Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 692: Amateurs (Part 1)

This open-air tavern is a place where many students often come to eat. It is just at the intersection of Corpus Christi College and City Hall, not far from Merton College. I also met several students who also often come here to fill their stomachs. Even though Salomon lowered his voice, his size and the anger he tried to hide attracted attention-students who were admitted to Oxford directly, students who entered Oxford because of their family, and students who went to Oxford because their family had gone to public school. The students admitted to Oxford are completely different, and experienced people can distinguish them at a glance, because only the last one has such strict requirements on their suits, even the most particular honorary headmaster can't pick anything.

Good appearance is easy to attract people. Coulson, who is wearing a baggy American suit, and Skye, who is wearing a tactical suit, are incompatible with the elegant Salomon. Coupled with the erudition and athletic ability of the mystic, he is barely a celebrity in the several academies he frequents, and even the private schools that teach theology have some impressions of him. Even if not everyone likes him, there will be someone who will lend a helping hand in the face of abnormal situations. At this moment, some students have started gesturing towards the mystic, asking if they need to call the police to drive these two unknown guys away .

Coulson noticed the gazes of those students, and Skye looked around nervously. "That's why I want to go to the pizzeria." Agent Coulson sighed quietly, and at the same time comforted Skye to calm down and not get out of control here and cause innocent casualties. The consequence of that is that Salomon broke the contract and directly attacked them here, "We have no hostility, Skye just wants to find her mother..."

"A creature that regards itself as higher than human beings, a creature that tries to exterminate human beings." The mystic mage scoffed at this statement, but he still managed to put on a smile and waved at the students, lest they really call emergency call. "There have been many such guys throughout the ages. You should know how Kama Taj treats such people, Coulson?" He kept smiling, "I won't consider whether she should treat her after going through such torture. Humans are disappointed, I will only consider whether she is qualified to elevate Inhumans above humans, and you can't ask everyone to pay for Whitehall's behavior. Skye, you have now separated yourself from the human group, Then you think it's only natural for Jiaying to take revenge on human beings, don't you?"

"I never thought about it that way! You are the one who keeps changing the subject and slandering the Inhumans!" The half-race girl let out a low growl, her hands clenched tightly on the wooden table, as if she was about to smash the table into the mystic's face at any moment.

"Since you are still standing on the standpoint of human beings, don't blame me for defending human beings. Don't deny my cold blood, because caring about Inhumans is not something I need to think about. I don't care that those Inhumans who think they are not human will suffer In terms of treatment, I only accept Inhumans who can pay for human beings, only such Inhumans are qualified Inhumans." The smile of the mystic is getting worse and worse, "And you, Coulson, how many of you are there? Do you think that the lives of Inhumans are worth more than humans?"

"You know it's not true, Salomon." Agent Coulson shook his head, "This kind of statement is too vicious."

"People who are in the same position as me will feel safe because of this attitude." The mystic swept their eyes, "I don't trust you, no matter what you have done in the past, you have lost the leadership of Nick Fury, and you are now No longer standing on the human standpoint. Girl, don't lose your temper with me, and don't think that you are qualified to do it to me because you have super powers, I don't need to bother you if I want to kill you."

Agent Coulson squeezed Skye's arm. He said very sincerely, "You will see our position, Salomon. SHIELD will always be SHIELD, and I will stick to my duty."

"Maybe. I still need you to complete the task that fate entrusted to you. After that, I will take you seriously and liquidate your mistakes one by one." The mystic took out a napkin, took out a pen and wrote on it String address, "Jiaying is at this location. I put her in a container, injected her with tranquilizers, and installed an explosive collar to prevent that alien who can teleport from taking her away. I want to dismantle that thing for you It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

"Exploding collar?" Skye stood up impatiently. "You treat her like a dog?"

Salomon rolled his eyes at her. Under Agent Coulson's pleading eyes, he finally failed to say anything radical to stimulate Skye's spirit. But in order to prevent her super power from causing casualties, he also knocked her a sap on the mental level. "Thank you." Agent Coulson took the napkin and the half-breed girl who was stupid and almost wooden, "Although the trust between us is running out, I still think you can understand our purpose. Her situation How long can it last?"

"Three minutes, I'm a little lighter, enough for you to stuff her into the car."

Coulson's team found the unconscious Jiaying according to the address given by the mystic, and Skye rushed to check.

After seeing the newly added scars on Jiaying's body, the mixed-race girl was surprisingly angry.

"You just let him go like this!" She was so angry that she was about to cry. Simmons from the science team hurried forward to check Jiaying's vital signs, while the rest of the team looked at Coulson without saying a word. , waiting for Coulson's statement. "Don't you know a lot about him? You can expose what he did!"

"And let him kill us?" Melinda May's words made Skye calm down, "Is this what you want, Skye?"

"Salomon is very dangerous. Before the Hydra rebellion, he led SHIELD to help him complete his mission." Coulson shook his head, "We don't know why he suddenly handed Jiaying over to us, but I'm sure he didn't do it because of the persuasion of the Avengers, and he's not lying about that. I've received some intelligence that they lost one after I told the Avengers about it. A lot of agents, I suspect that's all about Salomon. And—"

"—a task given by fate." Leopold Fitz said, "This is the reason why he let us go. He looks so changed, what happened, the last time I saw him, he could still be with us. He was joking!"

"Now he's only going to send chills down my spine." Simmons sniffed, "Jiaying is fine, just some skin trauma, which looks like the result of an interrogation. I need to go back to the Airbus to check the specific situation. It is not known whether Salomon used some kind of interrogation drug on her."

"They left? Report the situation, Agent L3-A."

"Yes, Ms. Hand, they have boarded the Quinjet." The agent put away the sniper rifle and pressed the headset, "I have installed tracking equipment on the landing gear of the plane. I have to say, I like playing drunk Han process, no one would doubt a drunk man crying like a child after his favorite team loses, and has a Liverpool accent. Ha, this is the first time a Liverpool person gives something instead of taking something (Liverpool has a high theft rate). How could Coulson's team fail to see through such tricks?"

"Because they're no longer agents," Victoria Hand sneered. "They're surprisingly amateurs now."

Ask for a ticket!

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