Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 95 This is a scientific world

"As you know, I believe you must have discovered Stark..." Before Nick Fury finished speaking, he was interrupted mercilessly by Salomon.

"Shut up, lithium dioxide." He said, "Now, tell me the address of the vampire's lair. I want to rush to the end of Michaelmas term and before the arrival of Lent, I will call my brothers and sisters, like going to Uniqlo Go in there like grab a T-shirt and kill all those gutter rats. Well, maybe not that crazy."

"Wait, why do you want lithium superoxide?" Nick Fury asked, "You also know that lithium dioxide is difficult to store at room temperature, and now the scientific community is overcoming this problem. Or do you want Stark to make it for you?" Lithium dioxide, you will help him? Are you developing some magic lithium-air battery? This is an interesting topic, and I can help, but not now."

"It can't be said that lithium dioxide can... wait..." Salomon suddenly reacted. Lithium dioxide can only be prepared at 15 Kelvin, and only in matrix isolation laboratories. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. travels through time and space to plan the lithium-air battery of the U.S. Department of Energy, and there is a way to get this thing out, it can ensure that superoxide ions and lithium ions remain stable and do not decompose at room temperature, but alkali metal oxides Reacting with the water in the blood can also kill Stark.

"What do you want?" Nick Fury picked up the phone and glanced at it, but the call was still connected, "Hello! Are you listening?"

"Tell me that S.H.I.E.L.D. has something to temporarily relieve the symptoms of palladium poisoning." Salomon's voice sounded extremely serious. hell! Why does the world talk about science so much? Then how come those people who were splashed with chemical waste didn't die, and got a little bit of super power?

"We don't have it." Nick Fury said extremely dissatisfied, "If S.H.I.E.L.D. has this technology, then Stark will too! Then he won't have the tendency to self-destruct like he is now!"

"It doesn't make sense!" Salomon's voice raised involuntarily, and he sighed again. The problem of the parallel world made his head dizzy. He didn't know that it was because SHIELD hid the cards The reason is that the universe has changed to adapt to his arrival. "Then why... well. I can't make a magic potion to treat poisoning for the time being. I can only restore his body, but I don't know that potion can be useful, and I don't know what palladium poisoning is. kind of."

What Salomon was talking about were restoration potions and poison neutralizing potions. These potions were all four-ring potions, and he couldn't make them at his current level. His alchemy level can only make the second-ring medicine at most, which is impossible, he still has to go to school, and not every night the chemistry lab is empty, it is a good place for a date.

"That's enough, Salomon." Nick Fury said, "I can provide any material you need."

"I need diamonds worth two pounds of gold, and then you have to grind them into powder. I know you don't have any shortage of these things, the price of diamonds is just inflated." Salomon embezzled a little bit of spellcasting Materials, the secondary restoration potion does not need diamond dust, only the restoration is needed, but this is no big deal, whose spellcasting materials are not saved in this way? He said, "I will give you three medicines, and you have to let him take them in order."

It stands to reason that the alchemist's potion cannot be used by anyone other than the alchemist himself, but Salomon is very familiar with the technique of instilling his own magic power into the potion, which is a skill that every mystic of Kama Taj will know , so he will agree to Nick Fury's request.

"Which three?"

"The first is the panacea, which can slightly increase Stark's resistance to poison; the second is the poison-slowing potion, which can make the user temporarily immune to poison, which can last for several hours; the third It is a recovery potion, which can restore the body of the person who took the drug before the poisoning, allowing him to resist for a period of time." After finishing speaking, Salomon couldn't help but pause—well, why is Stark's spinach juice so unpalatable? The culprit has been found, so it's no wonder that it still tastes good after pouring so many alchemy potions. Damn multiverse! Damn multiple realities!

"Would you like to come?" Nick Fury asked. "I'm still in the office. Besides, what you want will be ready in an hour."

"Put the diamond dust there, and I'll get it myself." Diamond dust is still worth a trip, but Salomon is not in a hurry, because Vandazar Fu can also buy diamond dust , this thing is not too rare in the universe, his alchemy potion can be used to settle the bill.

He just didn't want to go there again. It's not so easy to sneak to the dimension relay point.

