Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 725 Safe Haven (Part 1)

The blue and green ring spells encircling the mystic's arm bite into each other, making the crisp sound of brass gears colliding like entities. When Salomon saw that the timing spell activated by itself, he knew that the time limit for this meeting had come. He intends to give Hela some time to think about his proposal, after all, the matter is of great importance, even Hela must carefully consider the conditions and plans he proposed.

"I will come again." He turned his wrist, and the sound of the two ring spells colliding with each other moved faster and faster like the second hand of a wind-up clock. He hurriedly greeted Pegasus to turn back into a statue, and then carried the holy shield and holy spear on his back, "I hope I can get an answer next time I visit."

"How on earth are you going to leave Odin's seal? Even I can't do such a thing." Hela asked with interest, "Did you find a loophole in Odin's seal?"

"Kama Taj... the monastery that was established not long after you were sealed, that is, the monastery I belong to has studied space gems and time gems." The mystic explained the principle of this spell to Hela. He understood something from Hela's eyes, and he quickly explained that he couldn't take her with him because the spell effect didn't allow it. Even if Hela jumped into his arms, it wouldn't help.

This spell did not actually break Odin's seal, but operated with the power of Akasha's records by querying the time when the subject was in a certain location. In order to bypass Odin's blockade, this spell is set up quite complicated - it is equivalent to operating the subject who stayed at [Point A] [Time A] before and now stays at [Point B] [Time B], temporarily replacing [Point B] [Time B] with [Point B] [Time A], and then the subject who has obtained the label of [A Time] accepts the error correction ability recorded by Akasha and passively drags it to [Point A]. When the spell is over, [A time] returns to [B time], forming the state of [A point] [B time], achieving the effect of position transfer. Compared with breaking the blockade that Odin had placed on this planet, it was much simpler to use exquisite spells that only act on individuals. This is how His Holiness pulled Salomon back when the dark elves invaded. There was no space jump at all, and Odin's sealing spells were completely avoided.

When Salomon entered Helheim for the first time, he failed to tamper with the Akasha records, so this invasion of Helheim risked being detected by Odin. It's just that with the backing of the Supreme Mage, Salomon thinks that Odin will not notice any clues. The only disadvantage of this spell is that the interval between [Time A] and [Time B] should not be too long, otherwise, even if the time gem is used, it may cause damage to the continuity of time and space.

This explanation made Hela a little angry. She originally wanted to promise Salomon to let him take her out.

She naturally knows what infinite gems are. In fact, she also has some pursuit of infinite gems. After all, Asgard was using space gems to analyze the Rainbow Bridge at that time. When she was locked up, Odin had already hidden the infinite gems on the earth. Hela didn't know about it at all. She thought that the Rubik's Cube had been staying in Asgard, so she also thought that Kama Taj was a secret organization in Asgard.

"You are indeed someone sent by Odin!"

Facing Hela's accusation, Salomon still wanted to explain, but this spell would not give him time.

Frigga looked at the big man who suddenly appeared in the room with a complicated expression.

As soon as Salomon was pulled back, he knelt down on the ground. The earth's gravity was slightly stronger than Helheim's, and he was still a little uncomfortable. But he didn't close the stigmata, his strong physique and the support of the power armor allowed him to stand up again. Frigga smelled the smell of blood, and she noticed the scars on the golden power armor that were cut by the "Night Sky". The queen who knew her daughter's strength naturally knew what the wounds would look like.

"Take off the armor quickly." She was not polite at all, and directly greeted Salomon to feel unarmed. Although Salomon was a little surprised by Frigga's appearance, he had no doubts when he saw the Supreme Mage. Salomon followed suit graciously. After carefully inspecting his wound, Frigga took out some herbs from the carry-on, kneaded it with his hands after reciting the mantra, and then applied the herbs emitting light spots on the wound caused by "Night Sky".

The magic herbs slowly expelled the power of the "night sky", and an inflammatory reaction began to appear on the wound, which became congested and swollen.

Salomon took out the antibiotics in the armor and gave himself another injection.

"It will take about a week to heal. If you use other spells, it will take about a few days." Frigga glanced at Salomon, who was pale but did not forget to smile politely, and then at the Supreme Mage. "I can't say whether to support it now. This gamble is too big and too risky." She said, "Odin has had such courage in the past, but there are more powerful forces in this universe. We must face reality."

"Whether it is for humans or Asgardians, this is the only chance." The Supreme Mage said expressionlessly, "The only time, there will be no such good time in the future."

"I understand, but this matter involves too much, I have to think about it."

After Frigga left, Salomon raised his eyebrows at his teacher.

"You told her everything." He asked, "Is this okay? The Asa Protoss have given up the road of resistance. Although I don't want to call them cowards, they already believe in fatalism, don't they?"

"Don't be fooled by Odin's current appearance. He once fought against the Celestial Group, such an ambitious king will not sit still. Do you really think that the empty 'Hall of Valor' in Asgard is the real Valhalla? Odin will not put the real resistance on the surface."

"Helheim...or Hels Lomon shook his head, "I originally thought that Hela's place was full of dead people, until I saw the remains of those warriors and the forest of iron trees. Presumably it was Odin's handwriting. It was impossible for Hela to enter Helheim with so many dead and armaments. "

"That's right, the old and cunning Grimnir hedged his bets, and Asgard was always the winner in his calculations. It's just that he didn't expect your birth, so I'm still better." The venerable smiled, "Let me see your wounds. If you let the witch know that you returned home covered in bruises after a business trip, those two annoying women will rush into the temple and make a big fuss! When are you going to tell them the truth? Your mission and your responsibility will not allow it You made a mistake."

Even though his height was much higher than that of the Venerable, coupled with the background of the power armor, making him look like a giant in front of the Supreme Mage, he still walked over obediently. "I think they already know, teacher. My artificial man has already told her those things." He whispered, "Although Beunita disagrees with my approach, she is not a sympathetic saint, but a decisive witch. She understands the meaning of what I do. It's just that we don't usually talk about these things. There is a safe haven, and any external things have nothing to do with it."

"You have always wanted to feel the warmth of your family. I am very satisfied with what the witch has provided for you." The Venerable nodded and carefully checked the herbal medicine Frigga had applied to the wound. "Go to Wu Guiyue. There are some alchemy potions in the storeroom that she has that can speed up healing. Coupled with the self-healing ability of the stigmata, there will be only one scar left in a short time."

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