Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 709 Ring of Intimidation (Part 1)

Since all the armaments of the Immortal City were manufactured following Salomon's idea of ​​solving the phobia of insufficient yield, no one could predict the real situation after use of some armaments before the test explosion. Salomon plans to move the test sites of missiles and aerial bombs to Mars after this, so as to avoid misunderstanding the power of weapons at the tactical level and lead to wrong application methods. He noticed something was wrong the moment the ground penetrating bomb exploded, and he found that the explosion range was a bit too big.

In order to pay for his mistakes, Salomon had to take out the silver key and cast several spells in a very short period of time that could protect the industrial and residential areas that should not have been affected. It can be imagined as an extremely large [Protection from Flame] and [Protection from Sound] spells, which is why Scott Lang could see the silent shock wave.

"I think I broke all the glass for miles around. Not even the naughtiest kid has ever broken so much glass in his life." Salomon said a joke that wasn't funny. He himself has been staring at the place where the explosion occurred. The smoke and dust rising from the place that used to be Pym Technology reduced the visibility of the whole city a lot in an instant. Hope Dane is very convinced that even the "refrigerated storage" designed by Dr. Pym himself cannot resist such an attack. However, the impact of the explosion was far more than that. Gangs in the city took advantage of the fire to loot, and the alarm call was full in an instant. Countless people wandered onto the streets. Posts about the explosion continued to be posted on social networks, speculating whether a terrorist attack had occurred. The hyena-like media has even begun to prepare a news helicopter, gearing up to grab an exclusive news.

The chaos continued throughout the city with the sound waves of the explosion, and Salomon, who was the instigator, couldn't help but sigh.

"I'll give you a sum of money and make you responsible for the compensation of the surrounding area. I think it's good for Pym Technology, isn't it?"

"I will take charge of this matter." Hope Dane's voice trembled.

"The current situation requires the National Guard to maintain order, but I'm not sure when they will arrive. After all, when New York was invaded by aliens, the National Guard were all blocked outside the city. The firepower of the police may not be as strong as the gangsters. I remember that those people have rocket launchers." The mystic said dryly. It's pretty much the same as it was during the Battle of New York, the highways must be blocked, people in the city want to get out, people out of the city want to come in. "Maybe Scott, you can put on a uniform and go out to the streets to help the police maintain order and do what a superhero should do."

"What about you?" Scott asked back.

"I will also help, but not in the way you imagined." Salomon sighed again. The explosion caused no casualties, but the ensuing chaos was enough to set off a massacre. At this very moment, people were already killed on the street, just because they were too flustered to take out their wallets in time when they were being robbed. He was completely disappointed with the security situation in the United States. "I'll go to the worst ghettos with the most gangsters and illegal guns. I'll put them all to sleep, lock down the entire block, and put an end to the violence. As long as no one wakes them up, they'll get a good night's sleep."

"It's all black and Middle Eastern immigrants, you know you're going to be accused of racism?"

Salomon jumped onto the railing and drew out two long silver knives with beautiful arabesques, surprising everyone else. He looked serious, staring at the chaotic crowd below.

"And then? Do you think I'm persuading with my mouth? Do you think these two knives will have sympathy for blacks, gays, transgenders, and Middle Eastern immigrants? These two knives are not elected politicians, they treat them equally. Then call." He jumped down without hesitation and fell straight from the top of the tall building. Scott Lang hurried over to look, only to see a flash of light in the air, and then he lost the trace of Salomon.

"Cool! What kind of superpower is this? I want to learn this too!"

Hope only felt her scalp tingling, and it was predictable that the affairs she had to deal with next piled up.

Pym Technology must take this matter down, because the explosion happened at Pym Technology, and anyone would think it was an experimental accident. Unless she can provide evidence of an air strike, but she made all the employees move the office, it is hard not to make people guess whether the accident was directed and staged by Pym Technology. She only hoped that Salomon's funds would be sufficient to establish a foundation and appease people from all walks of life. Irritable emotions surged up, Hope gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, but then he took a deep breath. Leaning on the balcony railing, she yelled at Scott Lang, "Fool, come and help me! I think I've sprained my foot!"

Salomon walks the decaying streets.

This is a slum in a big city. Although there are no sheds that can be seen everywhere in South American slums, the abandoned buildings with stripped walls, the lawn full of garbage and the environment where shootings may break out at any time make the rich move out here early. All kinds of violent crimes happened in broad daylight. Originally, Salomon didn't care much about this kind of thing, but with the Pym technology bombing and the spread of chaos, those gangsters finally got back to their old business. In order to make up for his mistakes, Salomon walked into the community where even the police would not come, carrying a long and short knife, and stopped any possible violent crimes at any time.

He will give no warning, and anyone who draws a gun in his presence will be attacked.

"Ola, that's right there." He gave instructions to the captain of the heavy fire team sent by the sisterhood to protect him, and asked her to be responsible for dealing with the gangster's vehicles. In the face of plasma air masses and tungsten-core self-propelled ammunition with a high temperature like solar flares, even lightly armored vehicles cannot resist, let alone cars and wooden buildings. After he and Ola had cleared a block and made sure that all possible violent conflicts were not extinguished, he cast a spell that put everyone in the block to sleep.

After that, he walked the next block. This process took half an afternoon. He originally thought that he would keep repeating what he had done before, but after solving the problems of two blocks in a row, the gangsters with guns put down their guns without hesitation when facing him, and surrendered on the ground.

A piece of news about "a murderous private law enforcement officer with heavy firepower entered the block" has long spread like wildfire. If they are facing the police, those gangsters still have the mind to resist, because they know what trouble the police will cause when they shoot black people. But now they are facing a butcher, who can't reason and only kills. No one dared to resist. The stumps and blood left by Salomon along the way were enough to prove his deterrence. Those big gangsters who were not convinced did not take action either. They had long been frightened by the heavy fire team led by Aura. Only those guys whose brains were in a mess from taking drugs chose to resist, and those people became the warnings that the mystics brought to the neighborhood.

No one called the police, because everyone who lives here knows that calling the police is useless, and no police will come here to maintain order. Even if the National Guard could reach the city across the congested highways, those soldiers would not choose to help the people here.

The mystic stomped on the barrel of his assault rifle and walked over on his own, ignoring the little bastard lying on the ground, covered in cold sweat from nervousness. In half an afternoon, he completely solved the stubborn disease that had plagued the city for more than ten years. The most chaotic place suddenly became the most orderly place. Every household threw out guns and bullets according to Salomon's request.

"If the Avengers saw me doing this, they might fight me." Salomon shook his head, and took off the gleaming steel ring floating above his head. This is a piece of magic equipment called [Ring of Intimidation], which can emit aura that affects the mind. Salomon uses this equipment to subdue some weak-minded people, so as not to get more unnecessary blood on his hands.

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