Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 858 Pastoral Life (Second Change)

"Will this be too vicious?" His Holiness asked, frowning.

This is definitely not because the Gothic font is illegible, nor is it because the incense lit in the poorly lit meditation room makes it difficult to open the eyes, but simply because the plan given by Salomon is really complicated and vicious.

"I don't want to get a cynical candidate for the Supreme Sorcerer. What if Strange thinks that he will take revenge after learning magic? Or he becomes some kind of superhero, threatening the outside world all day long." Run to the streets to fight for justice. Either way is not the candidate I want, but the puppet that Trinity Visandra wants."

"If virtue does not match, there will be disasters. Virtue is weak but status is high, wisdom is small but ambition is great, power is small but responsibility is heavy, and it is rare." Salomon took the plan that the venerable had read hastily. After Natasha Romanov left, he added an appendix, which described in detail how to cause damage to the mission target that could never be recovered, and three hundred methods that did not endanger life. Among them, magic curses accounted for 105 kinds, all of which were black magic that Salomon could cast.

Salomon said, "If Stephen Strange doesn't realize that all problems stem from his own intelligence, it means that such a person is not capable of becoming the supreme mage. I happen to know a pretty good guy, although his personality is not the same as his own. Strange is not much different, but I quite admire the detective who lives in London. If Stephen Strange can't make it, then we might as well change the target. I don't think Vessandi will mind this kind of thing, After all, these two people look similar, and their personalities are equally annoying."

"It seems that your sense of humor will not disappear no matter what." His Holiness looked at the disciple sitting across from the corner of his eyes.

As an observer of Karma Taj, Modu got an accurate report of the battle damage. His Holiness knew that this time it was supposed to be a mission for all Karma Taj. After being handed over to the Immortal City, those mortals relied on weapons and extraordinary What kind of results did his courage achieve. His Holiness also knew what a terrible price the Immortal City had paid this time. Even the artificial man made by Salomon himself was sacrificed, and many mortals sacrificed a lot. According to Modu, the funeral in the Immortal City lasted for a whole week, which did not include the soldiers who were executed because their minds were corrupted during the post-war investigation.

The Venerable knew that Salomon must have written down every name, but Salomon refused to show his grief, because he believed that those soldiers were facing the enemy of mankind because of his order. Although this is a necessary sacrifice, it does not mean that he can forgive himself, nor does it mean that he will not continue to issue such orders for a while. Even if he encounters a battle situation in the future that may cause all the sisters to sacrifice, but the sacrifice can be exchanged for more lives, he will not hesitate too much, even if it is his own life, this is the principle of action taught to Salomon by the supreme mage .

His Holiness, however, does not want Salomon to remain in his current state. To be precise, His Holiness does not want Salomon's mood to change so quickly that he will be insensitive to sacrifice in the future, even if this is the destined future, but now His Holiness needs a Salomon with feelings. The witch is the only person who can relieve Salomon's repressed emotions, and the Supreme Mage needs the witch to guide Salomon.

"You should have no work to do in the Immortal City, right?"

"Next comes the development phase, and Stephanie can arrange everything."

"Then you can take a vacation after finishing cursing Stephen Strange, I believe in your magical skills."

Salomon raised his eyebrows in surprise. He rarely has the concept of vacation. As a mystic, his job is to be on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to solve problems at any time. After all, creatures in outer dimensions do not follow the time of the earth. Such a thing as a holiday was only encountered when he was a minor, and he never had a relaxing day after he became an adult.

"Beyonetta said that you want to live in the countryside for a few days." His Holiness said, "I thought about it and found that you really need a vacation. Otherwise, you will stay in the Sanctuary after finishing your work in the Immortal City." It is inevitable that the witch will be left out in the cold, so I decided to make it easier for you."

"Won't this make the Mystic family think too much?" Salomon asked, "You did not hide from them about recruiting Strange. Although the Mystic family has no ability to resist, they have the ability to make a little move There are too many ways to do bad things, and the civil servants in Whitehall are gentlemen compared to those old guys."

"Don't worry, I will leave you a clean Karma Taj." His Holiness said with a smile. Unlike the murderous look in his words, there was no bloody smell in the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth. His Holiness has issued an order to the entire magical world before, and every spellcaster who knows a little bit of prophecy knows that a harsh era is coming, and the black tide of the sea of ​​souls is surging, and even Kama Taj has to be serious. response. Except for black wizards and spellcasters who lived in deep mountains and old forests and couldn't get to the designated place to register in time, most of the sloppy wizards registered, but there were also some idiots who challenged the authority of Kama Taj.

Karma Taj hasn't moved much yet, but anyone familiar with the ways of the Supreme Sorcerer knows that a purge is bound to follow. So the magic black market in New York's sewers ramps up, each dark wizard trying to resupply before winter arrives, and then hide away from the blizzard of the Wrath of the Sorcerer Supreme - the extent of the blizzard Even Karma Taj is included. His Holiness is ruthless to others, and he is also ruthless to his own people. From now on, Karma Taj's behavior style and education method will have great changes. Salomon saw clearly that this was a preparation for the next era, and any opponents must be buried under six feet. Salomon was sure he would be involved in this process, cementing his position in Karma Taj to take over the power and responsibility given to him by taking over the separate titles of His Holiness.

His Holiness showed Salomon the crown, the one he was destined to wear.

It was the venerable's private collection, and it was not kept in the sanctuary or the Himalayan headquarters, but was held by Athena. The Venerable also cast a spell to blur his own future, and at the same time forbade Salomon to predict the manner of her death. Whenever Salomon mentioned how His Holiness intended to retire, His Holiness always kept vague, as if there was something Salomon couldn't accept.

"I have asked Modu to pass on the news. Those mysterious families who cannot accept or understand the hint will only become troubles in the future." The Venerable stood up slowly. The height of the Venerable is already considered tall among mortals, and the profound cultivation of the secret method makes the Venerable look ordinary, instead of being able to fill all the sense of existence like Salomon.

This is the cultivation attained by Kama Taj from a hundred schools of thought, and it is the so-called mysterious state of harmony with light.

It is the same as its light and its dust, which is called Xuantong. Xuantong is the realm of the same mysterious and same. In order to reach this state, one must "frustrate" and "resolve disputes" in the process of cultivation. Frustration is to learn from experience but not follow blindly, to resolve disputes is to hold back the yin and embrace the yang, examine the problem comprehensively, use the guise of self-cultivation, sharpen one's temperament, refine the virtue, supplement the alchemy, increase the morality, and finally achieve the state of mind of the great hermit. Realm, just like "a sergeant gained his way from the three armies", is not limited to being born into the world. Whether it is called magic or Taoism, its most fundamental core idea is the same, and the most powerful cultivation base is the ordinary appearance of the Venerable. This is the top-level cultivation of Taoism and nature, and it is a cultivation that Salomon cannot achieve at present. He is still in the stage of showing his sharpness.

"But I think they should obey orders, because some old guys still remember my methods as the Supreme Mage."

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