Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 891 Thinking Dangerous (Part 1)

Only a few people can understand me, because most people are trapped in the mortal mind and cannot see the future clearly, weigh the pros and cons, and make the best choice. I have the ability, so I have to make a choice for them, even if this choice hurts - no, stop! This is the stupidity and arrogance that I have always rejected—like the metabolism, Salomon chewed on this idea and cleared it out of his mind without affecting him in the slightest. Even if he is a created tool with his own thoughts, even if he is enslaved by his own great ideals, he has always been on guard against such thoughts affecting him.

For this reason, he needs to look at what he has done from the perspective of an outsider from time to time.

Although this makes him look lacking in emotion when he introspects, it is the most important wisdom taught to him by the Goddess of Wisdom, not the truth that is printed in books and read by millions but no one understands. It was not until recently that he understood the phrase "with great power comes great responsibility". Even though he didn't think the whole content of this sentence, it didn't prevent him from examining himself in the lowest position, and Not standing on the clouds and looking down. If he doesn't stand up, no one else can, but that doesn't mean he can stand above others and make decisions without emotion.

"Your self-cultivation has improved a little bit, my disciple. Although the cultivation of the mind is not that important to our school, it really affects our own environment and future situation." The supreme mage carefully Observing Salomon's face, he reached a conclusion through facial divination. If we use the Taoist saying, it is "the energy of the whole body goes to court, like a sage king who establishes his capital and establishes the pole, and holds the jade and silk to control all nations." After more than ten years of studying the mysterious method, he returned to the heart of a child, clean and pure, smart and clever. The Venerable is very satisfied with Salomon's state - enlightenment is just overnight, but it can be used for a lifetime. Undoubtedly, this is the best Salomon among the thousands of possibilities, and it is also the one that best integrates with the power of the stigmata, which shows that His Holiness' choice and the price he paid were not in vain.

The light in the meditation room is still insufficient, and the precious incense that sobers the mind is wasted with no one to care.

Karma Taj is the richest school in the entire magical world, bar none.

"I'm glad that you can understand a lot of truths yourself, even if it makes me look very useless as a teacher."

"Don't say that. Without you, I might not know which dimension I'm drifting in now!" Salomon made a grimace, and his behavior was very childish. He hasn't been that nonsense since he was twelve. "Because a character who appeared recently made me think about what I did." He said, "Although all the measures are the best solution, I have forgotten the most important humanity in my heart. God may abandon it, but humanity is still a very important emotion for me now. But I will not let compassion hinder me from making a decision, because I will only implement the best solution. I must for those who cannot resist To resist, to survive for those who cannot survive, even if sacrifices must be made. Well, alien races will probably make up the majority of sacrifices, but that is what I am about."

"Poor child, I don't want your soul to be broken." The Venerable's face became a little ugly, "It is the most terrible mental torture in the world to bear all this with a mortal mind, and you don't have to do it to this extent. "

"I think I can, teacher. You can't just give up without even trying?" Salomon picked up the honey that had become sticky and mixed with tea and drank it slowly, as if he was announcing his Taste buds are dead. "You should know that this is definitely not my style. What's more, isn't this also a kind of tempering in the world of mortals?"

"It seems that you are ready to take over Karma Taj and become the master of mankind." His Holiness said.

The exquisite hollow carved wooden door of the meditation room can't stop the mottled figures outside the room from seeping into the room.

Under the sunshine of the plateau, the golden armor of the Praetorian Guards shone like a second sun, and the perfectly cut gemstones reflected thousands of rays of light. Constantine held a halberd with a grim and resolute expression, silently watching the comings and goings of agents in black combat uniforms marked with the emblem of the Immortal City, loading and unloading boxes of important documents from the assault transport boats that landed on the square. supplies. The Karma Taj mystics, who wore robes of various colors representing different levels of cultivation, were waiting aside, planning to slowly move these things into the Karma Taj dungeon for storage.

These agents were separately divided and managed by the Praetorian Guards, so in addition to the emblem of the eagle with wings spread in the Immortal City, their armbands also had an emblem of a shield and a long sword, and they were named the First Secret Regiment. Each of them is entrusted with the responsibility of dealing with dangerous magical items, their weaponry is the most advanced and powerful mortal man can wield, and their brains are preconditioned to keep up in the face of ghastly weirdness. Remain courageous in the face of the enemy of man. Their chief was Andrew, who had been promoted for his outstanding performance in the Battle of Finnbowent, and the other agents under Andrew were also mortal soldiers who had shown courage and loyalty in the Battle of Finnbowent.

The Imperial Guards monitor all behaviors and are ready to kill those who violate the rules at any time, because only he, the monarch, the supreme mage, and Baron Mordo know what the terrorist items in these high-intensity lockboxes are, and irrelevant personnel must not touch them.

These things are all responses to an event that may come.

Constantine was well aware of the terrible dark secrets his lord hid, from which even the Praetorians themselves were partly born, and that was only a small part of what his lord showed him. That's all. The monarch assured him that the Praetorians would be the purest people in the world, because the Praetorians shared his soul and strength and were armed by him with the strongest armor and sharpest weapons in the world. Constantine can taste the story of the armor on his body and the weapon he holds - the extraterrestrial ore smashed into the earth trillions of years ago, tempered and shaped in the fire of hell like a star, the hammer accompanied by esoteric spells and cosmic The blades of the halberds are forged with technology that few in the world understand. But his armed forces are not only located in the visible world, the armed forces located in the invisible world are equally astonishingly powerful.

He vaguely remembered that he lived among the snow-covered mountains when he was a child, just like what he saw from a distance now, but then the countless killing trials and near-death experiences that descended on alien planets covered this memory, Like black rocks covered under heavy snow. He threw away the memory that was giving him a headache—memories that were just plain water, his brain reprogrammed to let go of useless emotions. The remodeled eyes stare at the figures coming and going in front of him, persistently guarding his monarch. This is his only purpose after being torn, reorganized, constructed, improved, and sublimated, and it is also his eternal duty. The next assault transport would carry equipment capable of digging rock, and the next would be heavy steel. The dungeon of this ancient temple will be transformed, and the witchcraft in the dark night and advanced technology will guard the secrets of the monarch, hiding the monarch's most cruel ideas deep under the thick rocks of the Himalayas.

Salomon was silent for a while before asking a question.

"Teacher, why don't you let me predict your...retirement method?"

"Don't be so tactful, you are asking about my death date." His Holiness shook his head expressionlessly. This is not the first time Salomon has asked, and it certainly won't be the last. "Because I don't want to torture you, child. When that day comes, you will understand. Don't make any moves. Don't think about this problem until then. The more you think about it, the more dangerous it is."

Ask for a ticket!

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