Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 735 Take a Breath of Cold Air (Part 1)

Salomon didn't intend to waste time with the sixty-sixth Iron Fist.

Daniel Rand's practice is too bad, there is no need to communicate at all. According to Daniel Rand himself, he has practiced in Kunlun since he was a child, and now he can barely get started with the internal training method of Zuo Xiantaixu, who is forced to learn by his teacher, and his level is not even comparable to that of any new mystic apprentice. Perhaps it was a matter of cultural barriers. Daniel Rand didn't understand how powerful the so-called health preservation technique, that is, the technique of cultivating immortality in the "Taishang Huangting Interior Jade Classic" was.

Facing Salomon's questioning, Daniel Rand said that the young man in front of him didn't know the power of Iron Fist at all. Then he needs to pay for the compensation for the wall in the rental house that he smashed through. After all, Salomon didn't plan to spend money when he swung that fist, just to make Daniel Rand no longer annoying. Compared to his growing impatience, he has been quite merciful, otherwise he would have to show the current Iron Fist what the so-called "palm thunder" is.

In the next two days, the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen who refused the conditions proposed by Salomon were mercilessly baptized by the sisterhood, and they slaughtered those gangsters who were unwilling to agree to the terms at the fastest speed. Salomon wants to make sure that every penny he pays goes into the pockets of the residents instead of being taken away due to usury, gambling, extortion and other reasons.

Previously, the sisterhood's suppression of Manhattan gangsters was limited to the wealthy area where the witch's apartment was located, and only bolt guns and chainsaw swords were used, without making much noise. However, this time Salomon was in a hurry to start the project, so the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen realized what is called a regular army-level heavy firepower team. The 40mm grenade machine gun to clean the ground is a posture that the gang of drug dealers and human traffickers have never seen. Even the police did not call the National Guard half an hour after confirming the ceasefire. However, even the National Guard has no plans to enter the Clinton District. After all, the roar of heavy artillery from Hell's Kitchen can be heard throughout Manhattan.

They contacted the Avengers, and Tony Stark was the first to arrive on the scene.

This occasion is the best situation for individual combat armor to play its role, so Stark rushed to the scene of the crime without waiting for the Lian Kun fighter to take off. Since the Sokovia incident, Tony Stark has desperately wanted to improve the image of the Avengers in the public mind. He knows that the people vote with their feet. As long as there is enough negative information about the Avengers, Congress will have an excuse to take them. He's been preventing that future from coming, he doesn't want the Avengers to be broken up. While his rift with Steve Rogers was growing, they agreed on this matter.

Salomon bribed the state government with banknotes and delayed the police reporting process with legitimate reasons. By the time Tony Stark arrived in Hell's Kitchen, the Sisterhood had already evacuated the scene via assault transport. However, the craters of the bolt guns cannot be hidden from Stark at all. He already has the data of the bolt guns in his database. The artificial intelligence marked all the craters on Friday and simulated the situation at the scene before the attack.

"Five people, carrying firearms that fire self-propelled ammunition, grenade machine guns, and plasma weapons. The highest temperature can reach stellar levels. No one can survive such an attack. I think the autopsy results will point to the gangsters entrenched here. Searching surrounding communications...Victims have been identified."

"Tsk!" Stark slammed his mouth and walked back and forth among the ruins. He didn't know what Salomon's men were doing in Hell's Kitchen. After all, Hell's Kitchen had nothing to do with magic. He didn't dare take off his helmet lest he inhale the burning stench that permeated the scene, and the thought of those burnt bodies made him sick. "Friday, can you reach our magic boy?"

"I find it very difficult, sir," said Friday in a soft voice. "Salomon Damonette's communication coordinates have always been in central London. Those are false coordinates. Any calls will be forwarded to voicemail and answered by another number. I can't track him through his social media accounts, because those accounts have been inactive for several years."

"I didn't pay attention to his Facebook." Stark muttered, "Can you find out why he did so?"

"I'm looking into it, sir." Friday's mood wasn't as vivid as Jarvis's before, but her ability to process information was decidedly professional. Especially after Stark studied Ultron, he gained more in the field of artificial intelligence development. "This gangster is helping a real estate company acquire an apartment building, but the acquisition plan has stalled recently. I'm searching, sir..."


"Sir, I have encountered...invasion..." Friday's voice was intermittent, and Stark could even hear the electric sound of the headphones in the helmet. Immediately afterwards, Friday's voice disappeared, as if she had rolled in the online world, hitting the display in the helmet flickering frantically. The Friday in Armor subroutine went offline, and someone jammed the signal in the nearby area, disconnecting him from Friday in Stark Industries. Just as Stark was about to take off his helmet, a mechanical voice replaced Friday.

"You shouldn't be here, Stark."

"Who are you?" Stark's face became quite bad, "What do you want to do?"

"I'm just an automatic answering program." The voice suddenly became a little anxious, until he revealed his identity. Stark heard the synthetic voice and continued as if relieved, "Do what I should do to exclude supernatural events from ordinary people's lives. You shouldn't interfere in this matter."

"Salomon? I know it's you. Listen, even if these people have something to do with magical events, you shouldn't use such rough methods. This is an urban area, you should restrain yourself! Do you want to be wanted?"

The reply from the mechanical synth is rather mean.

"Maybe when you call yourself a superhero, you should do something that a superhero should do, such as solve the gangsters that plague ordinary people, such as arresting black-hearted businessmen. That's what you should do instead of flying around the city every day to attract ordinary people's attention. Do you know how many car accidents because of this?"

Stark tasted something familiar.

"You're definitely a magical boy. Who else is so keen on mocking people?" he yelled. He wanted to buy as long as possible so that Friday should fix the problem, get back online, and find out where the voice was. "Give me some good materials, Salomon, that have nothing to do with magic threats. Otherwise, how can I tell ordinary people what these guys did to cause gang fights?"

"I'm just an automatic answering software... Ahem, I found it. Sending it, you will be satisfied."

"Turning on a voice changer is not the solution."

"I'm really just an automatic answering program, but I happen to be smarter than your Friday. That's a pretty girl, look at her algorithm, look at her neural network, how can there be a more beautiful girl in the world than her?"

Stark suddenly thought of a bad possibility, which gave him a headache.

"Are you Ultron?"

Ask for a ticket!

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