Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 744 Product Marketing Strategy (Second update! It's the last day for tickets!)

Faced with the request from Salomon, Frank Castor still had a "F*ck off" attitude, which made Sophia, who was fully armed, almost raised her fist to fight him. But what surprised Salomon even more was that Frank Castor didn't recognize him at all, even though they had met a few years ago.

"Do you think I'm a trendy young man who came to you just to find some urban legend?" Facing this retired soldier, the mystic had to change his way of speaking. His rude words even made the etiquette teacher faint. Words starting with F covered almost every sentence he said. He will not face others with the attitude of "there are only two kinds of English in the world, one is English and the other is wrong". The overly elegant idiom Frank Castor can't understand at all, which is too difficult for American soldiers who have only attended public schools.

"I'm here to make a proposal to you, a proposal that is mutually beneficial. I know you hate it when people investigate you, but—don't be too quick to kill me, you can't beat me—I've investigated everything you want. I don't care if you want to rot in alcohol or remain anonymous, I'm offering you a job. If your mind can remember a few years ago, you will know that my proposal has not changed. It's all on this piece of paper."

Frank Castor took a sip of his drink to himself. He didn't even look at the contract Sofia put on the bar. The glass of Jim Beam whiskey attracted all his attention, as if every word Salomon said in the mobile phone video call was covered by the loud music of the bar. After a while, he seemed to be a little impatient with Sophia who had been standing by his side all the time, he glanced at the phone from the corner of his eye, "You didn't show up in front of me."


Frank Castor frowned. He keenly noticed that the loud music in the bar was gradually prolonged, and the lights began to cast a long shadow. He subconsciously thought that he had been poisoned, but when he was about to hijack Sophia beside him and take out the weapon from the holster on her lap, he found that the notes in the air were pulled into low-pitched pained screams, and the dim light was like fresh paint on an old canvas, blurring into a halo when his fingers passed. A hand wearing three rings stretched out from his wine glass, and then placed it firmly on the bar counter, followed by an arm, a head, and finally the upper body of a man crawled out of the small wine glass, like a lamp god in a fairy tale.

"What the F*ck!" Frank Castor forced himself to remain calm. His brain did not recognize everything in front of him as reality, but some kind of hallucination after being poisoned. He stood up from the chair, groping around with his fingers to judge the reality, trying to find a way out.

"I'm right in front of you, Frank Castle?" The hand placed a roll of parchment on the bar.

"F*ck!" Frank Castle squeezed through the motionless crowd and took a few steps back. His eyes widened and his heart beat faster. He clenches his fists, adrenaline rushing, ready to respond to emergencies. He decided he was hallucinating and was extremely aggressive as a result.

"Hey! Listen to me, I know I'm creepy right now. But please don't hurt my girl, I owe Sophia's father a big favor," said the mystic. "I don't have time to travel halfway across the world to meet you. My alchemy golem can only last one, so this is the only way. Do you think I'd be happy to taste the bad taste of Jim Beam whiskey? Time is slow around here, and the only ones who can move normally are the two of us and Sophia, so listen to my advice and let us help each other."

"What if I say no?"

"Then you will never find a target for revenge." Salomon said very frankly, "It's not that I have done anything, but you just can't find it. You need my help. I have inherited most of the power of the S.H.I.E.L.D. and I can provide you with anything you want. Don't—"

"A recruiting operation?" Victoria Hand flipped through the file. "An ordinary Afghan retired soldier, a soldier who even registered as dead, what is there to care about? I know that the combat methods of the regular army and the special operations team are completely different, not to mention that there are still a lot of advanced weapon operations to learn. But if you need, you can definitely use people from the special operations team to complete the mission. Also, when did you start drinking Kim Bean whiskey? I don't remember drinking this cheap wine."

"Since my water elemental structure was shot, I plan to use this wine to punish myself." Salomon said angrily. If he hadn't reacted in time to trigger the spell tattoo he tattooed on Sophia's back to teleport her back, Frank Castor might even have killed her in close combat. As a girl who lived in Siberia since she was a child, Sophia didn't take this kind of thing to heart, but Salomon felt a little sorry. He promised Jacob to protect Sophia, even though Sophia was older than him. "Frank Castor, he was able to kill my water elemental construct, which proves that he is very capable." The mystic was a little depressed, "I don't even understand how he fired so many shots! The feedback information from the water elemental construct is simply not enough."

"Maybe you could have someone from Special Forces talk to him instead of magic." Victoria Hand slapped the dossier on the ornate desk in the Home Office, as if the Renaissance furniture were the alloy table she used to use at S.H.I.E.L.D. "He is a retired soldier, and what he needs is someone who has a common topic. You don't have that kind of experience, and you can't understand the psychological activities of such a person at all. In the future, please leave this kind of work to the intelligence department."

"I just... I know you are very busy, Hand, I think I can handle this kind of trivial matter."

"As long as you insist on meeting people in this way, it's impossible."

"I'm using technology to project now!"

Victoria Hand stretched out her fingers angrily, and Salomon, who was sitting behind the table, was suddenly covered by a shadow. It wasn't until Salomon's holographic projection screamed that the head of the intelligence department sat back in his seat. "There is no difference, my lord. People like Frank Castor value sincerity, and his thinking is still in the military's code of conduct. If he can't understand you, he won't cooperate with you. Would you like him to understand you?"

"Frank Castor has a simple sense of justice. He is the kind of person who will fight for the innocent. I believe there must be something written in the file. He represents the most intense and simple kindness in human nature-that is, evil is rewarded with evil. I need such a person." Salomon sighed, "Look at me again, V. I went to a British public school, studied in Oxford, joined the rowing team and fencing team, and was good at oil painting and sculpture. He likes veteran soldiers? It would be even worse if you talk about the other side, the butcher of extraterrestrial creatures and aliens, who doesn’t care about casualties when performing tasks, and possesses many unimaginable magic... This is even more unpleasant, Hand, at least ordinary people don’t like it. I think there is a problem with my product marketing strategy.”

"Then do you usually need others to like you?"

"No need." The mystic shrugged, then pinched his nose and drank the Jin Beam whiskey with a painful expression on his face.

"Leave this matter to me. It just so happens that the person monitoring Wilson Fisk hasn't left New York. Don't worry, that agent is a veteran. He has something to talk to with Frank Castor." She pushed her glasses and said dryly, "However, I hope you can explain it to Frank Castor."

Ask for a ticket!

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