Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 789: Magic Offal Soup (Part 1)

Stephanie walked into the witch's apartment again, only this time she wouldn't stay for long.

Now that Salomon spends most of her time working remotely, she is here just to discuss some details and resolve some emergencies. For example, the construction procedures of the Malik family's castle in Gloucestershire, England have been completed, and the construction team has already carried out preliminary demolition before that. No one can enter the basement of the castle unless engineering equipment is used.

For example, Fitz and Simmons from S.H.I.E.L.D. have been released after undergoing isolation and medical examination. Stephanie needs to know whether Salomon agrees to let them move freely; or whether Salomon and Agent Coulson have reached a deal, and what concessions are required from the Immortal City. There is also the problem of the astronaut Will, the disposal of the boulder, and a series of tasks that need to be handed over to SHIELD-if it weren't for the things that Nick Fury gave them that could threaten the entire world, Stephanie didn't want to take care of the mother-in-laws of SHIELD at all. Before finding out how many dangerous items S.H.I.E.L.D. has hidden through the "Slingshot Project" and looting them all, and before fully understanding how many little secrets Nick Fury has hidden, even Salomon has to ensure that S.H.I.E.L.D. will not kill himself.

What's more, S.H.I.E.L.D. still has a mission to travel through time and space, and they all have to be alive before that.

Alive at least, Salomon doesn't guarantee their limbs are intact.

In addition to this, there is the issue of commodity procurement, the allocation of materials for Mars, and so on.

The most important thing is the result of the negotiation between Stephanie and General Hale. After the negotiation, General Hale will help the intelligence department to work, but Stephanie still wants to know what position Salomon has arranged for Ruby. General Hale wants to hear Salomon make a promise. If Ruby's issue cannot be arranged, the previous negotiation terms are likely to be invalidated.

She stayed there not long before leaving. Before leaving, she asked Salomon to make a decision as soon as possible, and to consider the authority of General Hale and Ruby. This is actually nothing to consider. Salomon asked General Hale to only have a small amount of authority and have a single line of contact, while Ruby was placed as a hostage inside the Immortal City.

Stephanie glared at him and left without looking back.

"What's the matter with her?" Salomon asked.

"I don't have the ability to read minds, my lord." Constantine's answer was very honest.

The Praetorian has no magical talent, and the reason is that Salomon used his own genome to perfect the Praetorian. After swallowing the wisdom about genes given by the Mother Earth, he screened out some gene fragments suitable for the Praetorian Guards. The original function of this mysterious genome designed by the Mother Earth was to prevent Salomon from being corrupted, allowing it to produce its own magic power without refining life force.

It's just that Salomon always felt that the Mother Earth was a bit too strong, and just some gene fragments made the Praetorian Guards resistant to the energy of the astral world. This is not surprising. After all, the Earth Mother promoted the first God-killing movement. In order to prevent her creations from repeating the same mistakes, the Earth Mother must make insurance. Even Salomon himself understood what he is with the help of the Earth Mother and Ms. Maya Hansen.

Truth be told, Salomon felt like a pot of magical offal soup, and he often joked about it.

The overly strong exclusivity endowed by the gene fragments prevented the guards from being affected by the energy from the astral world to affect their minds and bodies, and at the same time, the little talent they had before the transformation could not be fully displayed. Everything has pros and cons. Salomon bestowed the Praetorian Guards with powerful bodies and high-tech equipment that could solve most of the problems, and that bit of spellcasting talent was negligible. In other words, the strong exclusivity of the Imperial Guard is what Salomon needs. Only in this way can he ensure that his most powerful Imperial Guard will never betray, which is both a disadvantage and an advantage.

Salomon faintly heard the witch's call, and he walked out of the room wearing slippers.

"Remember to buy some Provence spices." Bayonetta called Salomon to go out to the supermarket to buy spices. She stretched out her hand to call Constantine, and the Praetorian walked over obediently with his head down, lest his pointed helmet poke the expensive crystal chandelier. The three-meter-tall Praetorian Guards, who were wearing power armor, really couldn't perform well in the apartment, so the Praetorian Guards generally could only stand outside the apartment, accepting pointers from the sisterhood. Bayunita said to Salomon, "Let Constantine accompany you for a walk, otherwise you don't know when you will come back once you go out."

"I just plan to take a stroll in Manhattan, and I will definitely be back before dinner." Salomon said, "I have to go to the Clinton area to see the construction situation. There are too many lazy people now. According to their speed, I don't know when the keel will be dug out."

"Hmm, what else?"

The Witch narrowed her eyes teasingly as she noticed Salomon trying to get behind the Praetorian.

"The other thing is to go to a law firm to deal with some legal documents for nail households." Salomon took out a document, which came from Nelson Murdoch Law Firm. Salomon promised to increase the compensation to the tenants, but Matt Murdoch obviously couldn't deal with some ordinary people who just wanted to be greedy for petty gains. He could only solve the problem through negotiation. It also led to intermittent work on the excavation of the keel, as every now and then someone jumped into the construction site to demand more compensation.

"I've given enough compensation, but there are people who want more."

"anything else?"

Constantine thought for a while, and took a step to the side, while being careful not to step on the Cheshire Cat rampaging in the restaurant.

Salomon gave him a savage look, but Konstantin pretended he didn't see anything.

After all, this is a family matter of the monarch, not within the scope of the Imperial Guard's duties. What's more, the Praetorian Guards still carry the monarch's gene fragments. In a sense, the Praetorian Guards are the children of Salomon. Even if the Witch points at the Praetorian Guards' head and reprimands him, as long as the Witch doesn't make a military decision, Constantine can't refute it.

Dinah happily passed by the Praetorian Guards, glad that someone else could command the tyrannical Guardsmen.

"It's too conspicuous, Bayonetta. It's not suitable for the Imperial Guard to appear in front of ordinary people, or it will cause panic."

"You still forgot the most important thing, Salomon." Bayonetta said with a smile. "Remember to invite Wanda Maximoff to dinner at home. I already called her, and just a few minutes ago, I told her that you would pick her up. I have already arranged the itinerary for you, you are welcome."

Salomon had no idea when the Witch and Wanda became so close that she could even invite her to their house for dinner. But since Bayoneta had already invited, he could only do so.

"Remember to buy spices from Provence, dear."

Salomon put on his shoes, waved his hand, and went out with the Praetorian Guards and the artificial man in charge of security. Since we were going to Wanda's apartment, it was fine to bring our own bodyguards, but we didn't know who would protect whom when danger happened. As for other things, they can actually be done by others-the law firm only needs a check to solve it, but before signing, Salomond had to shoot a few magazines at the windows of those residents, so that no one really thought he was a bully.

Probably no one would think so.

At least Matt Murdoch didn't think so, because Salomon had already done so before telling him.

Ask for a ticket!

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