Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 688 What happened? (first update)

She was sure she was going to die because she knew she was sinking into the lightless ocean floor, phosphorescent creatures wandering around her, something slowly dragging her down from the bottom of the endless abyss.

The cold sea water stuffed into her lungs, and her stagnant lungs were like heavy lead in her chest cavity. She could hear her own heart beating, but it was so far away, as if her heart was still beating on the surface of the sea. She suspected that she had died a long time ago, and her heartbeat was just an auditory hallucination, otherwise she should be waving her limbs and struggling to cough out the water. But nothing happened, she sank to the bottom of the water like a marble statue, her limbs were cold and heavy, and she couldn't even bend a finger. Though invisible, her sixth sense radiated out, touching the creatures that swam past her—those slimy, misshapen fish that swam quietly, staring viciously at her flesh with large, degenerated eyes. . They waited for her death, so that with their jagged fangs they could tear open her flesh and eat the luscious entrails of the warm-blooded creature.

This will hurt! she thought. She thought of the books she had read, the precious literature buried in the library, and only after her teacher appeared, could she come into contact with the knowledge that only nobles could learn. She can conclude that there is no poem in this world that depicts the other side of death. Not sacrifice, sorrow, and blood, but people who were cut open like fish when they died, and the stench of blood and excrement mixed together.

She felt that she must look ugly when she died.

hell! I don't even have clothes on! It was only then that she noticed it. Well, no one saw it anyway. I will die soon, with the only witnesses being a school of ugly fish, and there is no shame in that.

But soon, the sparse optimism wears off over time. She could not judge the speed of her fall, nor could she calculate the time. Every time she started counting, whispers from the bottom of the ocean distracted her and confused her mind. She tried chanting spells that would help her, but to no avail. She sinks deeper and deeper, more and more desperate, and even the hideous creatures around her are gradually disappearing, and the transparent molluscs that emit shimmering light are also gone. She felt the black tentacles protruding from the bottom of the sea have wrapped around her limbs and tightened her neck.

She has only one method left to try.

The sun pierced the water like molten gold. She suddenly realized that she had never opened her eyes, and the blinding light cast bright spots on her eyelids. She remembered that she had never sunk to the bottom of the ocean. "Huh—" Wanda sat up from the bathtub in horror, her long wet hair was tied back obediently, and the warm water droplets cooled quickly and slid down her face. She gasped for breath and blinked quickly to squeeze out the moisture, but the fog that filled the bathroom made it difficult for her to see what was going on. She knew who the man standing not far away was, and she felt the thoughts emanating from him, as if announcing his identity to her. Wanda did not reach out to cover her body, even though it was a man who saw her body, "Teacher, I..."

Salomon took his finger off the light switch.

"The circuit tripped just now, and then I heard you calling my name." Salomon leaned against the bathroom door, holding a tray in his hand. Wanda could smell the food. He walked over to Wanda, who was naked, and knelt down by the bathtub to show her the tray of food. Wanda smelled an ambiguous smell from him——when she woke up from a strange bed, the maid who had been waiting at the side explained to her everything she needed to know, such as where she was and who put her She brought it here, what are the plans for her next. Her sixth sense felt the blushing screams not far away, and the violent emotional fluctuations made her immediately understand what happened. With a blushing face, she obediently accepted the maid's suggestion and planned to take a good bath, change clothes, and greet the owner of the house cleanly.

"Here's a small portion of your breakfast." He put the tray on a shelf within Wanda's reach. "In this house, breakfast is divided into two parts. Start with some sweet and sour fruit and some fried sausages." , if you still have an appetite, you can go to the restaurant with us to eat some meat."

"What happened last night?" she asked.

"You're so tired. I forgot that it's hard for you to do that kind of work, you carry too much negativity, and then you pass out." He smiled, "Don't make that look, Wanda. You are doing well, you are just inexperienced and not able to filter out too many useless emotions. Tell me something that makes you happy, you have missed the morning practice of Karma Taj, that is, you don't have to learn martial arts today gone."

"This is barely good news." Wanda sat in the hot water and stuffed a piece of sausage into her mouth. Salomon had already left the bathroom first, leaving her to try to remember what happened last night.

"Is this where he came last night?"

"Yes, sir." The agent nodded, and continued to arrange for the engineering team to dig, and asked the accompanying scientific personnel to investigate the bones scattered on the ground. Sam scratched his head. As soon as he entered the woods, he felt that something was wrong, and the coldness permeating the bushes stimulated his skin all the time, "Maybe Salomon just took Wanda Maximoff here for a walk , although I don’t know young people well, but they liked this kind of scary place for a while. We can’t prove that those bones are related to them, can we?”

"Don't be stupid, Sam." Agent Hill's voice came clearly from the headset, "You have read that part of the information. Although it is not complete, you also know the relationship between Corinth Town and Salomon. His old place Surely the revisit wasn't for a walk, and if that's the case, why didn't he eat at a port restaurant? It's the last month of Maine lobster!"

"Maybe that's the truth, Agent Hill. He just ate a little too much and came here for a walk."

"Why lie to yourself, Sam?" Agent Hill sounded annoyed. "Don't you see those bones?"

"I saw it. I only know that after Salomon came, the murders and disappearances that happened in Corinth town for 30 years stopped in a very short period of time, and it hasn't happened again until now." Sam laughed angrily Smiled, though no agent saw, "I'll go ahead with your mission, but stop instilling anxiety in Pietro, Maria, that's just a kid. In the meantime, I won't let the agents get in touch with those Things they shouldn't know, if you want to know those things, please tell Salomon yourself, maybe he will be merciful and tell you."

"Are you angry?"

"Yes, very angry." Sam lowered his voice. He walked to the scattered shallow pits and yellow deformed bones, his eyes fixed on the scars on the bones, "This is not an ordinary human bone, I don't think my agents can solve this thing. If you think this If it is S.H.I.E.L.D., if agents’ lives can be squandered wantonly, then I want to tell you, no, it’s absolutely impossible.”

"Don't you want to know the current situation of Wanda Maximoff, and the real purpose of Salomon Damonette?" Agent Hill was also a little annoyed, "If he really intends to overthrow a certain country, kill What are you going to do if someone dies?"

"I'm not an agent, I'm just a soldier." Sam rolled his eyes, "I'll stop him, but until then, this is a free country. Although I don't like him, judging from the current situation, he used to It's a place to be a hero, take out the man-eating monsters in the countryside, and then use it to brag to the girls yesterday."

Ask for a ticket!

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