Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 812: The Bridge of Heaven (Second Change)

The end of the spiral staircase is the source of the waterfall, and the source of the waterfall is a circular pool. In the center of the pool is a very exquisite spherical device. This device is composed of shiny iron and silver arabesques and blue glass with a perfect arc. Half of it is soaked in the continuously flowing water. You can guess with your toes that this is a magic device, because the water in the pool defies gravity and fills up into this spherical device.

"I seem to remember this thing." The boy gasped, "I know how to use this thing."

"Go." As soon as he heard the boy say that, Salomon suddenly became nervous.

The boy's recollection of something represents a step closer to unraveling the mystery, and Finnbowendt Mountain is where all the answers lie. And in order to prevent them from reaching Fenbowent, some powerful creatures from the upper and lower planes joined forces to kill the boy. Both the mystic and the sorceress had their hands on their weapons, and the boy was extremely self-aware, walking toward the fine marble platform that led into the pool, toward the contraption, with utmost vigilance. This is a likable trait. Salomon doesn't like to cooperate with people who don't have professional combat qualities—such as the current S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, every time he sees their loose appearance, his blood pressure will increase several times——The boy reached out and touched the blue glass surface, and the next moment he was sucked into the device by a flash of light. After the initial panic, the boy quickly calmed down.

"Stop, I'm fine!" He yelled quickly to prevent Salomon and the Witch from overreacting and destroying the device with weapons.

Bubbles kept coming out of his mouth, but he didn't seem to be drowning at all. The boy didn't seem to think about why he didn't need to breathe in this liquid-filled ball, but could open his mouth to speak. However, this is not the only thing that is contrary to common sense. Everyone present did not have the energy to study it slowly. Only Salomon used the arcane vision to roughly distinguish the working principle of this device. Salomon believes that this may be a ritual device that does not have many functions, but the specific purpose is not easy to judge.

"This is the device to the 'Bridge of Heaven'." The boy said loudly, so that the witch and the mystic outside the sphere would not hear. The spherical device floats up from the pool, and finally hangs out of nowhere on the water. "I can use this thing!"

"Then hurry up!" Beunita pointed the pistol at the ever-flickering golden light in the waterfall church, and began to pull the trigger. Almost all of those tall windows were occupied by portals, and centaur-type lower-level angels kept pouring out of the portals, and the number was astonishing. Salomon attacked, the deafening roar of bolters echoing unbearably through the empty hall. The explosive warhead easily shattered the white porcelain skin of the lower angels, and blasted the non-human flesh into a pool of mud. At the same time, the flashing lightning burst out from his hands, scorching nearly ten lower angels like sweeping dust.

"Come on!" the boy urged. The mystic and the witch didn't waste any more time, and immediately jumped onto the ball, followed by the lower-level angels who hadn't been killed yet. Surprisingly, this spherical device actually generates artificial gravity by itself. No matter which side of the sphere you stand on, it will feel like standing on flat ground, and the direction of gravity is always towards the center of the circle. Salomon and Bayoneta hurriedly circled the ball and started killing, to prevent those lower-level angels from destroying the seemingly fragile ball with their weapons.

The ascent was not so smooth.

After Salomon and the witch killed all the centaur archangels named "Honor" and the spellcaster archangels named "Ecstasy" that were still standing on the spherical device, a huge portal suddenly appeared on the dome of the towering church, and two golden meteor hammers that were full of spikes that were full of people's height and were linked by chains slammed down from above. Although it failed to hit directly, it caused the spherical device to completely lose control, rolling and falling downward. The boy jumped out just moments before the device lost control, and he transformed into a flying squirrel the exact color of his clothes, gliding toward the available foothold on the church wall. Beunita stepped on the shoulder armor of the mystic, and was half-embraced by Salomon, jumped off the spherical device, and landed on a shrine where the statue was placed on the wall of the church.

Salomon looked up and found that the stone door that was supposed to be opened on the dome of the church was still closed at this moment.

Even if the device is not out of control, it is impossible for them to reach the target by relying on the spherical device.

"Angel Quan [Zhuang Yan], I don't even remember how many times I have killed them." The witch said with a smile, "It's time to warm up."

However, Angel Quan ignored the witch and the mystic, but continued to fly towards the top of the church, so angry that Bayoneta shot the guy twice. Even so, Angel Quan did not turn back to fight it, but hammered off the church wall with a limb made of a hammer, and then jumped out without looking back. "The boy!" said Bayonetta anxiously, "it's looking for the boy!"

The boy got up from the ground and transformed from a flying squirrel into a human again.

He looked up and found that he was already on the "bridge of heaven".

The Bridge of Paradise is a passage made of giant stones. It extends a beautiful arc from the top of the waterfall church at the foot of the mountain to Finnbowente Mountain. There are beautiful torch stands on both sides of the passage. This is his destination. Originally, the bridge of heaven had collapsed, but under his power, those ruined walls were finally restored to a passage that could be traveled. Even looking at it from a modern perspective, this is a very spectacular project, but the boy doesn't care at all. He just wants to go directly to Finnbowente Mountain through this corridor, instead of thinking about the circumstances of the construction of this passage like Salomon at that time, analyzing its artistic style and age, and he can't understand what Salomon's "Ionic columns" and "Corinthian columns" are.

The boy felt that the stone bridge under his feet began to tremble. When he looked back, he saw an extremely huge angel climbing the broken first steps of the bridge of heaven. Seeing that the hammer that was bigger than him was about to fall, the boy hurried forward without looking back. From time to time, he threw cards backwards, trying to slow down the enemy's footsteps with such attacks. Angel Quan climbed along the Bridge of Heaven and approached the boy, while destroying the connection between the Bridge of Heaven and the Waterfall Church, and had no time to deal with the boy's attack. Whenever Angel Quan is about to climb up, the card thrown by the boy can always knock it back, making Angel Quan struggle like a cat hanging on the door.

The boy followed the bridge of heaven to where the spherical device was supposed to go. In his memory, this is the destination, but the stone gate that should have been opened at this moment seemed to be smashed by something, completely losing its original function. He stretched out his hand and used a power he didn't understand to reverse time and restore Shimen. The restored stone door opened slowly, but the boy didn't have time to wait, because Quan Angel had already caught up, and there was more than one of them. The ancient Greek-style stone pillars built around the stone gate were interrupted, and the boy hurriedly avoided the meteor hammer and flying stones.

Suddenly, two palms with blue-gray skin and blood-red nails inserted into the gap of the stone door, and pushed the door open forcefully. Madame Butterfly leaned out half of her body from behind the stone gate, and without even thinking about it, she punched the approaching Angel Quan in the head.

"This guy is really violent." Salomon jumped out from behind the stone door with Beunita in his arms, and the jet engine sprayed flames. Madame Butterfly seemed to have heard Salomon's thoughts, she stretched out a finger and tapped his helmet in great dissatisfaction. It seemed that if it wasn't for Beunita who was still being held by him, Madame Butterfly would probably flick his head with her fingers.

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