Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 860 Slaughterhouse (Happy New Year! Second update!)

In the face of future turmoil, the magical world must be highly controlled. This is the result of the discussion between His Holiness and Salomon. Compared with ordinary people, spellcasters have a closer connection with outer dimensions and are more prone to corruption. Once the caster is corrupted, it is very likely to become a portal for the creatures of the outer dimension to lead to the plane of reality—what's even more frightening is that the influence of this outer dimension is formed imperceptibly. Some spellcasters may even just see a few words one day, and then they were brainwashed by horrible nightmares that night. When they woke up, they inexplicably became lackeys and believers of the outer dimension, and then set up a trap for the people around them in order to spread the corruption of the outer dimension. Trap it, or simply offer it as a sacrifice to an extradimensional god.

This kind of thing happened more than once even after His Holiness established the ruling power, so Kama Taj would compare cultists to cockroaches. When seeing a cultist, it means that there is a brood that has not been discovered. Cultists. After all, not everyone can have the same spirit of facing the outer dimension as Salomon, and can rely on a powerful soul to chat and laugh happily with Dormammu in the dark dimension. Books in the Karma Taj library related to this content are shackled in iron chains, enchanted, and can only be read with permission.

Most of the invisible magic materials traded in the black market, human bones, human skin, nails and various internal organs are the most common types, and they are also the most secretly traded commodities in the black market. These things are generally not sold directly, and it is difficult for dark wizards without connections to buy such things. These body organs include those of ordinary people and those of spellcasters. The body organs of spellcasters are far more valuable than those of ordinary people whether they are used as materials for casting spells or research materials—the source of these things is always shrouded in fog, after all. There are so many people all over the world who die every day for unknown reasons. Kama Taj can't manage this manpower at all. He can only monitor the magic fluctuations in the black market through the Agamotto crystal ball and the planetary defense system to ensure that there are no large-scale summoning spells here.

Now Salomon has set foot on this practically lawless land.

It's not that no Kama Taj mystics have been here, but the ferryman gave all the black market traders enough time to transfer those shady things. The Kama Taj mystics only found some cursed magic items. It is not illegal to sell this kind of thing, and even some magic items have been passed down to human society, causing a series of legends, such as the gray-blue hope diamond originally owned by Henry Philip Hope and later sold by the Cardia family, It once led to the destruction of the family of American mining heiress and socialite Evelyn Walsh McLean.

But this time is different.

The ferryman was seized by Salomon with more advanced black magic, and he ordered the boat to sail. He didn't give any coins at all. He wasn't acting alone either. Constantine was waiting at the exit of the sewer with a halberd in hand.

Chief Stacey of the New York Police Department has a headache because he has just faced two murders when he took office.

"No, this is not a murder, but a massacre." Salomon's old acquaintance, Detective Carter of the Eighth Precinct, greeted the police chief who came in a hurry. "More than one corpse, there are also stumps flowing out of the sewer. Some were severed, some were charred, and some were blown up. There are all kinds of causes of death." She said, "According to the forensic doctor According to the identification, the time of death did not exceed 24 hours. What's worse, we can't identify the identity of the corpse at all. So far, the forensic doctor has only pieced together three complete corpses, and the rest are mutilated corpses and internal organs. It's like the sewers of some big slaughterhouse here."

"Where is the first person to discover?" Chief Stacey covered his mouth and nose. The pungent stench of sewer sewage and corpses made it almost impossible to breathe, and even though he was still some distance away from the sewer exit, the stench was still nauseating.

"It's my informant, a homeless man, he slept nearby last night." Officer Carter took off his gloves and threw them into the trash can. Now that the police support has arrived and the scene has been cordoned off, there is no need for her to investigate further into the scene. "I came over with my partner, Detective Francis, when I got the news. We've interviewed him, we've taken notes. But he hasn't seen anything, he hasn't heard anything. He saw it this morning. When we arrived at the floating corpse, the sewage in the sewer also turned red, so he called me immediately."

"What about your partner?"

"There." Detective Carter pointed to the chubby detective in the corner who was throwing up while holding the trash can. Not even the sound of the siren could cover the sound of Detective Francisco's vomiting. In fact, it wasn't just him, some patrolmen also ran aside to vomit after arriving at the scene. "He was the first to walk in the sewers and that's it. Search parties have been in the sewers looking for other bodies, hope they find something. I guarantee this is the largest massacre in the history of New York, Prohibition era mafia rampant It’s never been such a scary sight.”

"Believe me, Detective Carter." Director Stacey said with a frown, "This is not the largest scale, and Hell's Kitchen is not peaceful today. Japanese gangsters were all found dead on the street. Before the statistics came out, we I don’t know where more people died today.”

"Could it be that this year's Santa Claus has turned into a terrorist killer?" Officer Carter pouted, "How about Hell's Kitchen?"

"Hell's Kitchen should be gang fights, but I don't know who the Japanese gangs have provoked recently. It's a holiday now, and we only have enough manpower to take care of one side. Compared with gang fights, the unknown slaughterhouse is more important." Director Stacey Said, "Detective Carter, I want to trouble you to take charge of the investigation here. I'm sorry, I know your son is still at home..."

"He'll understand, Chief." Detective Carter forced a smile. "He understands how important my job is."

"I'm glad that the Eighth Precinct has a responsible detective like you." Chief Stacey sighed, "I didn't expect that there are so many neurotic guys in the New York police. I really can't believe that so many people will subconsciously buckle Pull the trigger. There have been several shootings since I took office, and the police shot first."

"New York is the place with the most guns, Chief." Detective Carter rubbed his frozen palms, "Big guy must learn to protect himself."

"I know, I know." The police chief naturally understood the logic.

The United States encourages civilians to own guns, so the police must prevent those who are about to be arrested from pulling out pistols. The incidents of criminal suspects shooting and killing police officers happened frequently, which made all the police nervous. Once the arrested person made any small move, it would easily cause unnecessary shooting incidents. What's more, in New York, a place with a large number of immigrants, gangsters and smuggling ports, there may be an arsenal hidden in every corner of Hell's Kitchen, which contains illegal guns and even heavy weapons from all over the world.

But what is surprising is that there was no trace of the use of heavy weapons in the gang fight that took place last night, not even mass shootings. From Director Stacey's point of view, it seemed that someone had used cold weapons to clean up the Japanese gangsters in the entire Hell's Kitchen. He felt numb in his toes, and he knew that his future career was not optimistic.

Ask for a ticket!

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