Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 760 Standard Regulations and Destruction (Second Change)

Silence occupied most of the time. Computers and small construction machinery were carried in. All personnel had to wear chemical protective clothing and undergo several disinfections before entering and leaving the research site. Even the equipment had to be covered with a layer of plastic film. Coulson and Salomon stood behind the glass of the temporary command post, watched the busy crowd below, and kept checking the data fed back by the staff. Agent Coulson discovered that these procedures are actually standard procedures for dealing with biochemical threats, but with the high technology of the Immortal City, these procedures are more complicated. Hunter swallowed, he felt that he had come to the wrong place - neither he nor Barbara had protective clothing on them. If the boulder was really a biochemical threat, then anyone who might have been in direct contact with the boulder might be infected. He gestured upwards, telling Agent Coulson to prepare for the worst.

"What about the symptoms of infection?" Coulson asked.

"It will be eaten, eaten from the inside out, and the infected will suffer tremendously," Salomon said. "Every time the boulder is opened, the risk of infection will increase, which is why we need to be prepared. As for the worse case, the source of infection has actually come to the base but we don't know anything about it."

"You should have told me about this earlier, Salomon! May, prepare to close the base!"

"If the source of infection can escape so easily... don't be nervous, even if the source of infection escapes, we can deal with it." The mystic did not continue. If the hive does come out, then conservative Hydra won't have to figure out how to hold a sacrifice ceremony. The reason why this boulder fell into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. was because Alexander Pierce promised that the conservatives would use the manpower and material resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. to study this thing and find a way to pull the Hydra God out of it. However, before he fulfilled his promise, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra were destroyed together, leaving only the remnants who could do nothing.

He put on the helmet again and closed his expression.

"The bomb is ready, my lord." Tita's voice sounded on the communication channel.

This work lasted for four full days.

On the fourth day, Leopold Fitz, the current science director of S.H.I.E.L.D., showed up at the research site belatedly. "It's precisely because you're always looking for things that don't exist that I locked up that broken rock and didn't let anyone in." Before Fitz could express his thoughts, the kind-hearted Mike taught him a lesson, "I like that you don't give up hope, but you're a scientist..."

"Sorry, sorry, Mike." Fitz tried to squeeze past Mike in disgrace, looking like a kitten picked up by a mother cat. "I have clues, I have clues... who are they?" He pointed to the researchers in chemical armor passing through the corridor, "Why is Lincoln here? Did something happen in the base?"

"Lincoln came to help study that stone. Fitz, this is not the first time. You are a scientist, not a folklorist." Mike sighed, "Also, you came back at a bad time, and the base is now investigating infectious diseases."

"Could it be..."

"Yes, it still has something to do with that stone. Coulson ordered the base to be sealed off. You don't know that Melinda and Coulson had another fight in order to let you in. Their relationship has not been very harmonious recently." Mike stroked his beard. "We have some reinforcements, but I don't know the leader. It's just that Coulson seems to be an old friend with him."

"What does he look like? Or, how tall is he?" Fitz felt his heart skip a beat. He'd thought about contacting that person, but since the magical stuff was as unreliable as the leads he'd been chasing, he'd put that option at the end. "I can't waste any more time, Mike," he said. "I've got to tell them what I've got!"

"I've considered every possibility!" Fitz broke into the command room before taking off his dirty suit.

"In addition to being trapped in a boulder, or reduced to a microscopic level..."

"Colson! Coulson! I think I'm right this time!" Fitz yelled, "She's not here! I speculate that the boulder is a black hole!"

"Do you have evidence?" Coulson prevented Fitz from jumping in front of the mystic. For four full days of work, he watched the armored figure grow colder and colder. He didn't tickle, sleep, or eat, like a steel statue in the command room. While the others were exhausted, he found Salomon motionless watching the scientists below examine the boulder. If it weren't for the slight "tick" sound from the comm system, Coulson doubts he would even need to breathe.

Coulson has seen this kind of extreme calmness, which often happens to some extremely cold-blooded agents. At this moment, Salomon felt quite dangerous to him.

that's the truth.

Salomon did not tell Agent Coulson that the reason why he kept the Sky Carrier on standby at high altitude was not for the convenience of the return journey. The sky carrier Retribution has already loaded an earth-penetrating nuclear bomb with a large-yield nuclear warhead. If things get to the worst, Tita, who is on standby on the sky carrier, will drop the nuclear bomb without hesitation, completely erasing the existence of the hive. Those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were too late to evacuate and were infected, armed personnel of the Immortal City, and scientists will all be regarded as necessary sacrifices, and even Salomon himself will accept the baptism of nuclear bombs.

Tita believes that her monarch will not be killed in a nuclear explosion, she is very confident. So when Salomon gave this order, she readily agreed, and even Salomon was a little surprised by the speed of her response. After repeatedly confirming that Tita did not have any dangerous tendencies, he asked Stephanie to start arranging the transfer of materials, installing the remaining ground-penetrating bombs that were going to bomb Pym Technology on the assault transport boat.

"No, but I..." Fitz was speechless for a moment. He has put forward many theories, but without exception, there is no evidence to support them. "Then why..."

"We now suspect that there are ancient germs in the boulder, so..." Agent Coulson couldn't help but pause when he said this. He can't recall why he asked Salomon to help, and it seems his mind went blank before the video call. He couldn't help turning his gaze to Salomon, wanting the mystic to give an explanation.

At this moment, the pitch-black steel statue raised its head. "You have speculated to this point without any evidence. Your brain is extremely important to human development, Leopold Fitz." Salomon's voice was processed by a loudspeaker to bring some unnaturalness, "Jemma Simmons is indeed alive, I swear by my real name."

Those words were like a surprise Christmas present to Fitz.

"But only now," Salomon said. "She won't live long if we don't solve the problem soon."

"What do you know?" Agent Coulson let go of Fitz, he needed to recall what went wrong with his memory. Facing Fitz's inquiry, the bright red goggles on the knight's helmet did not look at him.

"This boulder is not the only one. It is not a creation of humans, nor is it a creation of Inhumans." Salomon's tone was not wavering, "The things inside this stone need us to destroy."

"And what about Gemma?" Fitz gripped Salomon's armguard nervously, so hard that the ornate gold-plated decoration on the armguard scratched his fingers. He felt the energy pipeline under the steel armor beating gently like a blood vessel, as if the armor was a living steel creature. The monster needed blood, needed to be killed, and that was the only thing on his mind other than dealing with Gemma.

"We can only do our best." Finally, the pair of blood-red eyepieces looked down at him. Fitz stood up hard, trying not to let his knees fall to the ground. "If she gets infected, we can only enforce standard protocols."

"What...standard regulations?" Fitz asked in a trembling voice.


Other than that, nothing else.

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