Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 749: A Small Gift (Part 1)

The Immortal City grew quietly like a monster that kept making wet panting sounds under the bed in the middle of the night. Natasha Romanov had no idea that the Immortal City had become like this. She originally thought it was an underground organization, an armed group, or a new chaebol, but now she lifted the quilt and found this government department. Victoria Hand's draconian laws met with resistance from Wakanda when they were enacted, but after a robbery by the intelligence service that deliberately allowed local warlords to enter the controlled area, any voices of opposition died down.

Although the actions of the Immortal City to bring iron and blood order to war-torn areas in Africa—including but not limited to curfews, multi-population family injection sterilization, labor reform for criminals according to different crimes, whipping and shooting, compulsory education for children, compulsory training for workers, eradication of illiteracy and infectious diseases—this will make many White Left Virgins unacceptable, but Agent Romanov understands that Salomon’s method is the most effective.

There is no place for human rights under the pressure of survival.

What the mystics are doing in Africa is basically doing charity, after all, the goods produced by the local people's handicraft workshops have no market at all. Except for Wakanda digesting a part, Salomon bought everything else with his own money, and there are even handmade products from Africa on Mars. But he is not completely at a loss. After all, before the mining mine is fully built, a large amount of minerals needed for the Mars foundry come from Africa. In addition, there are too many war orphans in the local area, and the work of transporting people to Mars and selecting soldiers almost exhausted an official of the interior department.

"Why don't you conquer the world?" she joked in shock, trying to calm herself down. Almost everyone will inevitably develop giant phobia when facing those space battleships, and Natasha is no exception. Even after returning to the real plane, the shadow from the space battleships will not dissipate so easily. She picked up the black tea with sugar again, using hot water to stabilize her mood.

She believes that only one battleship is needed to conquer the earth, and there is no need for Salomon to do so many useless efforts.

"What I want is construction, my dear. Destruction is easier than construction, but I'm not a tyrant." Salomon showed her his current predicament without hesitation, "I lack manpower. Whether it's to drive this space battleship, to use the armaments I produced to fight on the frontal battlefield, or even to rebuild the infrastructure. Only professionals can drive these powerful warships to conquer the star sea."

"You're not afraid of me telling other people about this, huh?" Natasha's eyes sparkled, "You trust me?"

"I have always believed in you, Natasha, and I believe that you know the importance of information. Some people may think that I am doing it for personal ambition, but that is not the case. These space battleships are all prepared for future catastrophes, for the future of the human race. Soon, we will usher in a tragic war that can destroy all civilizations. We must do our best to survive."

"Prophecy?" she asked, "Chitauri people? Is this what you announced to the representatives of the Wuchang countries at the headquarters of the Tricurve Wings?"

"I just showed them a part of the future, but no one believed it. That war was the first war that the human race faced as a whole, but it was not the last." The agent looked up and saw sadness in the eyes of the mystic. Ordinary people can have his foresight, so no ordinary person can understand his urgency. From the beginning to the end, he never vented this impatience to ordinary people, just like caring for the chicks in the greenhouse, for fear that they would not be able to bear the pressure. "They think that the Chitauri are too far away from the earth, as long as the Rubik's Cube is taken by the Asgardians, there will be no problems—or, capitulationism prevails. I'm not interested in understanding how they think, because I can't see them investing technology and funds into outer space exploration. With the Chitauri's orbital strike capability, existing human civilization cannot resist, even if it is dragged into a ground war, it cannot win."

"Isn't that the case? According to Thor and yourself, the Asgardians are responsible for the threat of the real plane, and Kama Taj is responsible for the threat of the magic plane. We still have time to develop the technology to catch up with the Asgardians."

"Normally speaking, yes. But Asgard has always been shrouded in the shadow of destruction, and the end of Asgard will come one step earlier than the end of Earth. We are now bathed in the last afterglow of the Asir Protoss. From now on, we have to go out of the earth to get a chance to survive."

"Is the situation so dire? We need to tell Saul..."

Salomon waved his hand and interrupted her.

"They have been preparing for tens of thousands of years, and we need to stand up to face the suffering. The Battle of New York was just a small-scale raid, and the Chitauri were just a small role in that war. What we have to face is the boss behind the Chitauri. There are countless alien civilizations in the universe, but the leader of the Chitauri destroyed many, just to satisfy the bloodlust of the creature that has been cursed countless times. Faced with such a disaster, all human beings must join this war to expel those disgusting alien garbage from our galaxy."

Salomon poured a cup of tea for Natasha again, then hugged her into his lap.

The agent leaned against him obediently, as if leaning against a gigantic teddy bear. She heard Salomon's heart beating powerfully, and she felt the warmth.

"Now in this world, I am the only one who owns space battleships and the level of technology that matches them. I must stand up and solve the problem. You also know what will happen if I hand over those technologies to the current human beings—only the power armor technology will make those chaebols try their best to deal with Stark, not to mention the space battleships and supporting technologies. This kind of hatred comes from the fear that they cannot control. They will hate me more than they hate Stark, and they will look forward to my death. I also don't want to personally push for World War III. Before that war, I don't want to waste resources for nothing."

"You know what they're called on Earth? Heroes, dear."

"No, I'm not, Natasha." Salomon shook his head. "Only those men and women who sacrificed their blood for the human race are heroes. I'm just fulfilling the responsibility that I have to fulfill the title I have."

"You always underestimate the price you pay, always." Natasha shook her head, "Is the power armor you gave me also for war?"

"You can't face the enemy with only a tight leather jacket." Salomon laughed. "The power armor specially made for you. It is slender but strong, and the servo motor is completely silent during operation. With energy wrist blades and a highly maneuverable jetpack, you will become the most terrifying assassin on the battlefield."

Ask for a ticket!

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