Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 855: Loyalty Above All (Part 1)

"What's this?" General Hale asked, pointing to Ruby's waist.

Since Ruby came back from the White House, she went straight into the room belonging to her in the youth training camp. She seemed to have changed, and she didn't find her favorite food immediately. At first, General Hale thought it was the agitation of an adolescent girl, until she saw Ruby took out a long folding hunting knife, a large-caliber pistol, and a hand crossbow for silent assassination from the suitcase she carried around her waist. These three things all have exquisite brass decorations and reliefs, with a strong steampunk style, but this is just an appearance used to hide the technological content contained in these things.

The long hunting knife is made by the advanced metallurgical technology of Mars, and there is a small motor attached to the shaft, which can be automatically opened and ejected in the blink of an eye; the handle of the large-caliber pistol has a shock absorption system, which can be used to continuously fire special .

There was also a suit of clothing in the suitcase, but it wasn't covert attire, but a black evening dress.

"It's a present, Mom," Ruby replied with a smile. She knows how to use these things, and these are the things she needs for the next mission. Salomon once gifted her with hunting knives and pistols. After she became familiar with the use of those weapons, she could skillfully move these weapons and equipment specially made for her at an extremely fast speed. She hung her weapons and equipment on a special armed belt around her waist. "I think it's time for me to join some projects. I believe Malik must have told you." She said, "Whitehall is dead, and I saw his brain. The master of the Immortal City thinks that I should not be idle. Only in this way can I carry out the more difficult work of the Immortal City in the future."

General Hale stared into Ruby's eyes, and she didn't nod until Ruby's expression became unnatural.

"Ruby, you have to understand that I'm the only one who thinks about you in this world." General Hale sighed, "Cooperating with the Malik family is just to take advantage of each other. I didn't expect that there is another huge organization behind the Malik family, but it doesn't mean that we have to work for them. It's just cooperation, Ruby, and cooperation is mutual use."

"I know." Ruby said, "It's just a limited cooperation."

"No, you don't understand." General Hale watched as Ruby's eyes were drawn into her lips, and the wrinkles at the corners of her mouth were quite obvious. Her hair was tied tightly behind her head, and the corners of her eyes were pulled upwards, revealing a serious and rigid expression. This is a by-product brought to her by years of military career, and it is also her consistent image. However, she quickly changed her expression and put on a more natural expression used to communicate with her family.

General Hale has blond hair, while Ruby's hair is almost white-blonde. In General Hale's heart, Ruby is her most precious possession. Even if Ruby was not voluntary when she was conceived, this is her daughter, and no one can take it away. After all these years, General Hale did not want Whitehall to take Ruby away, let alone the Immortal City, which he only recently learned about. "The Immortal City, or rather, the mysterious owner of the Immortal City is very powerful. This is the information I learned through secret channels, and he didn't reveal his secret to us." General Hale stroked Ruby's long, smooth hair. Ruby didn't speak, but sat silently by the bed and played with the long hunting knife in her hand.

She learned about what happened on Finnbowente Mountain from the intelligence department. All the reconnaissance satellites aimed at Finnbowente that day were shot down by unknown forces. Even so, a Mobil employee who was on vacation took a photo that was extremely blurry but could still make out the general appearance of the subject. However, the creepy thing is that the photo was later deleted from the archives, and the agent who discovered the photo died alone in the intelligence room. The cause of death was lack of oxygen. This made General Hale even more disturbed—she couldn't understand what the person in the photo was. She immediately deleted the photo and threw away the computer, lest a terrible ending would happen to her and Ruby. None of this happened, but General Hale was still nervous.

"We have to hold back. If we're not careful, he'll drain us of our value." General Hale asked very seriously, "Ruby, what does it mean to be worthless to a person?"

"Death." Ruby replied without thinking.

This is the truth she has learned since she was a child, and even the word value was planted in her mind earlier than the concept of death. But earlier than the concepts of value and death, there is obedience. Obedience to the superior, obedience to the mother, and obedience to the mighty, it is a relationship that builds up. She is also a Hydra like Stephanie, and she also understood the meaning of value and obedience at a young age, and they also understood that power has the highest priority.

The reason why Stephanie has full confidence in Ruby is that this confidence comes from Hydra's survival rules. Power is everything, just like Salomon broke into the Malik Manor and subdued the Malik family with arms. This is not an unspeakable shame, but an honor. Because the Malik family is valuable, Salomon will take it in at all costs, which is a compliment to the Malik family and even all traditional Hydras. Gideon Malik has even started writing a memoir, intending to tell the story of Salomon and the Malik family to the descendants of the Malik family-of course, Stephanie and Salomon have a child in Gideon Malik's pen, and this memoir is what he intends to write for this child.

Ruby is also subject to power, and power comes from only one person.

The one who fills his presence wherever he goes, the one who is majestic and beautiful.

"That's it," said General Hale. "All I do is keep us alive, Ruby."

"I see, Mom. I'll be careful with those people, don't worry."

"Very good." General Hale looked around, at Ruby's room. There aren't many items here that suggest this is a teenage girl's room. This made her feel a little guilty about Ruby, because at first she thought of cultivating Ruby as a tool. Even if she changed her mind, she couldn't take care of Ruby's life because of her work, but put the rest of her energy on Ruby's education. "Perhaps you want a record player or a game console?" General Hale said, "At least there is one advantage of cooperating with the Immortal City, that is, the investigation of me is over, and we can relax for a while."

"What's the backup plan?"

"My lord, I have arranged for an assassin to sneak in before General Hale and Ruby returned to the youth training camp." Stephanie said, "Now the monitoring equipment of the youth training camp is in charge of our information security personnel. My lord, do you really need to worry about General Hale? Even if Ruby turns back, she will not know the real location of the Immortal City, let alone your identity."

"Let's put it this way, Stephanie, General Hale has something to do with our lunar war plan. No, she's not a spy for the Inhumans, she's not directly connected to the Inhumans. She's connected to another race, an alien that we're 100% facing the Inhumans, the Kree."

Stephanie raised her eyebrows in surprise

"But she is not a spy of the Cree, not at all." Salomon said, "I admire her a lot, it is true. She may not be as smart as us, but she has always maintained her loyalty to humans."

My fault, Dyson spheres are so much fun.

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