Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 804: Chapter 800 Projector (Second Change)

The thing chatting with the man wearing the golden mask can barely be called a human being. Except for the human-like limbs and head that are not covered, the rest of the body is wrapped in a diamond-shaped blue material that can reflect light, and the material is similar to gemstones. It looks very ridiculous. There was something inhuman about that human-like face, and if the man in the mask knew how to describe it, it would be the Uncanny Valley effect, but he didn't have that concept in his head. It's not that he is ignorant, on the contrary, his knowledge is quite profound.

The man in the mask didn't comment on the thing's attire because he knew how powerful it was. He couldn't even fight back.

"You should pay no attention to that man, Sage."

The sage wearing a golden mask remained calm, holding a gold-plated spear inlaid with amethyst representing honesty and reason. He suppressed the anger in his heart, "We are a cooperative relationship, Prophet."

"We are indeed a cooperative relationship, but if you want to achieve your goals, you must follow my instructions." The blue thing opened its mouth angrily. It doesn't want to tell the sage how terrible the magic is on the man in the golden armor, and it doesn't want to waste its power on probing someone's information. But it can't show weakness, because the cooperative relationship between it and the sage is not very strong, and in order to use the sage, it has paid a price that cannot be ignored.

"But your target is not that man, but that boy!" it said, "Only by preventing that boy from approaching the holy mountain, or simply killing him, can you save your lover. Anyone who stands in your way must die. Remember, you only have one chance!"

"I know." The sage said.


"You want to go to Fenbowinter?" Bayonetta asked. "May I ask why?"

"No." The boy stubbornly insisted on his idea while sipping hot tea. Although a cup of hot drink softened the boy's attitude a bit, he was still unwilling to tell everything. Salomon rolled his eyes and made a suggestion to Bayonetta.

"This kid is not an ordinary person at a glance. This shows that his soul and soul are quite tough, and he can withstand repeated spellcasting." He said, "Just dig out the information and throw it into the real plane. Anyway, if such a child wants to go to those places full of enemies in Finnbowente, he is looking for death."

"Ha! You really exposed your cruel nature, big guy!" The boy taunted without fear, "Do you only use violence to achieve your goals?"

"So violence is very useful, especially after I peel off the skin on your back, you will tell me everything." Salomon said with a smile, "I'm in a hurry, and I need your information. You still have to choose now, little guy. It's better to choose the one that survives."

A puff of breath came out of the boy's nostrils, "Anyway, I'm going to Fenbowente, you can try it!"

"Okay!" Bayonetta tapped Salomon's head lightly. She stood up from the bench, "Since you said you know how to bypass the Angel's defenses and enter Fenbowinter, then we can make a deal. We will escort you to Fenbowinter, and you need to show us the way. We are going to the passage that leads to hell."

"Hell? You actually want to go to that kind of place!" The boy took another sip of hot tea, "Did something terrible happen to you? Anyway, as long as you reach the top of the mountain, you can choose to go up or down. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

"Listen to you, you want to go up?" Salomon narrowed his eyes happily, "Do you have anything to do with those angels?"

"It's none of your business!" The boy jumped up from the bench. "Sly fellow! I'll never say anything you want to know again!"

"It's too late, you've already told me everything!" Salomon pointed to his head, "Your mind is completely defenseless, just like the open wallet you stole two days ago. You don't know why you are going to Fenbowente, you just want to go. Snotty brat, you can bluff!"

" are you so naive!" The boy blushed with anger. He drew out a blue card, "I'm not a child who can't resist, big guy! Do you want to try my ability?"

Facing the provocation, Salomon chose to put the muzzle of the bolt gun on the boy's head, and then performed an American Iaido. Bayonetta watched with a smile as the boy and Salomon quarreled, and the scene was very harmonious. However, this is only on the surface. In fact, the minds of Bayonetta and Salomon are communicating to ensure that the conversation between them is not known to outsiders.

"Where did you find it?" asked the Witch.

"The top of Fenbowente Mountain." Salomon replied, "It's a very powerful prophecy spell. I can't track the monitor back without attracting attention. In addition, the magic that monitors us has a very similar power to the magic on that card. This child is definitely connected to the whole conspiracy."

"Then we'll go to Fenbowent first, and I don't believe the mastermind will hold up."

"Bring this child, the reason why he wants to go to Fenbowente is out of intuition. Although I don't know why, he may be able to help." Salomon reminded, "I have to test his position before that. I will arrange this matter, and I hope you will not object."

"How are you going to do this?"

"I'm planning to……"

Salomon ended the telepathy. He said to the boy, "Now the sun is going down, and we're in a hurry. Since you said you could take us to the Holy Mountain, then lead the way. By the way, what's your name? What, Rocky? I know a fellow named Rocky, and I beat him badly last time. Are you sure you want that name?"

What happened next was completely within Salomon's expectations.

He let the little boy named Rocky lead the way, and he and Bayonetta followed behind, heading for the place called "Church of the Falls" that Rocky pointed out. It was the tallest building in Noah Dunn's town. Although it was called a church, it didn't have any idols or signs. According to Loki, that church was used to hold ceremonies to worship the Holy Mountain in the past. There is a magical device on the steeple of the church that can build a "bridge to heaven", which can teleport the user to the halfway up Finnbowente Mountain-for a boy with only a few months of memory, he should not have known this kind of information. But the boy suddenly held his head and screamed in pain. Immediately afterwards, some blurred images appeared in front of him. The witch and the mystic, who were bystanders, could see certain scenes from those images.

After waiting for the pain to ease slightly, the boy told Bayoneta and Salomon the information.

"I think the essence of this kid should be a projector." Salomon complained without sympathy, "He must have been looking for film just now."


"Okay, snotty brat, take some painkillers. No OxyContin, that's mine! I'm not addicted, and if you take it, you'll have to go to rehab for a while."

Ask for a ticket!

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