Joan's state was a little abnormal. When Salomon mentioned the names of Celesa and Beunita one after another, her voice suddenly froze. But soon, she adjusted.

"Don't you think I can't launch missiles without the remote control?" Joan pointed the gun at the mystic again, and said in a disdainful tone. Just when Joan was dazed, Salomon was already standing on the guardrail, holding a piece of parchment in his hand.

"The magic power of the 'causative' feature has a great effect, and I know exactly what this magic power can do." Salomon shook the parchment in front of Joan, "So I prepared this."

"A piece of paper? What's the use?" Joan of Arc had never seen the scroll, so she naturally didn't know Salomon's plan. And the mystic didn't intend to explain too much, he simply tore open the scroll and activated the magic on it. For a long time, Salomon has been adhering to the point of "only the most suitable magic, not the most powerful magic" to study, and the magic in the scroll is undoubtedly very suitable for the current situation.

The second-ring evocation spell, Darson's hot furnace, can raise the temperature in an area to extremely hot, causing damage and other effects to creatures and objects in the area. Due to Salomon's magic power, this magic can last here a period of time. Flame has always been the witch's weakness, which is shown by Beunita. She always thought that she hated Salomon's fire magic, even when they were hunting angels together. Now this weakness is used by Salomon He arrived at Joan of Arc in front of him.

After the spell was released, except for the corner where Salomon was standing, the entire top floor was shrouded in high temperature. The concrete floor on the top floor dried quickly, and the accumulated water evaporated into white steam, which then disappeared and completely vaporized; Before the raindrops hit the ground, they turned into gas and returned to the leaden clouds. Now, the entire roof is dry, and above Salomon, there is a layer of steaming white water vapor. But Salomon didn't stop there. A semicircular orange magic appeared in his hand. He threw the magic out. The target was not Joan who jumped from the roof on the other side, but those weapons.

Immediately afterwards, Salomon fell from the guardrail and fell to the ground.

This Ring of Raggador was modified by the Supreme Mage. Although it lacks a strong defense, it is extremely sharp for ordinary objects. Salomon's magic hovered over the roof, cutting a deep gash in each missile, wrapped in insulation (Salomon couldn't tell the type of missiles if they had one) and The solid fuel under the metal casing was immediately ignited by the high temperature.

The fire spewed out from the gap in the missile body and spread extremely quickly, enveloping all the missile launchers, like the crown of thorns, the launcher spewed flames into the sky at this time, just like the Olympic torch, the turbulent stream of flames soaring into the sky It even illuminates half of Sun Island.

Now, even if Joan did something to those missiles, they wouldn't be able to get them to fire, the fuel would burn out before it got into the engine. The next thing Salomon has to do is to find a way to land safely. The height of this building is enough for him to recite a spell. Although the feathers are gone, he still has a way to land safely. That trick is enough for him.

"Boya, why do you like doing such dangerous things so much?" Before Salomon finished chanting the spell, he felt his waist and abdomen were tightly strangled by a pair of arms, and all the air was forced out . The spell was interrupted, and a vigorous body hugged him from behind. Salomon, who was 14 years old, once again felt what is called "heavy oppression".

"I thought you were still fighting." Salomon breathed a sigh of relief.

This voice is so familiar, even though he is falling, Salomon still gave up the plan to continue chanting the spell, no one can ask a guy whose soul has been dead for decades to be able to maintain state of concentration. Before Beunita used the witch's unique magic to make butterfly wings appear behind her to slow down, she and Salomon crashed into a large piece of broken glass mirror that appeared in midair and disappeared.

Baron Mordo has always been very serious in his work. He is one of the right-hand men of the Supreme Mage, and he is also the person Salomon least wants to meet. Especially his pair of eyes staring at you, as if to say "You can quibble, you can believe it or not", he executed the orders of the supreme mage to an almost rigid level, and he was also the most loyal chef of the Kama Taj headquarters. diners. Of course, it is also possible that the eyes are very eye-catching because of Baron Mordo's complexion. In fact, there are no harsh eyes at all. As for whether this statement is true or not, no apprentice is stupid enough to try it out.

"Good evening, Senior Brother Modu." Salomon greeted, and Beunita put him down in due time. Mo Du couldn't see his emotions clearly on that dark face, but obviously, he was not in a happy state. Behind him is the Phoenix summoned by Salomon. It spreads one wing, revealing a pair of short legs and a fluffy gray tail hanging down under the wings.

Baron Mordo said expressionlessly, "His lord asked me to send Celesa over."

"Mommy!" The little girl came out from under the golden red wings, holding the puppet and the loveless cat in her arms. As soon as Celesa saw Beunita, she immediately rushed out, pounced on Beunita, and clung to her thigh tightly regardless of the witch's disgusted expression.

