Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 868 General (Second)

"You always think that the regime is as stable as a mountain, Mykoff." Salomon was very contemptuous of Mykoff's self-confidence, and pointed at his arrogance with his own arrogance. "You're always dancing in the shadows of Whitehall as if no one can spot your poor dance moves, as if you can dodge all blades. You think I won't spare a vampire or two and throw them into Whitehall , completely destroy the administrative center of the British Empire, and destroy your warm nest."

"Chaos is not good for you. I know very well that even if you want to cause chaos, you won't do it this way. I know, and you know that I know." Mycroft shrugged, "You and I have the same goal, and we both Secrets. So let me be a little more honest and let me understand a mystery that was unsolved years ago. What is your relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D., or Nick Fury? Why did MI6 find both You at both ends? I boldly put forward a hypothesis, that is, one of you is fake-maybe this inference is a bit rough, but another way of saying is that those two are you. I don't understand your operation method yet, So solve my doubts, isn't this the purpose of our communication?"

"Since I have already found out where your blood relatives are, I can tell you something you can know. Only in this way is it fair." Salomon said calmly, ignoring Mycroft's speculative expression, "I once appeared On the scene of the Battle of New York, that's why the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. came to me. Also, you guessed it, I was in New York and Oxford. But it's like magic, it's magical at first glance , but as long as you think about the principle carefully, everything becomes ordinary.”

"Magic," said Mycroft, "that's why you came to my stupid brother. You showed me, it's in the library, and it all makes sense. I read Maugham "The Magician", you didn't use allusions and code words to talk to me, this simply overturned my previous imagination."

"Nick Fury also thought of me as a wizard living in a cave at first." Salomon laughed. He and Nick Fury get along very well, although there are always quarrels, but confidants are rare. "It's an exaggeration to say that. The intelligence level of your three brothers and sisters is already at the top level of human beings."

Mycroft jumped up from the soft chair.

Without hesitation, he pulled out the handle of the umbrella and pointed the slender blade at Salomon's neck. It wasn't until this moment that the wine glass he dropped shattered on the floor, and the expensive handmade wool floor was covered with wine stains. This civil servant has skills that don't match his appearance, but Salomon didn't look back at him. For the mystics who walked through the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, Mycroft's threat is as weak as this cane and sword— - Mycroft was very, very nervous, and Salomon hit him in the gut. He was not afraid of Salomon revealing the fact that he built a prison to detain his sister. What he was afraid of was that Salomon sent someone to release his anti-social personality sister with a super IQ. No one knew what she could do. What a horrible thing, the so-called anti-social personality of Sherlock Holmes is a pure baby compared to her.

"Secrets are always exchanged by secrets. Don't always think that only you can keep your secrets." Salomon said, "You ruined my plan, Mycroft. Someone has to pay the bill."

"You don't understand her evilness." Mycroft said through gritted teeth. He tried to calm himself down.

"Magic is originally born of strong emotions given by certain special senses, such as fanatical belief, uncontrollable curiosity, and utter hatred. Not all prophecies indicate that you will destroy my plans, but I still do A few hands are ready. A gunboat has arrived in the waters near your prison last night, ready to take action at any time." Salomon said, "The reason why I chose Sherlock is because he has a sense of responsibility, talent and curiosity. Heart. Although the last item is a bit out of date, I believe that after training he will be able to control himself. You and your sister are equally talented. Since you ruined the selection process I prepared, I can only choose your sister .She's more gifted and easier to discipline."

Salomon looked at his watch, then pointed to the phone ringing beside him. "You can answer the phone, because thirty seconds ago, according to the schedule, the gunboat machine gun fired a demonstration, destroying the anti-aircraft firepower of that prison. Don't worry, this is not a call from Downing Street, my men have locked down the call Do you want me to name him, the insider you buried in prison?"

"You don't understand her evil, Salomon." Mycroft didn't answer the phone. He repeated, "Don't go to her, she'll kill everyone."

"Then help me, and make amends for yourself, and let me continue to guide your brother on that path."

"You have to make it clear to me what the risks are in going down that road."

"It's just that you may sacrifice to save all mankind at any time, just like me. There is nothing wrong with it, at least it will make your brother look far beyond the small island of the British Empire. But don't think about gaining any benefits through him , this is not allowed, the magic world is a feudal society through and through, and it pursues social Darwinism. The right to kill you. If he helps you profit in the mortal world, from the perspective of some human kingdom, then I have the right to kill him."

Mycroft was silent. He lowered his cane sword slowly, not of his will. The person in front of him seemed to have started to transform, turning into something beyond his knowledge, something he couldn't understand.

"General, cabinet secretary. Now it's up to you to make a choice." The mystic said unhurriedly, "By the way, those SAS members who seek revenge are now mine, including their families. I am lacking some experience Rich veterans serve as instructors.”

"Your family has been properly settled." Constantine leaned down and said to the restless soldiers. From the beginning to the end, they never thought of finding revenge on McCoff. It was just a lie of Salomon, in order to let them leave the army through legal procedures and not be wanted. Mycroft's power made them feel angry, and the recording made them abandon their loyalty to the British Empire. They just followed the Immortal City team to board the gunboat in such a daze, and what Constantine said made them completely relax. "We have prepared a new home for you, and you can move in. Your children can still study in private schools in the United States. As long as they have excellent grades, they can work in our companies in the future." The guard said, "There are also pensions. Insurance, until the age of one hundred and fifty."

"Who are you?" A soldier with a strong London accent looked around, and he was surprised to find that the ladies in black power armor were surprisingly young and beautiful. These girls were slaughtered in the sewers of London, but apart from the bloody and burnt smell on their bodies, their faces were as clean as if they were going out for shopping. "What the hell are those monsters? I know you, you appeared in Sokovia, I saw you on TV, but you didn't hold this stick at that time." He asked, "This is not the Avengers The league team, the boss is Tony Stark. Are you some kind of robot?"

"No." Wanda Maximoff frowned, and kept cleaning her dirt-stained hair. "We are not that naive organization."

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