Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 713 Weak Federation (Part 1)

Thanks to the amazing construction speed of the engineering team, Salomon and the Witch were able to live in this renovated manor.

The entrance hall, reception hall, living room, study, kitchen, dining room and indoor swimming pool have been completely refurbished, and they are no longer in a state of decay since 1898. The pool table in the game room was removed and replaced with an oversized soft sofa and game console, and the empty wine cellar was filled with wine, whiskey and brandy. The car park has been completely refurbished, a helipad has been added, and the three-bedroom butler's cottage has been given to Dinah to serve as a lounge and armory for her and her patrol team.

There are many reasons for Salomon to run from New York to Oxfordshire. The most inconspicuous one is that he needs to spend a lot of time on the next coursework, and the most important reason is that the follow-up storm of the Pym technology bombing has found him. As long as a careful investigation is carried out, it will be found that Salomon had contact with Dr. Pim Hank before the bombing.

The intelligence department's protection of Salomon's information is so strict that it even controls the cameras near him at any time. However, in the era of the Internet of Things, even the driving recorder can become a monitoring device, not to mention that the data search ability is far superior to the artificial intelligence created by Harold Finch and the ultimate artificial intelligence created by artificial intelligence. Anyone’s mobile phone camera can become a source of evidence. It is impossible for intelligence agencies to hack into the electronic devices of every passerby who passed by Salomon.

In fact, the sisterhood has gradually carried out training on communication capabilities, and plans to specialize a communication team to be responsible for interfering with the enemy's communication and ensuring the smooth flow of our information, and to protect the information security around Salomon. The research and development of relevant equipment has been sent to the desk of the Ministry of the Interior, and we just wait for the Mars Foundry or Su Rui to come up with relevant solutions.

After the mystic gave the purchased jewelry to the witch, an unexpected guest came to the witch's apartment.

"We need to talk." Agent Hill was not wearing an agent uniform, but a smart women's suit. Behind her, droids with humming chainswords and bolters confronted the two armed men accompanying them, the fumes of the chainsword's fuel exhaust filling the hallway with a scorching smell. The two armed men with black armbands also hesitated. They didn't want to face the Sisterhood's security team. They didn't think bulletproof armor plates and body armor could withstand large-caliber bolters, and they didn't want to know what would happen if they were cut by a chainsword.

"You broke the agreement, Maria." Salomon leaned on the door frame and said softly.

"What agreement?" The female agent met the dangerous gaze of the mystic without fear, "If there is any agreement, you must break it first. We need to talk, Salomon, about the Pym technology bombing, about your more and more defiance of the law. Don't deny your thoughts, you can't hide many people from suppressing riots. If superheroes are not restrained..."

The mystic waved his hands irritably. The loud noise of the chainsaw sword interrupted Agent Hill's impassioned speech, and the fluorescent blue charging coil of the plasma weapon was gradually lighting up, ready to heat the high-pressure air to the temperature of a solar flare. "Unless you want to start a war, I advise you to keep your mouth shut," he said. "I don't want anyone to know the address and you bring other people to visit."

Even though the mystic was unarmed, the look in his eyes still made the two agents' scalps explode, as if being stared at by a predator at the top of the food chain sent chills down their spines. If they hadn't undergone rigorous psychological training, these veterans who have experienced wars in the Middle East are very likely to draw their guns and shoot because of PTSD.

Vision is responsible for psychological treatment in the Avengers. Although it cannot fully use the power of the Mind Stone, it is still no problem to adjust the stress response. In fact, Agent Hill had a plan for Vision's psychic ability. She worried that Vision would show the brainwashing ability that Loki had during the Battle of New York. She wasn't sure if the Vision had camouflaged it in such a way that the agents wouldn't be hostile to it, like those artificial intelligences in horror robot movies that deliberately fail the Turing test.

She was no less hostile to Vision than Salomon.

"I'm not here to trouble you, Salomon, I'm sending a warning. I just came back from Washington, where many people are staring at Pym Technology's technology reserve, just like Stark's attitude towards Stark Industries before Stark became Iron Man." Agent Hill signaled the armed men to put down their guns to avoid a real conflict. If someone really accidentally fired a shot, she was sure that she would never get out of here alive. "This is the will of a country, not the will of individuals! If you continue to do this, sooner or later you will be on the opposite side of everyone. No matter how bad your relationship with the Avengers is, Captain Rogers and Stark regard you as the same kind of people—" she said, "—the guardians who fight to protect the world. They may stand by and watch, or they may get into a quagmire because of this incident. I can't guarantee what will happen in the future. I just hope that you will think about the consequences before doing something like this next time."

From this hint, Salomon has heard Washington's attitude towards the Avengers.

All it takes is an excuse, and a whole set of bills to restrict the Avengers will be proposed. Perhaps that bill has already been written into a draft, and it only needs to confirm the name to pass it in both houses. Neither Democrats nor Republicans, Liberals or Conservatives want to see a law-agnostic, random Avengers unless they are acting in the name of Diverse, Christian, which anyone in their right mind knows is impossible.

It is not without reason that Washington proposed this set of bills.

The weak control ability of the federal system cannot touch every corner of society. The control of special people is accompanied by violent conflicts, smuggling and other crimes, and has become a social issue that can be as important as racial discrimination, gender diversity, feminism, and environmentalism. Today's ability enhancers in American society can only rely on voluntary control by the people, or state governments make their own laws, but even this still cannot solve the problem. Almost all inconspicuous social problems have the ability to make waves when they arrive in the United States.

Such as religion, such as transgender homosexuality, such as racism.

It is said that some rural religions in the United States are recruiting power-enhancing people, trying to promote a modern crusade, preaching theories of doomsday, the advent of aliens, and atonement, and persuading believers to believe in God so that they can be reborn in the future catastrophe. After repeatedly confirming that the priest did not receive any enlightenment, let alone any help from the outer dimension, and was just talking nonsense to make money, the mystics resignedly allowed this absurd activity to continue.

Maria Hill's attitude is very clear, and she hopes that Salomon will try to keep a low profile before the bill is officially passed.

Although Salomon’s name is not known to the world, this does not mean that no one will discover his identity in the future (the Avengers did not have the secrecy ability of SHIELD in the past, if it were not Hydra, SHIELD’s secrecy as an intelligence department is at the first-class level), so as to retaliate. Salomon had a premonition of changes in the future, so he asked the engineering team to speed up, and bought a lot of artwork from his adoptive mother to add to the manor.

Ask for a ticket!

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