

Although His Holiness did not interfere with the development of human civilization, nor did he exercise authoritarian rule on the earth, but His Holiness was like a king when making certain decisions, and did not allow others to question them. In other words, other people's doubts can't affect the supreme mage at all. What democracy, what human rights, all the orders developed by human civilization lose their meaning in front of this throne of bones, because what sits on it is the epitome of the cruelest competition between the universes.

That is the continuation of human reason, and it is the most basic right to exist.

Salomon didn't know what possibility the Venerable saw with the Eye of Agamotto, and the Venerable's arrangement for Celesa, but he still wanted to persuade his teacher to keep Celesa away from there. Because Theresa is innocent, he can kill a werewolf cub without changing his face, but facing a young human, Salomon can't bear to push her into the abyss at all, facing the blood and fire test.

"Teacher." Salomon said, "I don't know what role Celesa will play in this plan, but it is too dangerous. She has no ability to protect herself, and she will die if she is not careful."

"Only when Celesa arrives in Vigrid, Bayonetta can kill Baldr." Facing Salomon's questioning, the Supreme Mage remained indifferent, "Besides, Celesa will be fine, Baldr will not hurt her Yes, no angel will harm her."

"I think, even if Teresa is Baldr's daughter, the angels will not look up to her because of it. We all know the attitude of extradimensional creatures towards human beings." Salomon was a little anxious, his The speed of speech also accelerated a lot, "In their eyes, human beings are like ants. Do you think they will take care of her specially during the battle? Even Lumen Sage is just a mere human in their eyes."

The Supreme Mage glanced at Seresa, who was whispering to the puppet, and sighed. "Ceresa is the key to awakening Jubilus by the sage of Lumen Baldur." The venerable said, "No matter what, he will not let Theresa be harmed. Not only that, all angels will not harm Cerei Sha, but will protect her, even with his own life."

"Teacher, I don't know which are your schemes and which are Baldr's schemes." Salomon frowned tightly, he glanced at Theresa, then turned to look at the Supreme Mage, "But can you Guaranteed, Celesa will be safe and sound?"

"I promise." The supreme mage was a little happy and a little sad, but she still made a promise. She knew how much the young man in front of her trusted her, and she would not let her trust be overdrawn here. Salomon's cherishment of human beings and hatred of extra-dimensional creatures are very consistent with the educational purpose of Karma Taj, but in some respects, Salomon's heart is really too soft.

Just like Odin adopted Loki, Salomon is the Supreme Mage's long-term plan for the seventh throne. If the Venerable's plan comes true, Salomon will lose everything he is attached to. However, the Venerable also knew that Salomon had no attachment to the position of the Supreme Mage. His lazy character made Salomon more willing to squat in his small room to study magic, which relieved the Supreme Mage. And the supreme mage who felt guilty was also getting out of the earth, following eternity, and before completing the materialization of the soul, he was ready to make compensation to Salomon.

Salomon pondered for a while, but the Supreme Master did not urge him, because the Supreme Master knew that Salomon was at a fork in the road of thought. It is easy to say the truth with the mouth, but it is another matter to actually practice it.

In fact, His Holiness' expectations for Salomon have always been somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, he hopes that Salomon can attach importance to the survival of human beings, and on the other hand, he hopes that Salomon can kill decisively and sacrifice part of his life decisively. The inevitable collision of the two contradictory thoughts after indoctrination, even the supreme mage himself had a very difficult time finding the balance. However, His Holiness still hoped that Salomon could find the balance by himself. The reason he thought out by himself was always more useful than what others said. If he couldn't find it, he might be crazy.

In the eyes of some people, the performance of the supreme mage is a manifestation of not understanding people's hearts. Salomon also noticed it, but didn't say anything more. Because he believes that it is extremely rare for the supreme mage to bear the pressure of human existence without a mental breakdown, and this pressure has continued for thousands of years, and it is reasonable to show some abnormalities. But she still taught Salomon all the thoughts she could give, and let Salomon choose whether to accept it or not.

"I understand." After a while, Salomon made a decision. Since the Supreme Mage guaranteed that Celesa would not be harmed, then it would not, there is no need for the Supreme Mage to deceive him. It's just that he was still worried about Teresa's safety, so he also came up with a compromise.

Demon pets are of course useless. The chubby gray shorthair cat is just a cute thing. He plans to summon a demon to protect Celesa. And he thought for so long just to choose a suitable demon. This practice was also accepted by the Supreme Master. After obtaining the permission of the Supreme Master, Salomon began to draw the summoning circle in the meditation room.

The summoning circle this time is different from the "monster summoning" magic circle. This can make the devil stay in the main material plane for a long time, and it is a spell of the summoning sub-school of the conjuration system. And this summoning circle is a square, with two concentric circles nested in each corner, and runes are written in the four corners; there are three concentric circles in the square, and four names are written on the outermost circle, EHEIIE , ELIION, ELOA, and IEOVA each correspond to a direction, representing "crown, beauty, foundation, and understanding." In addition, there are four pentagrams, and Salomon stands in the center.

