Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 800 Noah Dunn Town (Second)

There is no place as safe as the sanctuary of Karma Taj, at least until a candidate for the Supreme Sorcerer arrives. Wanda looked around, not knowing what to do. In the end, Salomon caught her and asked her to take care of Joan's body.

This is not an easy job. For extradimensional creatures, Joan of Arc, who has the blood of a witch, is full of terrible temptations. A huge amount of extra-dimensional bacteria repeatedly hits the arcane barrier, trying to swallow the out-of-control witch's magic power and Joan of Arc's remaining consciousness. Only the Karma Taj Temple can maintain such a powerful protective spell for a long time, buying time for the actions of Salomon and Beunita, and Wanda's task is to be vigilant against the failure of the protective spell, and use all means to protect Joan of Arc when necessary.

Salomon rejected Bayonetta's proposal to move Joan's body to the Hell's Gate Bar. Even Rodin, a fallen angel, could not compete with Kama Taj in terms of magic professionalism. Although Beunita is usually quite competitive, when it comes to magic, she believes in Salomon's judgment even more.

Rodin did not fail to provide help. The wine he sent could slow down the erosion of Joan's body by the out-of-control witch's magic power. In addition, the souls of the angels who invaded New York before became the currency of the transaction. Using the souls of a large number of lower-level angels, a small number of intermediate-level angels, and upper-level angels as bargaining chips, Rodin did not hesitate to provide Bayonetta with a large number of weapons and equipment for the subsequent battles. The only trouble was that Rodan couldn't get into the Karma Taj Sanctuary unless he died, and the Supreme Sanctuary wasn't bad enough to allow extradimensional creatures to enter.

Salomon visited Hecate briefly through the portal and obtained some potions and a name.

When he returned to the Sanctuary, he received an order from the Venerable, which was passed on by Baron Modu. There is also a name in this order, which was salvaged from the cauldron of the universe by the mystics. This name is exactly the same as the name provided by Hecate after divination, but the name is different.

In any case, this represents His Holiness allowing Salomon to participate in the next step.

"This passage is located in the Tianshan Mountains in Kazakhstan. Fenbowente, the name comes from the winter of Fenbul in the legend of Asa. In addition, there is the town of Noyaduen at the foot of the mountain, the origin of the witches and sages."

"I've never heard of that name," Bayonetta said. Salomon put his hands on Bayonetta's back, wrapping them gently around her waist. He could feel Beunita's emotions, and he felt compelled to comfort her.

"I don't know, so I went to the library specifically. This part of the literature was collected by Kama Taj on Sun Island when the Witch Clan fell." Modu said, "Although the portal can reach there directly, I don't recommend you to use the portal, because the portal may alarm your enemies anyway. You can take a plane from the headquarters in the Himalayas and open the portal outside the target location. I remember you should have several planes."

"His Holiness allowed me to fly the plane to the temple?" Salomon asked.

"The venerable didn't forbid you to do anything, even if you go to Europe, he just asked you to pay attention to safety." Modu shrugged, "The venerable asked me to cooperate with you before going on a business trip, but I don't see what else you need."

"I just need time." Salomon glanced at Bayonetta. She had communicated with Madame Butterfly a long time ago and confirmed that Joan of Arc's soul was not taken away by Mrs. Styx who signed the contract, and Mrs. Styx was rummaging through boxes in the lower planes to find the thief who stole Joan's soul, making the ecology near Styx a mess. Hordes of beasts from the Lower Planes were forced to flee, causing Kama Taj's mystics to work overtime to drive them back. Although Beunita still looked calm on the surface, she was more anxious than anyone else in her heart. After learning the divination results of Goddess Hecate, her anxiety was slightly relieved.

Salomon took out his mobile phone and quickly searched for information about Finn Bowent. He called up the satellite remote sensing photos of the Fenbowente Mountain and the town of Noyaduen as a reference for the operation. "I need time for the Sky Carrier to sail to the town of Noyadune, and I must be prepared to fail the mission," he said. "If the situation gets out of control, I will choose to blow up Finbowente Mountain and completely bury all the passages of Noyadune. You understand why I did this, Mordu, I am the mystic of Karma Taj."

"I know, I know." Modu also sighed. He patted Salomon on the shoulder, "Relax, I will help. You and the witch go to the sanctuary in the Himalayas first, and your guards come with me, and I will open the portal for your aircraft carrier."

"Thank you." Salomon said from the bottom of his heart.

"You're welcome, this is His Majesty's order. The mission of the Witch Clan and even the fate of the god with the power of chaos will be completely ended in this mission. You have the responsibility to supervise all of this on behalf of Kama Taj. Of course, there is nothing wrong with participating in it. After all, our mission is to kill those who claim to be gods, isn't it?"

"Catherine, open the hatch."

"Yes, my lord."

Following Salomon's order, the rear hatch of the assault transport boat gradually opened. A piercing cold wind swept across the cabin in an instant, but neither the Sisters wearing force feedback power armor nor the thinnest witches ignored the temperature. Salomon's power armor was replaced with energy, and the detachable jetpack was refilled with fuel. Catherine and her assault team participated in this mission, but their mission was not to follow Salomon into the town of Noah Doon—the assault transport ship was loaded with two ground-penetrating hydrogen bombs, which were powerful enough to turn the town of Noya Doon below, so Catherine needed the ultimate remedy for mission failure before the arrival of the sky carrier.

Salomon is not an individual hero. He knows that numbers are an advantage in a sense.

After the sky carrier arrives, Catherine needs to guide the Sisters to rendezvous with the Praetorian Guards and Salomon, and guide the sky carrier Retribution and the sky battleships Crossrose and Lily to bomb the target indiscriminately. Salomon paid a lot of money to modify the keels of the Rose of the Cross and the Lily, just to allow them to provide fire support. He believed that even the superior angels could not withstand a shell from the sky battleship.

As for the civilians living in the town of Noyaduen, long before Salomon set off, they had already sounded the local air defense siren and played a false missile siren through hacking methods. Now most of the civilians are dragging their families and running out, giving Salomon and Bayunita space to use their methods. The price of doing so is not small, Stephanie made more than a dozen phone calls in a row asking Salomon to think about whether it is necessary to spend the money earned in the virtual currency market on such trivial matters.

"My lord." Before Salomon and the witch jumped off the gunboat, Catherine walked to the front of the assault team she led, "When can we go with you to kill the evil spirits? The sisters can't wait."

"Soon, my daughter. Search and destroy, this is the order." After the mystic finished speaking, he jumped up with Bayonetta. Catherine hurried over to have a look, and found that the figures of Salomon and Bayoneta became blurred after passing through a magic door.

Catherine stuck out her tongue quietly, and then scratched her short white hair that was blown by the strong wind.

"Miss Catherine?"

"Close the hatch quickly, or I will be filled with cold wind."

Ask for a ticket!

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