Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 80: The Final Battle Between Demons and Gods (Part 2)

A violent explosion exploded in Jubilus' left eye, and he wailed in pain while reaching out his left hand to cover his eyes. But the waking Beunita jumped out of the left eye first, and she re-weaved a tight black leather jacket with magic power, and landed beside Joan of Arc. Due to the imbalance of power, Jubilus' left eye exploded again, and a huge amount of blood even covered half of Jubilus' body.

"Stupid!" Baldr's voice came out through Jubilus' mouth, "You all... look at what you have done!"

A giant blue sword appeared in Jubilus' left hand, and Baldur controlled him to swing this terrible weapon towards Bayonetta and Joan of Arc, as he chopped the floating stone into pieces , Bayonetta and Joan of Arc jumped up, and the almost zero gravity made them drift towards space continuously.

Beunita tried to attack, but the Gomorrah she summoned again was easily decapitated by Jubilus with this long sword. She said helplessly, "It seems that ordinary pets can't help it."

"My precious daughter, Theresa!" Badr yelled, waving his limbs wildly, "You actually turned your sword against your father and did such a thing, I will never forgive you!"

"Haven't I already done this?" Bayoneta replied with a chuckle, "I will continue to do this."

"This is the power of God?" Joan of Arc said, "Ceresa, you must complete your mission!"

"Of course, but it has to be us," Bayonetta said. "With our secret weapon."

"Just what I want." Joan replied with a smile.



While Beunita chanted the spell, she also performed several extremely difficult body movements. Behind her, in a black-purple magic circle, an infinitely extended black hair protruded from it, even far taller than her The black hair when summoning Gomorrah came even more. The same is true for Joan of Arc. Her white hair and Beunita's black hair are twisted together, and they pass through a magic circle again. Black and white are intertwined, and they converge into a female demon. This demon is even stronger than Jubilus. Much bigger.

She has a towering black bun adorned with three rows of white skulls, and a large oval ruby ​​in the center of her forehead that matches her red eyes. This is the Queen of Sheba, a demon summoned by combining the powers of Beunita and Joan of Arc. In other words, she was classified as a demon just because she lived in the abyss. When the female demon was summoned, she glanced in the direction of Salomon, as if her gaze could penetrate the lens like dimension.

she is looking at me! This was Salomon's thought, he was sure that the demon was watching him.

Suddenly, he felt like he hated coffee even more.

Soon, the demon refocused on Jubilus in front of him. She kissed her fist, swung her arm backwards, and rushed to Jubilus in an instant, and the huge fist penetrated Jubilus' stomach, causing the Creator to scream. Immediately afterwards, the demon grabbed Jubilus by the hair, swung her up and threw her towards the sun.

Salomon couldn't describe the ensuing battle. He only saw a purple light and a golden light scurrying in space at an extremely fast speed. The aftermath of the battle between the two hit the planetary defense from time to time. System and mirror dimension, from a distance, brilliant sparks are constantly splashing on the surface of the earth, demons and gods collide with each other, smashing all the floating asteroids, and these fragments are pulled by gravity and fall towards the earth. As for those satellites that were unfortunately hit, they all became space junk.

Salomon swallowed, but he only felt his throat tightened and he couldn't speak. After a long time, he cautiously asked the supreme mage, "Teacher, that demon..."

The Supreme Master said with a half-smile, "That's the Queen of Sheba."

"But I'm not Solomon." Salomon said aggrievedly, "She wouldn't recognize me as him, would she? I've never done that kind of thing, so she wouldn't come to settle accounts with me, would she?"

"Who knows." The venerable said, "Anyway, you don't have to worry about debts, and you are not short of this..."

Salomon cried. Well, not really, he just held the trembling Phoenix tightly in depression, and continued to watch the battle between gods and demons. The outcome of the battle was quickly decided. Badr, who was out of balance, could not stand alone. The Queen of Sheba summoned by Beunita and Joan of Arc was far stronger than Jubilus, who only had the power of "right eye".

"In order for the world to become what it should be, there is still time, Theresa!" Badr yelled, "Wake up, my dear daughter!"

"My dear father, are you still thinking about such things?" Bayonetta said, "Mother tried hard to save your soul."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Just create a new world and everything will be saved!"

"It's such a boring last word. What's so fun about creating a new world according to my own wishes? I still prefer the current world." Bayonetta chanted a spell, summoning a huge wooden horse torture tool, and a black long whip also appeared In the hands of the Queen of Sheba, the Queen of Sheba tied Jubilus' ankles with a long whip and pulled him onto the wooden horse. Jubilus couldn't help howling from the pain caused by the sawtooth.

Salomon had already covered his eyes—if he fell into the abyss, the demons would certainly treat him like this, or worse.

"Let's end him." Joan threw the pistol up and walked through the magic circle. The pistol appeared in the hands of the Queen of Sheba, and it was wrapped around black hair and a skeleton. "I will pour all the magic power into it."

Bayonetta took out the lipstick from her chest and loaded it into her pistol. The witch aimed the pistol at Jubilus' right eye, "Now, accept Mommy's wish!"

"Daughter, it's this boring world that separated Rosa and me, and this world must be changed back to what it was!" Badr, with the welts clearly visible in his right eye, shouted, "This world must Change back!"

"What a silly wish. Mom is waiting for you, she's been waiting a long time," Bayonetta said, pulling the trigger. "Goodbye, Dad."

This lipstick engraved with the words "BALDER \u0026 ROSA 19.3.1411 With love until the end of time" carried the power of Beunita, traveled through a long distance, and hit the right eye of Jubilus. In Baldr, the powerful magic even penetrated his head, and he saw his former lover in a trance.


"Farewell to the last sage!" Queen Sheba's muzzle gathered all of Joan's magic power, and then shot out violently. Accompanied by unparalleled strong light, the violent explosion blasted all the surrounding meteorites into powder. At this time, the sun gradually rose on the other side of the earth. A new day has come, and all demons and gods are far away from the earth again.

The Supreme Mage opened the Eye of Agamotto again, turned his palm towards the earth, and the satellites that had been damaged in this battle were restored to their original state——The Supreme Mage attaches great importance to the development of human science and technology. Without these satellites, the human aerospace industry and communication The system will start all over again.

His Holiness ordered the planetary defense system to close the most powerful protection, and then slowly revoked the mirror dimension covering the whole world, leaving only the platform under her and Salomon's feet. After the venerable finished all this, she opened the portal again, and pulled Joan of Arc and Bayonetta, who were unconscious due to the powerful impact, back from space.

"Teacher, I think it's better to kill Jubilus directly if you cover the earth with the mirror dimension." Salomon couldn't help complaining, "I always feel that killing Jubilus may save effort."

"We can't kill him." The venerable said, "Only the power of the same root and origin from the Chaos God Esir is the weakness of Jubilus. As for the resurrection. But now, I'm going to send them back, do you want to go with me? Or do you want to go to the moon for a stroll? But there is no fun there."

"I just want to go back now and have a good meal." Salomon sighed, and he opened the portal to Bayonetta's apartment in New York, "I'll take them back, I still have Questions to ask them. About that demon..."

5,500 words is really too long, it is divided into two chapters. The next chapter is Daily and Thor 1.

Gastroenteritis + Monday, it is really impossible for people to live.

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