Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 895: Multi-line Action (Part 1)

The previous debate did not affect the atmosphere of the dinner, especially when the witches poured a large amount of wine at Ms. Jacob, aiming at cirrhosis of the liver. The atmosphere quickly became harmonious. Salomon and the Witch didn't mention any supernatural or violent topics. On the surface, it seemed like a family dinner where the adopted son and the stepmother got to know each other. In addition, Casilios' new partner is not a pretentious little bourgeois class, and all the dishes are not too particular in appearance, and everyone is quite happy - in this woman's cognition, Salomon is a student at Oxford University , who is also the owner of a business, so it is difficult to find time to come to the party.

This is also what Casilios said before, in order to explain why he has so few relationships.

The witches have already learned through the previous chats that the situation does not match the facts, and Salomon and them need to make up for it. Salomon needs to talk about his company's revenue at the dinner table, how he balances study, work and life, talk about Casilios' work and Ms. Jacob's work, and then behave like a likable person. To be honest, it is not too difficult to fabricate a leak-proof lie that can withstand scrutiny on the spot. The difficulty is how to maintain this lie. If this woman goes to London or New York one day, it is impossible for Salomon to put down the work at hand and take her to visit a real company.

However, Salomon has long been prepared, even if Casilios has never told Ms. Jacob the truth, his lies can withstand investigation. It’s a great use of what he’s learned from Victoria Hand and Natasha Romanoff about how to weave secret agent backgrounds. But strictly speaking, he was a little too serious and made a fuss too much. Ms. Jacob didn't have the idea and ability to investigate. Salomon had already read all the files of this woman, knowing her hobbies, her experiences, and her activities.

Thanks to the powerful intelligence department of the Immortal City, he knows this woman better than herself.

Compared with the lies woven by Salomon, Ms. Jacob cared more about the witch and Salomon's performance on food, and she showed great interest when Casilios talked about Salomon's childhood fun— —Although the Witch and Salomon didn’t eat too much on purpose, they are not ordinary people, and their caloric needs are far beyond ordinary people. Dinah has to be busy making the food for the Witch and Salomon every day to meet the needs .

After the dinner, Ms. Jacobs said with embarrassment that she would definitely prepare more for the next family gathering. It can be seen that she really wanted to show the care due to a conscientious stepmother, so that she tried too hard and became quite pitiful. This made Salomon have to use Kama Taj's coded gesture to remind Casilios to make a decision as soon as possible, which is good for everyone, and such a good person should not be deceived. This was also the view of the witches, who also felt that it was too much to bear to continue to deceive this woman, and Salomon agreed very much. Although it is bound to hurt, the longer it is delayed, the worse it will be.

Cascilios agrees. Before Salomon and the witch left, he also hinted to Salomon that he would talk to him in private, but not today. The young mystic nodded. He did not intend to directly contact the Father of the Gods at this dangerous moment. If he had private contact, it would be best to go through the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, to avoid possible direct conflicts.

Salomon opened the car door and invited Bayonetta and Joan to sit in the back seat.

At this moment, the night had fallen, and the dim yellow street lamps smeared disgusting greasy patches on the snow-covered streets. The young mystic raised his head and glanced at the black on the street lamps, which was deeper than the night. It was a crow. Its pitch-black wings absorbed the shimmering light cast by celestial bodies tens of millions of light-years away in the sky. The bird's round, emotionless eyes were fixed on the person standing by the car door below. The young mystic caressed the holster under his coat, but in the end he didn't draw out his pistol or chant a spell, but sat on the passenger seat and urged the maid to start the car.

Members of the First Secret Regiment of Fimbull Winter then activated the five black bulletproof cars that had been waiting by the roadside, keeping up with the speed of the protection target, and the drones hanging high in the sky summarized the surrounding situation to the special agent command in due course Laptop in officer hand. The agents hid their guns and heavy firepower behind the opaque car windows, aiming their guns at every window of the surrounding buildings, ready to fire back at any time. If there is an attack, before the electromagnetic shield of the car the monarch is riding in is broken, they will use their firepower and their own lives to give the monarch enough time to fight back—since Constantine got enough manpower, he started immediately Close protection of Salomon. As the power of the Immortal City gradually expands, sooner or later someone will know that Salomon is the core figure of the Immortal City, and there will be more and more assassinations. Even if it was a family gathering, Salomon's route and security personnel had to be planned by Constantine, especially when he was performing other tasks, he paid more attention to Salomon's safety.

Stephanie Malik has similar security measures as the head of the Ministry of the Interior, but the person protecting her is not physically augmented. Constantine is unwilling to invest the limited production capacity of the biological genetic laboratory in protecting people other than Salomon. This is not his duty, even if he knows that Stephanie is also very important.

Constantine walked slowly into this beautifully decorated hall in the castle.

Today in this hall of the castle, home of the Italian mafia Cosa nostra and the Ndrangheta, the heads of two families will be having a tense meeting today. When Constantine, dressed in golden power armor and holding a halberd, pushed open the door with heavy steps, no one present knew who the unexpected guest was. But even if they don’t look at the corpses lying on the ground outside the door, anyone knows that the visitor is not good—these two families have a problem with the Immortal City, and the reason is the so-called “water upstream” used by the Immortal City to cover the lifting platform at sea. Paradise" project. Due to its location between Sicily and the Italian mainland, both mafia families wanted a piece of the huge project, driving away the original contractors and eating up the profits. However, the so-called engineering contractor does not exist at all. It is just a leather bag company temporarily registered by the interior department to fool the Italian government. It is even more impossible for the Immortal City to pay protection fees to the two mafia families.

Therefore, when the earth and rocks excavated during the construction of the Immortal City are transported to the seaside, they are often intercepted by mafia families, and the armed personnel of the Immortal City often exchange fire with these people. In order to completely solve this problem, Constantine used the resources at hand to falsify news and bribe the mafia insiders to deceive the heads of the two families here to discuss the construction of the Sicilian sea-crossing bridge that has not yet connected to the main island of Italy.

Constantine did not use cannon to bombard the castle, or send out regular troops to encircle the mafia, because his monarch gave him great autonomy. He wanted to annex these two organizations, making them the informants and tools of the Praetorian Guard independent of the Immortal City.

three seconds. Constantine told himself so, and then pointed the halberd at the group of mafia. Before that, he needs to kill everyone here.

Ask for a ticket!

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