Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 737 You are also a Hydra (Part 1)

The Wakanda scientists who joined the Immortal City held several positions, serving as research and development personnel and also becoming royal eyeliners. Salomon never broke through, but waited for the opportunity to make the most of this trick. He also knew that the person who made this arrangement was definitely not Shu Rui or T'Challa—Suri was too naive and T'Challa was too upright. This was not their handwriting at all. Only the current King T'Chaka could make this decision. Salomon knew that if he was put in T'Chaka's position, he would make the same choice instead of completely believing in an inexplicable "oracle", so he never had any resentment towards T'Chaka, and even thought he was a good king.

Of course, this does not prevent him from depriving T'Chaka of the Black Panther God's blessing and giving him a slow death.

Asking spies to collect evidence is not to find an excuse to launch a war against Wakanda, but to make more cards in their hands, and it will be easier to deal with Wakanda in the future-T’Chaka will abdicate sooner or later, as long as Salomon submits the evidence to the next king, T’Challa, who is also a physics student at Oxford University, will definitely make compensation. It's all just official business, and it has become a habit to be ruthless. He personally has no objection to any Wakanda, or even those royal eyeliners.

He issued less and less orders on the government affairs of the Immortal City, but instead focused on developing military power, leaving most of the administrative affairs to suitable people for execution, and he would only issue orders when he found something that needed to be adjusted. The Immortal City is a sample of Salomon's construction of a government organization. He requires that this organization must have the ability to operate independently, maintain vitality, and have a certain self-purification ability.

When the scope of rule and the number of people expand, any small mistake will become the Achilles' heel of a system after being magnified. He knew that the Malik family was a bureaucrat, and the Immortal City itself had a considerable degree of secrecy requirements, so bureaucracy was almost inevitable. But even so, he still asked Stephanie to minimize useless procedures so as to avoid falling into the cliché bureaucracy. He and Stephanie often discuss issues in the social system. Stephanie, who has a very high social status, has a much broader vision than many ordinary people. In addition, Gideon Malik has often asked her to participate in various affairs recently. Salomon can often gain a lot of new knowledge when communicating with her.

This knowledge often brings Salomon's understanding of the corruption of the bourgeoisie to a new level.

The heirs of politician families and chaebol families are all squandering their lives, trying to find pleasure in the life that has reached the top. Those people's behaviors of running amok and seeking excitement were so exaggerated that Salomon thought they were corrupted by the outer dimension, and the suspicion was ruled out after multiple investigations. This is not to say that no one has been corrupted, but that Kama Taj's work efficiency is really high. When the signs of corruption are just revealed, the unlucky guy will be killed. Not all mystics will face the kind of high-intensity killing tasks that Salomon often performs. Most of the work of the mystics is to eliminate minor external dimensional infections, and there is no need to carry out massacres with great fanfare. Therefore, the results of all case investigations end with "accidents".

Salomon lay back on the bench with his eyes half closed.

The scandals that Stephanie showed him that would never be reported in the news were blinding, and Salomon felt that his spirit had been completely damaged. Some of the information was used by the Malik family to control the White Gloves, and some of it was well-known and tacit old news in the elite circles. If it wasn't for the rigorous family style of the Malik family, and Gideon really loved his daughter and always forced Stephanie to stay away from anything that might cause her to degenerate, or else according to her family background, her part would also appear in the materials I saw before.

This made Salomon deeply feel that if human beings continue to be led by these people, they will end sooner or later, and feudalism is much more advanced than capitalism. After reading the books of great men, he decided to attribute this phenomenon to the weakness of the bourgeoisie. "Get rid of those who demand democratic elections first. If those idiots decide the composition of the organization, we will go back to the stone age in one night, stoned to death, and eating shit for dinner."

"Okay, Lord Black Sir." Stephanie couldn't help laughing. She handed Salomon a cup of hot tea, and at the same time squeezed her throat very cooperatively. "I watched this TV series when I was a child, it was really funny. Now that I think about it, a group of pigs who only care about votes and money can be easily manipulated with a flick of a finger. Even if some people are not willing to cooperate, there are always people who are willing. Politics and business are just two faces of a system. When they go out through one door, they come in through the other door. Knowledge is used to fool the public, news is used to manipulate elections, and addictive drugs are used to wear down the resistance of the bottom. This is Hydra, and Hydra is capital itself. Vested interests are Hydra, and the Avengers have no idea what kind of opponent they are dealing with. Hydra will always exist and will never disappear unless..."

"Unless you have the supreme royal power, you can completely eliminate those gutter rats." Salomon looked at Stephanie's cheek. "Unless they are like the Malik family, they can help the future cause."

"You are a pragmatist, and only a pragmatist has a long-term vision." The secretary immediately praised knowingly, "When your plan is completed, no one on earth can stop a huge space fleet. You will lead mankind to embark on the great cause of conquering the galaxy, and you will succeed."

Salomon sat up expressionlessly, as if the scene of the happy conversation before was just a soap bubble reflecting colorful light in the sun. Facing the monarch's suddenly sharp eyes, Stephanie felt a chill down her spine for a moment.

"It's not ambition, Stephanie, it's the counterattack of desperation." He sighed humanely, softening the atmosphere again. "Stephanie, you're my secretary, not a jester. If I want a jester, I'll find one myself so I can find out who the jester is. But you're right about one thing, that is, I'm a pragmatist, and pragmatists don't care about flattery. As the head of the interior, you should strengthen your sense of secrecy. I think Victoria Hand needs to formulate different secrecy codes for managers at all levels. What do you think?"

Stephanie nodded silently, agreeing with the monarch's idea of ​​preventing the Malik family from going too deep into the Immortal City. Salomon offered a subtext warning that Stephanie shouldn't listen to Gideon Malik and flatter him. Although he knew that this might not be Gideon Malik's idea, but after being immersed in the environment of the Malik family for a long time, Stephanie had also acquired some behavioral habits, which were not beneficial for work.

"I think what's better than flattery is your swimsuit sunburn." The mystic smiled.

Stephanie was relieved, knowing that Salomon was teasing her about flying to Australia to sunbathe last winter. Last time, she deliberately chose a very bold swimsuit, just to show tan marks like Salomon when she came back. The last time she did it it worked out really well. With a wink, she responds with subtext, "Not long ago, I went to Australia again and wore a new swimsuit of my choice."

"I'm very interested in taking a look."

Ask for a ticket!

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