"I don't really want to rely on the seventy-two demon gods to fight, although they can help a lot." Salomon pointed to Phoenix who was sleeping on the shelf. If Salomon hadn't come to look for it, it would have It will never speak, because apart from Salomon and the Supreme Mage, everyone else has a great possibility of getting lost in its singing. Since Phoenix appeared in the Supreme Master's meditation room, the mystic who took care of the Supreme Master's daily life no longer had to use magic to light candles-the flame was burning on Phoenix's feathers.

"And then?" asked the Venerable.

"In addition to the magic in "The Book of Weissandi", I think some magic that manipulates energy and fights is also a compulsory course for me." Salomon refers to the evocation magic, including fire, frost, lightning, soil, acid erosion and magic. Force fields, the effects of these magics are extremely simple and direct, and they are the best choice for cleaning up miscellaneous fish.

The evocation magic also has great similarities with Weissandi's magic. The Supreme Sorcerer is a master at manipulating energy. Salomon has even seen the Venerable use the spell "Magic Missile" in the mirror dimension. It became "Isaac Missile Storm".

The so-called "Five Fireball God Religion" was even more easily displayed in the hands of the Supreme Master. But these magics are only interesting to the Venerable, because these are useful to some apprentices, but they cannot deal with the enemies of the Supreme Mage.

"Protective magic is also a compulsory course for me." Salomon said, "Divination spells also need to be practiced a little bit, and the same is true for mind spells. I just need to learn the basics of illusion. As for necromancy... To tell you the truth, I am actually a Somewhat interested. Hmm? Aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" said His Holiness, "Is it more serious to study black magic than to gain the power of Dormammu? It's no big deal, you are still too young and still need to learn, black magic is also magic One, I do not forbid you to learn."

Salomon almost forgot that the Supreme Mage is the one who has obtained the most power from Dormammu, necromancy is not enough to make the Venerable make a fuss, as long as the learning of necromancy is not discovered by other people in Kama Taj alright. After reporting on his magic learning plan for the next stage, Salomon obediently left the Zen room, planning to go to Bayonetta to kill time.

It's spring break now, and his magic has made some progress. The first three-ring spell he learned was the famous fireball spell. The Supreme Mage, quite satisfied, gave Salomon a little vacation.


The heavy curtains blocked all the strong sunlight that broke in from the windows. Although it was spring, the two women were still wearing clear and thin pajamas. Their legs are curled up on the cushions, and they each hold a book in their hands. This is not some advanced magical book, but an ordinary romance novel on the market.

Bayunita twitched her white toes painted with black nail polish restlessly, and kept gently touching Salomon who was sitting in the middle of the sofa. Compared with Bayonetta's gentleness, Joan of Arc is much rougher. The white-haired witch always thought that Salomon was an outsider in the world of her and Beunita. She put her foot heavily on his knee the first time Salomon arrived, neither moving nor moving. not talking.

"Meow~" The Cheshire Cat greeted its owner cautiously.

"Shut up, you fat cat!" Joan snapped under the sofa angrily, as if she had just seen Salomon, she greeted extremely bluntly, "There is food in the refrigerator, go get it."

Salomon was not surprised by Joan's attitude. He snapped his fingers, and the refrigerator door opened by itself, as if an invisible person was taking drinks and snacks out of it, and could unscrew the bottle cap and pour Coke into it. cup, and finally delivered these to the three people lying on the sofa. This is also a small improvement in Salomon's magic. Now when he casts some magic, he doesn't need to use the cheap spell-casting materials that can be seen everywhere-such as this invisible servant spell, a thread and a piece of wood This casting material can be completely ignored.

Joan snorted softly, took the cup, and stopped looking at Salomon. Although she was still a little dissatisfied, she still slowly accepted Salomon's existence. After all, most of the dinners were made by Salomon himself, and only lunch they had to deal with casually. As long as Bayonetta doesn't keep Salomon overnight... even if she stays overnight, she can't be invited to the bed! Because there is only one big bed in this apartment, she sleeps with Bayonetta!

Salomon also brought a lot of books and manuscripts, which he and Beunita searched from the library of the Church of the Holy Cross. He would definitely not be able to read them all by himself. The same goes for the Scholar's Touch magic. Simply, Beunita is very happy to share this job, because the Ragnar Order is now almost completely wiped out at the top, and the funeral affairs are also going on intermittently. The old manuscripts still piqued her interest.

Next, Salomon will enter high school, which is a bit late for his grades and age, but with his GCSE A* results and the award of the EU National Young Scientist Competition, there is still a chance. Many private schools will come to invite him, and Salomon has already received several invitations to interview during the holidays.

