Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 732 Small Conflict (Second Change)

Marbus patiently explained to the Imperial Guard what kind of function the armor specially customized for him had by using the holographic image. This is an order from the monarch, asking Number Zero to understand the power armor that will accompany him for a lifetime. When the plan of the Mars foundry is completed, some people will return to Earth and be completely under the rule of the Praetorian Guards, specializing in the production of weapons for the Praetorian Guards.

Zero knows that the monarch has not handed over all the technical reserves to Mars. If he passes the test, those mechanists returning from Mars will have limited access to some forbidden technologies under the supervision of the Praetorians, especially him. In fact, No. 0 once browsed Karma Taj’s prison and the forbidden technology brought back by the monarch under the guidance of the monarch. He knew that any of those things that were tightly held could destroy the world, and limited research would help them understand future enemies.

Even if there is someone in charge of the Imperial Guard's ordnance in the future, the Imperial Guard will have to learn to maintain weapons and armor by themselves.

How to check and maintain the Uru metal energy cable from the dwarf casting planet, the vibrating metal transmission from Wakanda, the nerve probe and pulsed optical fiber from the Celestial Group, how to understand the problem through error codes, and so on. The amount of data on a piece of Janissary armor is by no means smaller than that of a sky carrier. A large amount of metallurgical data, mechanical models, and servo codes flowed across the screen like a waterfall, and Zero's adjusted brain quickly understood the content. He can understand what kind of metallurgical achievements are on his armor, what kind of light of human wisdom is embodied in the armor's shock absorption system, servo system, transmission system and other mechanical structures. The artistic beauty of the ornate gemstones and sculptures of armor that took a lot of painstaking care to cut was the least of things.

Zero found technology from the Brotherhood of the Aegis in the design of neural manipulation, and designs from Stark Industries in the life support and fire protection systems. He was sure that the Monarch did not pay Stark Industries any copyright fees. As for the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, the Monarch had stored the bones of those human sages in the temple for people to admire. Even if those sages were still alive, they would still praise the immortal city that practiced their ideas.

The task of Malbus is to let No. 0 understand the armor on his body thoroughly, but No. 0's strengthened thinking ability finds that Malbus's image is a bit abnormal. He then asked a few classic Winograd test questions and got an unexpected answer.

"I guarantee that this program does not violate the prohibition." The holographic image suddenly closed, and then the projection of Malbus reappeared. Only this time the image of Malbus is much more vivid.

"I know, and I also know that Ultron is actually in your hands." No. 0 nodded, "The monarch forbids the improvement and research of Ultron, so the monarch must know about it."

"He knows. He knows everything, boy," Malbus said in a mechanically synthesized voice. Zero couldn't see Malbus's face that was covered by a large number of detection devices, and couldn't guess his thoughts through the plain electronic voice. "He is my lord, and I have served him for thousands of years. Do you think he doesn't know me well enough?"

The previous image of Malbus is nothing more than a model combined with artificial intelligence, similar to an instruction manual with intelligence.

Even with Salomon's order, Marbus was unwilling to waste time on a guard who hadn't gone through all the trials, but used a program that barely touched the prohibition to complete the task until Zero discovered his trick. Number Zero was not angry. He had contacted Malbus, and he knew that he was a pragmatist. He also knew that he could only be honored as the spokesperson of the monarch after completing the trials.

Before that, he was nothing.

"Even if that program didn't violate the ban, you didn't just make a mistake." Zero said without fear. He stood up and looked down at the flashing holographic image, "First, you monitor the system that does not belong to you through the teaching machine. Second, you think that false reputation and power can make the candidates of the Imperial Guard bow their heads. I only obey the orders of the monarch, not yours."

He picked up the spare bolter he had set aside and emptied the magazine toward the teaching projection machine.

Zero took a deep breath, and planned to put on his armor and report the matter to the monarch. But after thinking for a few seconds, he gave up this plan, sat back in his seat, and continued to wipe the bolt gun parts in his hand with his head down, as if nothing had happened, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke and vitamin spirits permeating the room was just an illusion. As Malbus said, the sovereign knows everything, let alone what happens in the Immortal City. He believed that the sovereign could make his own judgment, and he had no intention of expressing an opinion on it until the sovereign asked.

This terrifying weapon, whose recoil when firing can cause mortal users to shatter fractures, has an extremely complex mechanical structure, not to mention the data network connected to the neurally manipulated armor, and the electronic components and chips are protected from damage due to roughness. Zero can only maintain the part of the mechanical structure, he must connect the data interface to the engineering computer to overhaul the other part. He was thinking about the children who were also candidates for the Janissaries.

He used to be one of them.

But now, he couldn't remember what his parents looked like. The two faces he remembers most clearly are the monarch and Maya Hansen, the director of the biological laboratory and in charge of genetic modification technology. Under the time magic of the monarch, genetic alchemy, which consumed a lot of resources, quickly showed its due powerful effect. A flash of growth that should have lasted hundreds of years transformed him from a small, thin child into a strong adult. His body and mind were forcibly matured in a short period of time, and he mastered a lot of knowledge in a very short period of time. While the mortal girls of the Sisterhood had to wear power armor to hold a small-caliber bolter and protect themselves from the recoil, he could pick up a full-size Praetorian-sized bolter with his bare hands and shoot it without protection.

He will continue to grow taller and stronger until all subsequent operations are done and the armor is put on.

Trials are more than killing, and the sovereign expects of him more than a tool for violence.

He also has to go through the exams that mortals with advanced degrees have gone through, read a mountain of books, extract his own wisdom from them, and become the monarch's advisor, as the direction and result of future human evolution. Well-developed brain, strong body and superior wisdom. This is something that those sisters who are obsessed with destruction and service cannot do, and it is also the most fundamental reason why the monarch made him a candidate for the Praetorian Guard. What his master wanted was not destruction but construction, but few could understand.

Zero began to stretch his thinking.

In the myths and legends of many civilizations, a large part of the reason why gods create intelligent species is to create creatures that can understand themselves. So is the original motivation for the monarch to create the Praetorian Guards because artificial people cannot do this? However, those superstitious myths only expressed human beings' fear of incomprehensible fate and the natural power that governs life and death. As a guard, he should not have such ignorant ideas.

As the monarch said, the gods are not qualified to manipulate the fate of human beings. If human beings always hold the psychology of fear, then the day of ruling the galaxy will never come.

Ask for a ticket!

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