Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 690 Internal Problems (Part 1)

"Where's Stephanie?" Tita frowned, looking a little unhappy.

At this time, when recruits are being trained, Stephanie should give her the approval of the materials needed for recruit training now. Some expensive surgical consumables and medicines need to be produced by pharmaceutical companies controlled by Stephanie. Wakanda’s The low production capacity simply cannot afford all the demands of the Immortal City.

Instead of power armor, she wore a black and gray robe with the Sisterhood's logo buckle on the belt. Although Tita looks weak at this moment, in fact she can still kill two fully armed adult men in close combat within a second, and easily twist the enemy's head off - this is the bionic in her body. A combination of muscle and magical metal bones, her artificial soul and unceasing magic drive her every move. Holmon Crus is definitely Salomon's most perfect alchemy work at present besides genetic alchemy. If he hadn't borrowed the power of ether particles, that is, the Philosopher's Stone, he would have been unable to mass-produce such a large number of artificial humans.

"She went to Moscow with the witch, and I bought a French restaurant there from an actor." The mystic took the document from Tita's hand, flipped through it seemingly casually, and signed it. Send the procedure to the next level department. "Is there any more? I have to go to class in an hour." He asked, "I don't want to have to review documents during class."

Tita looked troubled. "My lord, you asked me and Stephanie to oversee the mission of the Mars foundry..."

"What did Malbus do?" Salomon touched his pentagram tail ring.

This is the contract between the seventy-two demon gods and him. Although he hasn't used the demon gods to do anything with their great magic so far, as long as he wears this ring, he has a certain ability to restrain all the demon god pillars. This is also the reason why he assured Tita and Stephanie to manage a Demon God—only providing a furnace for Malbus can't make this guy who likes machinery settle down. Although it can meet its design here, the production capacity is too low after all. , too little equipment to make it satisfying. In the Immortal City, only Salomon and a few high-level executives knew the true identity of Malbus. Everyone else thought that he was a mechanical expert hired by Salomon. Su Rui was always thinking about learning from Malbus, but The Fifth Demon God Pillar is a veritable dead house. Except for the necessary people, no one else will be seen, and they will concentrate on research and development.

"He is too obsessed with improving the existing machinery, although the result of the improvement is not bad at all." Tita sighed, "He has already installed the power armor in the underground warehouse into the system, and also designed a set for surgery. To link the nerves to the armor, but there are still some necessary materials that need us to make a breakthrough in materials science. At the same time, he improved the stability of the plasma weapon and modified the power armor of the sisterhood several times I’ve seen the blueprints, and the power armor and weapons designed by Malbus are indeed better, but we can’t produce them at all now.”

"Why?" Salomon asked curiously, "Shouldn't we pursue the most advanced technology?"

"All the furnaces are running at full capacity for the preliminary work of the Martian foundry. The sea water near the exhaust pipe on the sea floor is boiling into bubbles, and the salt crystal clusters are covered with snowflakes on the sea floor. We must have more furnaces, even if it is Temporary ones are fine. I don’t think Sophia and her people will object to building the furnace in Siberia. I also need some places where girls can be educated about mechanics, and they have to maintain their own guns and armor.”

"Why hasn't anyone told me about this?" Salomon's face suddenly became serious. He discovered an inconspicuous detail from the complicated documents. Although this detail is as inconspicuous as a wisp of dust in the vast work of the Immortal City, it can become the gravel that blocks the rotation of the gear at a critical moment. With Stephanie's ability, this situation shouldn't have happened, and even if it did, it should be resolved immediately. "I mean, when the scientific research department encounters a technical problem and you can't solve it, why didn't anyone tell me about it. You should know that we are pursuing efficiency. Why am I the last to know when there is a problem? "

As if Tita had been hit on the head with a heavy hammer, her original flow of thoughts was suddenly interrupted. She realized something, the artificial human's wheat-colored skin turned red, its delicate facial features were wrinkled, and it looked like it would cry at any time. She was so invincible before that, but the man sitting in front of her easily defeated her. "I just..." She felt that the air she inhaled became dry and hot, as if the monarch's eyes had evaporated the air with the right humidity. She stammered, "I just... I know you're busy..."

"There is no punishment this time, because I know your loyalty, but only this time."

Salomon had a cold face, and his tone was as stiff as a sharp knife, which made Tita tremble uncontrollably.

"Don't guess what I want or don't want. Your behavior is tantamount to disobedience. Even if I like you, I will definitely punish you. The same is true for Stephanie, but I will not punish her directly." Salomon put his hand away On a thick stack of papers. Innate obedience prevented Tita from arousing the idea of ​​​​resistance. Her body and soul were born from the hands of the person in front of her. The unspeakable love made her feel dizzy, and she couldn't believe what stupid thing she had done. Salomon took out his cell phone and sent Bayunita a text message, and then continued to tell Tita, "Now we have to deal with the consequences of your mistakes. As for Stephanie, let her have a good rest. Go to the Ministry of the Interior. The clerk and the accountant are called over, we need to clean up the internal affairs thoroughly, and—"

He looked directly into Tita's eyes, as if trying to see through the android's soul.

He was so calm that he was analyzing whether there was a problem with the operating logic of the cyborg. Tita felt that she was being disintegrated layer by layer under such gazes, and the place she was most ashamed of seeing people was unreservedly displayed in front of her master. . Salomon smelled something different from this incident. He didn't think that Tita would make such a decision. Someone must be guiding her and using her hand to influence the Immortal City. This is a standard spy method. Salomon is indeed a very powerful magician, but he is not as proficient in the professional field as Romanov. She had mentioned this omen to him when she was helping the Immortal City establish a counterintelligence department, which also alerted Salomon.

"—tell me, who gave you that idea?"

Now the power of the Immortal City is expanding crazily, and the workload of the interior department is also doubling crazily. The clerks of the interior department are working overtime and overtime due to the reason of keeping secrets. It is inevitable that there will be omissions. Although the Immortal City's ability to resist shocks is high, as the population continues to increase, the background investigation of each member cannot be as detailed as before, and anti-espionage work must be carried out. Therefore, he issued a new task to the intelligence department, requiring the intelligence department to conduct regular internal reviews. For this reason, he even called out part of the authority of the artificial intelligence that is still under maintenance, and authorized Victoria Hand to control the entire Immortal City. Investigate information coming and going from the communication system.

He hoped that this time the problem was only on the inside.

He knew there were restless people in the Conservative Hydra of the Malik family, and he hoped it was those people.

"Or is it you who led her to do this, Dr. Whitehall?" Salomon stood in front of the culture tank, tapping the glass wall with his finger, "If that's the case, you are really restless. Let Let me see your ability, let me see how many people you have bewitched, if it is really you, I will make good use of your talent."

Ask for a ticket!

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