Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 694: The Chance of Redemption (Part 1)

Salomon didn't mean to blame Tita. Although he had instilled some knowledge when he created them, he was still a little immature compared to Dr. Whitehall, the head of Hydra who survived World War II. In particular, this old guy is the most professional talent in instigating rebellion and infiltration. Not everyone can discover those inconspicuous grass snake gray lines like the mystic or Natasha Romanov, and follow the clues to find out the hidden betrayal By.

Professionals were needed, and Salomon entrusted Agent Romanov and Victoria Hand with the task of organizing a counterintelligence unit, staffed by brainwashed agents from the intelligence services and "purified" girls from the sororities. And some special personnel who joined later, they have the authority to arrest and kill people other than the Sisterhood, the Guards and the advanced scientific research department without reporting to the internal affairs department. They only need to treat Salomon alone. Responsible.

Although Natasha Romanoff still has a position in the Avengers and needs to participate in the mission to capture the fugitive Hydra from time to time, her main focus of work has now shifted to the Immortal City. From some perspectives, the Avengers Alliance has been infiltrated by Salomon, but it is not only the Immortal City that has been infiltrated, agents of intelligence agencies from various countries have sneaked into it and become members of the Stark Group salary.

Anyone who can use the organs above the neck can understand how dangerous a group of uncontrolled, super-destructive guys are. Even if these people's morals are perfect, they cannot be truly trusted. Safety and property safety are blocked by this group of people. In order to deal with the Avengers, Agent Hand received help from Salomon—first, Salomon used alchemy simulacrum instead of class for several days, and disappeared together with Malbus and Phoenix. Immediately afterwards, a team specializing in assassination was established without warning, and some of them joined Agent Hand's counterintelligence team in the name of support. Equipped with the latest technology, these assassins can slip through the security measures of the Avengers base without alerting anyone.

No one knew where these assassins in tight black leather jackets and skull masks came from, no one knew what they looked like, and no one heard any sounds from their throats. They were like walking corpses, so quiet and somber that no one in their right mind would think they were alive. Home Office clerks would occasionally glimpse their shadowy stalks in the corridors of the building, as if they were about to emerge from every vent, every window, every crack in the wall, A wrist blade of alien technology pierces anyone's neck. Almost all the Immortal City felt the difference. It seemed that this small rebellion that did not cause any loss changed not only the working atmosphere in the Immortal City, but also Salomon itself.

"This is the last one. I want to drink some cold beer after get off work. Do you want to come together?" Davyt pretended to wipe away the sweat and dirt that didn't exist on his forehead, trying to make the working atmosphere a little more relaxed. His colleagues, however, turned a deaf ear to this and remained focused on the task.

Agent David used to be a SAS sniper, and later joined SHIELD. When SHIELD was destroyed, he was forced to leave the army and put on an electronic anklet for lifelong surveillance. The intelligence department of the immortal city gave an olive branch at the right time to help him and his family get rid of the surveillance and disappear, and he naturally became a member of the action team of the intelligence department of the immortal city. He doesn't care about working with the former Hydra. For him, having a fresh start is already very gratifying.

He has participated in some operations led by Immortal City, such as combating human trafficking organizations in Eastern Europe, combating local warlords in West Africa, and clearing gangs and politicians on the East Coast of the United States. He even participated in a battle against monsters, which made him fully experienced To the power of the Immortal City. This is not the first time he has participated in an assassination mission, but it is the first time he has worked with some kind of creature that may not be human - a sniper wearing a skull mask is tightly wrapped in some kind of high-tech composite material, wearing a Agent Wie never saw "he" make any unnecessary movements, not even moving his fingers once. If it weren't for the almost undetectable breathing sound, he would even think it was a corpse, the legendary living dead.

These people are called assassins. They took modified Quin-jet fighters and suddenly appeared on the cruise carrier with orders from the headquarters to recruit special agents to perform tasks. Missions were often dangerous, with a high probability of casualties, but Agent Davy's opinion was never and needed to be. He heard that the assassins first appeared almost a month ago, and then these people began to appear frequently, and only the most elite action team members could act with them, providing services for the assassins so that they could kill the target smoothly. As for who the target was, Agent David didn't care.

"No." The sounder of the skull mask muffled the assassin's voice. Before Agent David could be pleasantly surprised by the response, the assassin pulled the trigger. With an insignificant gunshot, the muzzle of the sniper rifle quickly released astonishing heat.

"Retreat." The assassin said in a flat tone, and then quickly got up from the ground.

Agent Davy complied, and his light exoskeleton armor kept him mobile for ten hours on his stomach in the muddy swamp. According to the retreat plan, they needed to leave the scene in a Quin-type fighter jet. When they arrived at the mission site, they took the assassin's Quin-type fighter jet. The space for ten people on the plane was packed full of various weapons and equipment. For anyone who loves firearms, the arsenal on that plane is near heaven.

The assassin drew his pistol and shot Agent David in the back of the head. The agent fell silently on the rear hatch of the Quinjet, the pink concoction covering the floor ahead.

"Mission accomplished." The assassin said softly. "He" closed the rear hatch, started the aircraft, and took off the skull mask. If David was still alive, he would definitely be shocked by the identity of the person in front of him. The face he was so familiar with was now covered with lifeless paleness, and a sick flush from the heavy injection of drugs appeared on the cheeks. David's wife, with a frenzied gleam in her eyes, said softly, "You shouldn't have taken that money, my dear, but I have a chance at redemption."

"Generally speaking, we don't give traitors a chance to atone for their sins. But some people betray because of their love for their families. They want to provide their families with good living conditions instead of enjoying themselves. They are not satisfied with the huge amount given by the Immortal City." Wealth, greedy for more."

Stephanie suggested at the meeting. Regarding the issue of recruiting the assassins, she gave a solution that seems to be the best at present, "So I suggest that a full investigation should be carried out first. First inform the family members of the traitors what happened, and then give the measures to be taken against the traitors." , to give their families a chance to save all their families except the traitors, and to repay their debts to the sovereign."

Ask for a ticket!

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