It's just that these schools have attendance requirements, so Salomon needs to choose carefully. For example, Eton College, parents are not allowed to visit three weeks before enrollment, and they are not allowed to leave the school. This will allow Salomon to study magic. The time is greatly shortened; and the tuition fee of 20,000 pounds per year (although this is nothing to Salomon now), if Salomon chooses himself, he will definitely not choose to enter this kind of school .

Interestingly, Eton College was founded by Henry VI in 1440. The main purpose is to provide free education for poor students, so that poor children can also enter the school as a preparatory school for King's College, Cambridge University. Unexpectedly, today's Eton College has gradually become the most famous aristocratic school in the UK, which is a bit ironic.

But in any case, the best place for a British high school student to go is the "Nine Great Public Schools". Although what His Holiness said about "giving a Saxon a good look" is a joke, it is clear that the Supreme Master still wants to let Saxon. The idea of ​​Lomon going to rule a new generation of Saxons.


Due to the deep impression that Salomon Damonette left on Natasha Romanoff, she started the investigation immediately after handling the affairs of the Stark Group. When she opened the S.H.I.E.L.D. information network to access Salomon's file, she discovered that there was a mark on Salomon's file.

This sign means "dangerous", and it belongs to the sixth-level secret, which is lower than Natasha's confidentiality level. If not, she would not be able to see this file. And the annotator of this note is Agent Coulson, Natasha knows him, he is the director's right-hand man, it is said that when Nick Fury was not the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Coulson had already become with him partner.

Natasha's secret agent instincts made her feel that this matter was a bit tricky. Although Nick Fury is famous for not being selfish, a long-term special agent and the director's partner when he was young actually only has level-6 authority. There must be a lot of articles. But that’s not the point right now. It just so happens that Agent Coulson is also in charge of Tony Stark’s affairs, and is now rummaging through the documents left by Howard Stark. Natasha thinks she can ask him, Ask about things that aren't on file.

"I wanted to confirm whether you have a sufficient level of confidentiality, but it is obviously superfluous." Coulson's voice came from the other end of the phone, "But I still want to know why you are so moved by this matter interest?"

"Tony Stark met him, alone, in the lounge of the European Union National Young Scientist Competition." Natasha was bored flipping through the documents of the Stark Group, since she became the president of the Stark Group After my assistant, these troublesome documents continued to flow-why did she even have to formulate the style of the badge? Couldn't the security services fix this?

"And then?" Coulson asked.

"After Stark met him, he kept saying that he saw someone weirder than him." Natasha said with a smile, "I think, you also know how weird Stark's temper is. It's hard for me to imagine anyone more eccentric than him."

Instinctively, Natasha didn't reveal too much information, and Coulson knew it well, but it was enough.

"In fact, Salomon Damonette is suspected to have been absorbed into an organization of supernatural beings." Coulson didn't laugh, his tone gradually became serious, "This organization has been active in Sellin Town. If You go to the events file in Salem and you can find a few things, the robbery of the gemstone ring of Senator White in Salem, and there was a fire in the outskirts of the local area."

"What's the connection?" Natasha asked.

"I think Salomon Damonette is very likely to be a flame power user, and he was the one who robbed Congressman White." Agent Coulson said, "He also has a companion. Maybe that robbery was just Criminal rehearsal, they will have bigger actions."

"Rings?" Natasha thought of the three rings on Salomon's right hand, and those three expensive rings were extremely eye-catching no matter where they were. She said, "What does Senator White's ring look like?"

"There's a pink gemstone that stands out," Coulson said.

"Yes..." Natasha thought back, and she did see a ring with pink gemstones on Salomon's finger. She continued to ask, "Have you continued to investigate?"

"I arranged it in my dream, sir," Coulson said. "I remember the last clue was in a private museum, and I had to stop the investigation because of Stark's disappearance. Maybe it was because I I paid too much attention to it, I also dreamed that I led an action team to assault that museum... I can even clearly remember the furnishings in the museum, it’s amazing.”

"Yes, it's really... miraculous." Natasha narrowed her eyes as she looked at Coulson's action record. Agent Coulson didn't raid the museum in a dream at all, he did, but why would he think he was dreaming? Natasha Romanoff took a deep breath—it was a big deal, and it wasn't a small fish under the hook.

Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Thanks to the lost maple leaf for the 200 point reward.

Thanks to book friend 20180924184400620 for the 100-point reward.

I've been obsessed with farming and dueling lately.

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