Salomon mixed his own blood in the ink, because his blood is the best material for summoning the seventy-two demon gods. In addition to his blood, there are four incense burners containing frankincense and myrrh, which were placed in the corners of the surrounding.

When he lit the incense and finished chanting the spell, the other side of the summoning circle couldn't wait to respond. Accompanied by a burst of beautiful singing, a giant eagle with golden and bright red feathers rushed out from the formation. It spread its incomparably gorgeous wings and floated in mid-air. Its long feathers moved automatically without wind. The golden red shining between its wings illuminates the slightly dim meditation room. Seresa stared at this beautiful scene, dumbstruck. She carefully touched the golden-red light spot that floated in. The light spot was not hot, and it disappeared immediately after being touched.

"My Lord." The giant eagle opened its beak, its voice was immature like a child, a burst of sweet notes overlapped with its voice, making its voice like a beautiful poem, it said, "You welcome Is there a new reincarnation? My legion will serve you, waiting for you to return to the seventh throne."

This is the thirty-seventh demon king of the seventy-two demon gods, Phenex, the rank of Marquis, commanding 20 legions, with a kind and gentle nature, he is the best choice for raising children. Only Cheshire, the chubby gray shorthair felt threatened, ears pulled back and hissing incessantly.

"But I didn't invite you here for this." Salomon had a stiff face. Although he didn't know why these demon gods thought he was Solomon, it didn't prevent him from ordering them. He said, "I need your protection." one person."

"Happy to serve you." Phoenix flapped his wings slowly, landed in front of Salomon, and lightly touched the tail ring of his left hand with his bird's beak, "I will obey any order you have, in the past, in the present, The same goes for the future."

"Protect her." Salomon pointed to Theresa, "She will be in danger next, but I don't want her to lose her life."

"She's cute and powerful." Phoenix walked up to Celesa, and after bowing slightly to the Supreme Mage, he tilted his head slightly, looking at the big mouth in front of him like a real bird. Its little girl, "My lord, I think, may be a lot more powerful than you think."

"But she can't do anything now," Salomon said, "and likes to cry."

"Don't worry, my lord, I like children the most." Phoenix snorted contentedly after being hugged by Celesa, "I will definitely carry out your orders."


Salomon called the reporter's mobile phone back, and the call was picked up soon after.

Before Salomon could speak first, Luca complained, from the magma rivers and earthquakes in the old city of Vigrid, to the violent wind and rain that swept across Vigrid, and the crazy impact on Vigrid. The strange ocean current and the sky that turned into glass shards in the distance, he has never encountered such a strange thing in his life.

Several times, Salomon wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Luka's continuous complaints. He kept talking about how he escaped from death, and what Vigrid looked like after being destroyed. Now, the entire city has been sealed off by storms and waves, and no one can get in or out. Salomon still waited for Luka to finish speaking first, he wanted to know what happened during the time he was away from Vigrid.

The real situation may be worse than what Luca said. The sky here is gray and black, and thick dark clouds almost fall to the top of the tall buildings. Thunder and lightning are flying around in the clouds, like high beams in the fog; The breathless torrential rain spread from the sea to the city. The lead gray icy sea water formed several large whirlpools, tightly surrounding Vigrid. The tornado rolled up the sea water, sucked it into the clouds, and then sent The city pours. Vigrid, located on the ocean, has truly become an isolated island surrounded by heavy rain. Whether it is a ship or an airplane, it is lucky not to crash, let alone take off, in such bad weather.

Salomon stood on the black reef near Vigrid, and the sea water splashed on the reef from time to time soaked his clothes. With him were the mages of Karma Taj, with rays of magic shining in their hands. Here they put a final blockade on Vigrid, completely isolating the place from the rest of the world. Later, Celesa will be sent to Beunita's side, which is not refuted by Salomon.

"Where are you, Luca? Also, where is Bayonetta." Salomon waited until Luca finished talking nonsense before opening his mouth. He raised his head and looked at the mirrored dimension of the slowly closing arc on the sky, "You'd better say it quickly, after a while the satellites won't work, and nobody's calling."

"What? Does all of this have something to do with you?" Luka shouted, "Whatever, I'm on Sun Island, come here quickly, Salomon. Although I know that Ragnarians are all lunatics, but They were crazy beyond my expectation, you can't believe what I saw - I saw a row of missile launchers, although I don't know what the warheads are, but any fool knows, they are going to launch missiles!"

"Where's the target?" Salomon asked, but he didn't take it seriously, because after the mirror dimension was closed, no missile could fly Vigrid. Missiles that explode in the mirror dimension do no damage.

"Wait, I'm reading the information, wait!" Luca said in a hurry.

"I didn't urge..." Salomon yawned quietly, he was tired enough today.

"Found it! Holy shit! They..." Luka took a deep breath, "The target of these missiles... is themselves!"

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! ! The summoning ceremony has been simplified a bit, otherwise this chapter would not need to be written, just describe the ceremony.

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