Although Bayunita's expression was extremely disgusting, she still let Celesa get closer to herself. Because during the battle with the angel, she frequently heard Baldr's voice, which reminded her that if she wants to solve the mystery, she must take good care of Theresa and bring her to the center of Sun Island, the Isabel Mansion , because she is the key to all mysteries. She originally contacted Salomon and asked him to bring Celesa here, but now, the actions of the Mage Priority were in her favor.

Baron Mordo's mirror dimension is very timely, not only because Salomon is at risk of falling to his death, but also because Salomon overestimated the safety of the missile. Even through the mirror dimension, they could see that the upper part of the building completely collapsed under such an explosion, and the burning missile fell into it, and another explosion occurred. This reinforced concrete building was like a can that had been stuffed with a few firecrackers. It completely collapsed under such an impact. The successive explosions completely destroyed the foundation, and the towering building fell to the ground like a fallen giant. , even the torrential rain could not stop the dust from rising.

Several nearby buildings affected by the explosion were also damaged to varying degrees, exposing the ferocious reinforced concrete, including the Isabel Building. The glass mirrors of the buildings further away were also completely shattered under the shock wave, and the entire Sun Island rained broken glass.

Teresa was frightened and pressed closer to Bayonetta.

I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune, but in order to celebrate Easter, Sun Island's traffic is more strict, and there are no ordinary people on the island, all of them are Ragnarians. The current Ragnar believers are all concentrated near the largest church on the island, waiting for the arrival of Easter, so there were no casualties in the explosion. But if the sage's plan is successful, they may not live long. The fanatical atmosphere is enough to affect everyone's thinking, and the Ragnar cultists who originally cherished life may also commit suicide with a knife.

But for Salomon, he doesn't care much about the life and death of those Ragnar believers. Anyway, they are all ready to use their souls to sacrifice. Even if this time is stopped, there will be a next time, Kamatai Ji is not a nanny, so she can keep an eye on them all the time. Nor did Baron Mordo express any opinion on the impending loss of the Ragnarites' lives, nor did Beunita, since what came next was more important.

"Thank you, Brother Modu." Salomon sighed. He immediately felt that the evocation spell had a long way to go, and there was an urgent need to upgrade the ring. The straight-forward magic of evocation is the most intuitive Combat power will also be one of the magics that Salomon will need most when facing the enemy in the future.

"The next order of the venerable." Baron Mordo said, "The venerable agrees with you to carry out the next task. But the premise is that you can save your life."

"I think I will." Salomon looked at Celesa (and the fat cat in the middle) who was hugging Beunita's thigh tightly, and he said, "Always make sure that the last task can be completed , isn't it?"

"Although I don't know what kind of mission the venerable gave you." Modu squinted at Beunita, "and let a witch solve this kind of thing, instead of dispatching all Kama Taj. But such It's not something you can intervene in, I hope you know where your limit is, that witch won't take care of you."

"I'm not that stupid, of course I know when to run for my life." Salomon waved his hand, "Send us to the Isabel Building, my magic power is running out."

"The supreme mage has anticipated this, and it will restore your spirit." Modu stuffed a bottle of medicine to Salomon, and then began to cast spells, opening the portal, "This can remember..."

"Save your life, I remember." Salomon blinked, "You are really suitable to be a nanny, Senior Brother Modu."

The portal that Modu opened was at the gap where the Isabel Building was blown up. Beunita took Celesa’s hand and walked out from the mirror dimension. The little girl was followed by Phoenix and a gray man named Cheshire. short haired cat. Salomon followed closely and stepped onto the corridor full of broken glass, the soles of his shoes creaking.

Just after leaving the mirror dimension, the smell of rain, which smelled like rust, rushed over like a tide again, and the broken glass shone, reflecting the distant fire, like orange-red embers on the marble floor.

Just as he walked out, his cell phone rang again.

"Did you see that explosion!" Luka's panicked voice came from the other side, "If I hadn't hid in the Isabel Building, I would have..."

"I did it." Salomon readily admitted.

"You! You actually... Well, you did a good job. At least no one was injured or injured, except me, I almost died!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." The mystic mage said, "There will be a bigger battle in the future, I suggest you run quickly, and no one will take care of you then."

"You are still as cold-blooded as ever, Salomon." Luka snorted, and he said, "I have already traced this far, how could I give up? I am a man who can give his life for the truth! This kind of unclear explosion does not count..."

"Then go for it." Salomon said to the phone, "If you can survive the next battle,"

"What?" Luca was puzzled, but Salomon didn't mean to explain, but hung up the phone, stepped forward, and blocked Celesa behind him. Bayonetta stopped, and in front of her was a woman in a red leather coat.

That was Joan who escaped from the explosion on the roof.

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