Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 893: A Bad Door Visit (Part 1)

Bayonetta didn't wear clothes, and her beautiful figure was fully exposed in the sun.

She stood in front of the full-length mirror in the bedroom and thought for a while, then picked up the dress she had just given up ten minutes ago from the hanger next to her. It was a black backless evening dress that could be worn with black heels, and there were a dozen other similar dresses lying around next to it. Joan of Arc was doing a similar thing, except that she was also placing dozens of pairs of high heels of different styles next to the dressing mirror, looking for shoes that could match her crimson dress. Only Salomon was sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, talking to the Cheshire cat in his arms, saying these irrelevant, noisy words that even he didn't understand - he had been sitting here for a while. It's been half an hour, and during this period, I have to rack my brains to praise the witch's clothing taste, trying to shorten the dressing time of the witches in this way.

"This evening dress..."

Before he could finish speaking, the black-haired witch rolled her eyes at him, then walked back to start changing another clothes. She just wanted to show it to Salomon, no matter what the mystic had in mind, she would not disturb her steps, as if she followed some mysterious cosmic truth when choosing clothes, as if the earth revolved around the sun So unshakable.

"We're just visiting Casilios, Bayonetta."

"If you are serious about maintaining your personal relationship, you should know that Casilios may introduce his partner to us." Beunita's voice came from the cloakroom, "He treats you as he treats him Children, we must be polite. Take a look at this, isn't it too revealing?"

"Wow! Why didn't you wear this dress last night?" Salomon's eyes lit up.

"Because you get your clothes dirty every time!"

"We can wash clothes like bed sheets. I think that's what the washing machine is for!" The mystic spread his hands with an innocent expression, "And it's not me who is the shower."

"Idiot!" Joan of Arc passed by the mystic who was hit on the head by a supersonic clothes hanger with a smile, and after leaving a sentence, she walked out holding the snack plate just brought in by the maid, the skirt of the crimson skirt intentionally or unintentionally. Brushing Salomon's fingers over the armrest. "I'm ready to go, Theresa!" she yelled down the corridor, stuffing something into her mouth (while keeping the pastry from touching her lipstick), "Hurry up, or we'll miss dinner! "

Phoenix was a little frustrated that he couldn't be a guest. After all, Casilios' new partner is an ordinary person. Salomon and the witch can't show too much supernatural power to avoid suspicion, unless the woman becomes Cascilios' real partner. Salomon was able to show her the phoenix and supernatural powers. In fact, it was not only the invitation of Casilios that contributed to this visit, the Supreme Master also asked Salomon to communicate more with Casilios during this period, observing his mental state and dreams. Even powerful vampires can affect the surrounding environment, so can Odin, who is respected as the father of the gods. The dream of Casilios will be an important way for Kama Taj to explore the prophecies of Ragnarok. Salomon will The collapse of the Asgard Empire is regarded as a crisis and an opportunity for mankind, so he spares no effort to collect clues in this regard.

His Holiness was very happy to see Casilios get out of the shadow of losing his wife, but the mental rift is not so easy to make up. Once the caster's mind is cracked again, extremely bad situations may happen. What's more, the lifespan of ordinary humans is far less than that of spellcasters. Unless the precious life-extending alchemy potion is used or a series of life-extending surgeries developed by the Immortal City are performed, Casilios will have to experience life and death again sooner or later, so Sasa There was one more task for Lomon on this trip, which was to persuade Casilios to think about it.

If Cascilios was serious, he could help to keep that ordinary woman alive as long as possible.

At present, only Gideon Malik has enjoyed this treatment. The old dog now has regenerated hair on his sideburns. In order not to attract suspicion, he even has to dye his hair and make up to make himself look older. I don't know what method Baron Mordo used. Now Salomon is the adopted child of Casilios in name. Presumably Casilios said the same to his girlfriend, or else he and the witch are in a relationship. The woman who answered the door after the bell would not have acted so nervously.

"You're Salomon, aren't you? Oh my god, you're so tall!" The blond woman in the apron forced herself to look surprised, opening her arms as if to give the mystic a hug, but then she wore The elegant Beunita and Joan of Arc walked into the hallway full of curiosity, she wiped her hands on the apron very embarrassedly, and gave up the intention of showing intimacy.

"Hello, Ms. Jacob." Salomon smiled and hugged her gently. He saw this woman's efforts to integrate into the family, and he would naturally respond. "This is my mates, Bayonetta and Joan of Arc." He introduced the woman. But before he finished speaking, the two witches passed him to shake hands with the woman. Salomon just shrugged and handed the red wine tied with a ribbon to the blonde woman, "I think you will like this."

"Oh! Okay!" The blond woman held the wine bottle, her eyes widened, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Casirios did not say that his adopted son had committed bigamy, and that he was with two women who were exaggeratedly good in figure and outrageously beautiful. Perhaps because of the relationship between height and face, each of Salomon and the Witch will feel oppressive to others when they are twisted out alone, let alone when the three of them stand together. This made it a bit unbearable for a woman who was just an ordinary person. She had exhausted all her courage in the act of hugging before. Seeing her like this, Salomon was very grateful that Beunita rejected his suggestion of dressing up grandly - he had previously wanted to wear a tuxedo and a richly decorated long sword to express himself in a more formal way attention. But Bayonetta said it was silly and would only frighten the poor woman. Casilios had something to hide from her, and it was already very unfair to her. If another stupid adopted son was added, that poor woman might collapse on the spot, and then start to cry and start calculating the medical expenses of the mental hospital.

When she said this, she was smearing lipstick in front of the dressing table, so that Salomon's peripheral vision could not help but drift towards her. Now Salomon thinks Bayonetta has a point. Fortunately, she is in charge of the family, otherwise there would be trouble sooner or later. However, he also wanted to point out that the clothes worn by the witches today were a bit too expensive, and this was not a fashion show.

It's just that the two witches turned a deaf ear to this and still went their own way.

"Come in quickly, Casilios is preparing dinner. He is very glad that you can come!" Ms. Jacob managed to hold back the words from her throat, and Salomon had to quietly put his hands behind his back and cast the spell steadily woman's emotions. It would be too bad if she cried out here. It has to be said that Bayonetta and Joan of Arc have begun to like her.

"We are also very happy." Bayonetta blinked and motioned for Salomon to follow quickly. Just relying on that little magic is not enough, the witch intends to let her relax completely. "Let the men go to work in the kitchen, we have to talk about women!"

Ask for a ticket!

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