Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 877 Conspiracy and Trick (Part 1)

"Hey, my friend!" T'Challa found Salomon in front of the Black Panther Temple, and hugged him very warmly. However, the enthusiastic response T'Challa expected did not come. I saw Salomon quickly took out the pocket of his robe, and held a coal-black kitten in his palm. T'Challa asked slightly apologetically, "I didn't know you had a kid with you! Is it okay?"

"Don't worry, it's vaccinated." Salomon stuffed it back after confirming that the cat was still sound asleep and not passed out. "He's been sleeping for seven hours, and he's been lucky he hasn't peed in my pocket," he said. "I'm not here for a cat, T'Challa. You should know I the goal of."

"I've already read the dossier of the Battle of Finbowent." T'Challa laughed, "You did a good job and saved the world. I think the cooperation between Wakanda and the Immortal City will achieve such a result. "The information T'Challa saw came from Shu Rui, which is the only way for Wakanda to have access to the confidential documents of the Immortal City. Stephanie has vetoed the Wakanda's own proposal to enter the internal affairs department and the military countless times. The department's request put them in the R\u0026D department.

It's an inevitable outcome, even in the Immortal City there are political struggles. The Wakandas want to change the system of the Immortal City into a parliamentary system, and they want to bring the weapons and technology manufactured by the Immortal City into supervision, on the pretext of fearing the abuse of weapons. Especially after the Battle of Finbowent, the Immortal City destroyed an entire mountain, which made some people even more disturbed, so Wakanda researchers were instructed to protest. It's just that Stephanie is supported by Salomon, so the Wakanda people have always lingered outside the decision-making level.

T'Challa is not an idiot, he has long known about the struggle inside the Immortal City through Shu Rui. However, what he didn't expect was that every file that Shu Rui saw had been edited. The intelligence analysts under Victoria Hand specially established a file library for Wakanda people to query. Keep some secrets.

However, he still knew the purpose of Salomon's trip, which was something Su Rui had been complaining to him recently. T'Challa and Salomon walked in along the stone bricks and gold lines outside the temple, and walked in the tropical rainforest and landscape plants maintained by the environmental modification system. They all know that the less overheard the ensuing conversation, the better. "I also saw that Wakanda has a limited population and does not need any large factories at all, so the industrial orders of the Immortal City cannot be completed so quickly." He said, "And does the Immortal City really need such a large amount of industrial raw materials? "

"Are you suspecting that the enemies that the Immortal City will face are not that powerful, and the existing weapons of the Immortal City are sufficient to deal with all threats?" Salomon stepped on the wet stone floor and responded slowly, " Or do you think the Immortal City is strong enough?" These are two different questions. The former said that Wakanda believes that the Immortal City now has excess force, and there is no need for large-scale weapon production. The latter stated that Wakanda does not want to see the Immortal City develop more powerful weapons and is concerned about the existing level of force.

T'Challa didn't fall into the trap.

"I think if the king knows what kind of enemy all mankind will face, he will definitely support your move."

"I hope so, but you and I have also seen the results of the Immortal City today, the giant worm monsters on the east coast of the United States, and the demons of Fenbowente. I try to exclude the results of magic, and let human technology solve the problem. As I hope, all threats can be overcome by human intelligence and courage."

"Exactly, as Wakanda expects."

The conversation between them fell silent for a moment.

The conversation between T’Challa and Salomon was not superficial. T’Challa first asked for the Wakanda’s right to know, and Salomon argued that the Immortal City had been protected without the Wakanda’s knowledge. World, the addition of Wakanda will only cause unnecessary trouble. However, T'Challa said that the goal of the Immortal City is the same as that of the Wakandas. As long as the goals are the same, the Wakandas will fully support them.

"One hundred fifty-seven." Salomon said suddenly.


"One hundred and fifty-seven, this is the number of people who died in the Battle of Fenbowent, excluding the disabled. As for the number of disabled, you can see it from the prosthetics Su Rui made recently." The mystic said, "I want to The Immortal City is another Karma Taj, in which blood is the inevitable price, just like the Karma Taj mystics have sacrificed one after another for thousands of years. I need to equip my soldiers with the best equipment to face the future Even if there is no threat, they are still representatives of human courage. There are not only so-called superheroes who can stand up to threats, T’Challa, superheroes are just humans who have gained powers, and their minds are indistinguishable from humans.”

"I know, I admire the dedication of these people."

"Then please tell me, T'Challa, do the people of Wakanda have such a concept of sacrifice?" Salomon said, "Think about it before answering. When the solar system is full of alien fleets, they think they are leading the world." Is Wakanda, which has a thousand years of technology, capable of fighting? This is not a small fight in New York at that time. The Chitauri are just biological weapons with obvious weaknesses, and the cost of cultivation only takes one day. Let me know after thinking about it. Whether Wakanda can fight to the last man and never surrender."

"What about you?" T'Challa did not choose to answer Salomon's increasingly pointed questions.

"This is my duty, the duty of the owner of the Sword of Terra. I have fought for this duty since I was born, whether it is now or in the future."

"So, the Wakandas agreed to start mass production?" Stephanie asked puzzled, "What did you tell the Wakandas?"

"It's just questioning the courage of the Wakanda people." Salomon sat on the sofa of the interior department as usual and flipped through the documents, "T'Challa is still a good collaborator. Under the threat of the future, he will Gradually strengthen cooperation. But for the current King T'Chaka, bringing the Immortal City into rule like this is the only problem. That cunning old guy has no experience in war, the only battle is against vibranium smugglers and human traffickers .”

"Then how do you deal with him?"

"I have set the date of his death. For the Black Panther God, the current Black Panther agent is no longer enough to face the future." Salomon pointed to the little black cat that was scratching the sofa, "Of course, special Chara is not the only option, for Bastet, as long as the blood of the current royal family is enough. The specific situation depends on how well Victoria Hand and her men work. Poor Prince Nejob, join the Black Panther Party and go It's so ridiculous that the right way didn't die at the hands of the FBI but died at the hands of his own brother. For King T'Chaka, peace is everything, whether it is oppressive or not."

"Prince Nejob's son Nijadaka is a mercenary, and he may have some brain problems." Stephanie wrinkled her nose, "He won't be obedient, my lord. Such a person will only bring us trouble. "

"I never thought of completing the entire cooperation process with Nijadaka." Salomon said, "Cooperating with such a person is not without benefits, just kill him when necessary, and there will be no psychological burden. Either way, we need him to help us disrupt Wakanda and create a power vacuum. Do it well, Stephanie."

"Of course, it's just that this is my plan, not yours."


Ask for a ticket!

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