Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 802 Intimate Battle (Second)

"How come no one told me about this?"

"Your authority can see this information." Agent Hill shrugged, "But you haven't seen it, have you?"

"You know, I'm busy. Running a business... well, even though it's all Pepper and Friday's work, it doesn't mean I haven't contributed. I also have to go to Washington to lobby and deal with those bureaucrats." Stark took a deep breath, and he felt his heart almost jumping out of his ribs. "Don't you know what Salomon is going to do with the nukes? Can we negotiate to get him to give up the nukes, like with Ukraine!"

"I have Salomon's IQ test report here, do you want to see it? Let me tell you directly, he is not a fool, Stark, he is much smarter than you." Agent Hill rolled his eyes again. She is the actual head of operations of the Avengers. She not only needs to coordinate the logistics of the Avengers, but also needs to be responsible for "monitoring" the movements of the restless elements of the Avengers and making guarantees in front of Congress and the White House, just like she did when she was in S.H.I.E.L.D.

"We still don't know why Salomon threatened Agent Coulson with a nuclear bomb, but Agent Coulson has known him for many years. He would rather kill his old friend to prevent something from happening. This shows that the information he has is very important and terrifying. We should trust his judgment."

"I didn't expect you to say that. I thought you hated him. Is this some kind of professional psychological evaluation?"

"This is a comment from Nick Fury, and it has nothing to do with whether I hate him or not." Agent Hill made no secret of the fact that he still has a connection with Nick Fury. Although she claimed in Congress that she had no intelligence exchange with Nick Fury, there is no need to say more about the facts. "Nick Fury believes in Salomon's judgment. He believes that Salomon can discard personal factors and make decisions that benefit all mankind. He said very early on that Salomon is a person like him."

"The same ruthless, the same in order to achieve the purpose of unscrupulous means?"

"Believe me, it's a compliment for both of them."

"Damn... I'm beginning to feel that what happened in New York has something to do with Salomon." Stark stroked his beard. He ordered Friday to call up the timeline and geographic location of the building damage that occurred at the same time as the plane crash. "Agent Hill, I need your clearance. I want to see all the surveillance in New York City today. Let Friday do a facial recognition. We may see a familiar face or two."


Stinging thoughts touched the minds of both Salomon and Bayonetta like slender fingers, trying to drive searing spikes into their souls. The air was scorching hot as if it was baked on asphalt, densely packed enemies surrounded them, but neither Salomon nor Bayoneta showed any embarrassment. The mystic put on the helmet, and the blood-red eyepiece suddenly lit up, scanning the number of enemies clearly, and started marking and tracking.

Even if an angel walked around behind him, the power armor's detection system would still be able to alert him.

Beunita fired first, then she immediately turned around and fired at the enemy behind her.

Salomon quickly took her place. He swung his fist and smashed the marble face of the lower-level angel [Tolerance] with one punch. The bolt gun hanging under the gauntlet on his left arm opened fire quickly. The super-high rate of fire of the bolt gun made the bullet break the arm of a centaur-type lower-level archangel [Glory] like an explosive war hammer. He stopped to shoot, and instead of continuing to pursue, he changed the direction of attack. Just when the injured archangel thought he had seized the opening and raised his spear to attack, Bayonetta's long knife split it in half from top to bottom.

Bayonetta's fight is as graceful as a dance, like a constantly spinning bayonet. Salomon's fighting style was the opposite. He was like a heavy hammer smashing all attacks. He used the holy sword and explosive bombs to block the attacks that Beunita should have avoided. Spin, spin, attack. Their senses are interconnected and their synergy is so intimate that Bayonetta can see everything Salomon sees, and vice versa.

After a few heartbeats, they changed their fighting style again.

The witch pulled the mystic into [Witch Time], a spell with super high perception ability, and the movements of the surrounding enemies were like insects frozen in amber. Salomon swung the blazing holy sword without hesitation, cutting the enemy's weapons and armor at an extremely fast speed, while the witch took out a heavy machine gun from her hair and shot at the largest cherub. When [Witch Time] ended, a waterfall of rosemary-scented blood erupted around their enemies. The Witch dropped her heavy machine gun and jumped forward stepping on the armor of the mystic. The two long knives cut off the head of the seriously injured enemy. Salomon activated the jet pack, dragged the cone-shaped flame, and inserted the holy sword into the head of the cherub with a giant sword.

The snake-shaped seraph swooped down from the sky, and its giant metal claws slammed down on the mystic and the witch.

The orange-red shield that appeared out of nowhere forcibly blocked this terrible attack, and sparks sputtered out as if they had exploded. Bayonetta turned her head back, blew a kiss to Salomon, and then stepped on the orange-red spark shield and jumped onto Seraph's head. Salomon first jumped to the other side, killed the one-armed mid-level Archangel [Faith] with the holy sword, and then quickly started the jet engine to follow. But he didn't attack the head like Beunita, but cast spells on the Seraph's limbs - Setorak's scarlet chains, and the strange scarlet ribbons bound the huge Seraph. He tugged Seraph in the other direction, keeping its claws and teeth from Bayonetta. The power of the Crimson Dimension left scorched scars on the Seraph's gorgeous red and white ceramic skin, and the opposite energy caused Seraph a great deal of pain.

Seraph dragged Salomon and Beunita into the sky.

But altitude was never a factor that prevented them from fighting. Salomon turned off the jet engine and cast flying magic instead. Beunita jumped off Seraph's broken head, and a bunch of black-purple wings stretched out from her Luolu's back instantly, with a little blue at the end of the wings. She chanted Enochian incantations aloud, and a set of black-haired arms emerged from the teleportation circle. It was Madame Butterfly's arm, and Salomon recognized it instantly. Whether it was the bluish-gray skin or the red nails at the end of the finger, it was very recognizable.

Madame Butterfly crawled out half of her body from the teleportation array. This female demon clenched her fists tightly and swung several fists at Seraph's snake-shaped head with two fists as high as two Salomons. Her power instantly shattered Seraphim's gorgeous ceramic skin, and the golden decoration inlaid on the skin twisted and deformed, sinking deeply into Seraph's flesh and blood. Perhaps because she felt that she was too gentle with Seraph, Madame Butterfly grabbed Seraph's metal claws with both hands, pulled Seraph to her face, and smashed Seraph's metal snout with her forehead. Even when the summoning time was about to end here, Madame Butterfly still tore off Seraph's claw with great interest, grabbed its slender body and shook it wildly, like a child with a new toy.

"Remind me next time, don't speak ill of Madame Butterfly." Salomon looked at Seraphim falling downward, and said to Bayonetta. At this moment, the witch was holding his neck tightly and being held in his arms, just like she first came to Noah Dunn Town. The mystic restarted the jet engine and dived at the speed of a fighter jet. They were chasing the unconscious Seraph, and they had to watch it die.

"Don't worry, little boy."

The witch chuckled. The howling wind did not block her thoughts, and the mystic could feel her blood rushing, and the surge of adrenaline made her want to do things that she couldn't do in public.

"Madame Butterfly likes you very much, I promise."

Ask for a ticket!

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