"How long will it take to end this?" Nick Fury said, "I'm afraid Stark won't be able to survive until a solution is found."

"I still have an exam!" Salomon yelled, "Did you forget that I am a high school student? And I have a report to write, I am a fucking top student! And this report is It's in that chapel where I'm so deaf! You know what, I'm going crazy! Those idiots are praising God every Saturday! And singing hymns!"

"I understand you very well, but I need you as soon as possible, because Stark's life is about to fail!" Nick Fury opened the drawer, which contained Stark's medical report. Gram's blood test records are here. But what puzzled him greatly was, why is this guy still alive now? The skin of normal people has problems long ago, and proteinuria and ketone body urine should have appeared long ago.

But this does not prevent Nick Fury from carrying out actions to save Tony Stark.

"Well, since you're in a hurry, I won't distill it with tap water," Salomon said. "But it's better to wait until my exam is over. At that time, I can give you all the potions."


"It's not for me to decide, it's for Eton College to decide."


"Look, even though you've discussed your A-Level options with a subject specialist, it still has to be signed by me! Guess what? I'm your guardian too, with your Karma Taj's Kasiri Orth's mystic—but I don't believe that guy can take your education seriously, only I can, Salomon." Athena held a pen in her hand and said proudly.

At the end of Michaelmas term, Athena came to Eton because she had to talk to the headmaster about Salomon's studies - all was well, Salomon's grades were good, no messing with classmates At the same time, he was not punished for copying Latin hexameter poems, but there was a problem with the courses he chose.

"Do you want to study classics at Oxford in the future? Or do you want to enter the seminary? Or do you want to participate in politics and go to Oxford University Christian College?" Athena said, "Your engineering grades are better than liberal arts grades. Too much. Do you see the use of those languages ​​that the Supreme Master made you learn? Ancient Greek and Latin are your common languages, but every time I see you watching those ancient Greek dramas You will yawn, since when did you become interested in classical literature?"

"I'm just trying to be lazy, Athena," said Salomon, "and there's nothing wrong with Christ Church College, at least it's Hogwarts Castle. It's no wonder a wizard lives there. And want to turn the Oxford University library into the library in the movie!"

"Be serious, Salomon!" Athena frowned, "Minerva, call me Minerva here."

"Well, Minerva." Salomon said, "I don't need to work at all in the future. I have my own research projects, and engineering can only squeeze my research time. Do I still have to be a researcher in the future? You Knowing it's impossible, I've belonged to magic all my life, and I don't want to leave."

"But science and magic don't conflict," said Athena. "You can even combine the two."

"What is that, is it possible to cast spells accurately and accurately through artificial intelligence?" Salomon said, "The scientific knowledge given to me by the "Book of Angel Raziel" is enough, I just need to learn that."

"But you know what the "Book of Angel Raziel" is, right? You should also know that no one can read the entire book, right?" Athena raised her voice again, "You have the proof of wisdom given by God, but you You still need to learn the truth of the world! Mathematics, physics, and chemistry are all compulsory courses for you, and they can remind you what kind of waking world you live in."

"I don't think this is a problem, Minerva." Salomon said, "The advanced mathematics I have learned so far is enough for me to use. If it is not enough, I will attend."

"It's not that simple." Athena said dissatisfiedly, "I will discuss your course selection with the Supreme Mage. Before the arrival of Lent, we still have a choice. At that time, the decision will not be yours, nor mine. How about the Supreme Mage? Say, do what you do."

"I have always obeyed His Holiness' orders." Salomon spread his hands, "otherwise, why would I come to this place? I suspect that His Holiness sent me here because he wanted to rob my refrigerator completely, otherwise Can't explain why my snacks are less every time."

"Full-time school can't trap you at all, you have to go to the witch's place at noon every day! You can't hide it from me, boy, I can smell the perfume, and you don't care about what I say! You even I haven't seen those children for several days!" Athena raised her hand and poked Salomon's forehead with her fingers. Adolescent boys grow taller really fast. In just a few months, Salomon's height jumped a few centimeters. Coupled with the blessing of positive energy, his height is almost equal to that of Athena. He can only Repurchased several Eaton tuxedos.

"Okay, okay!" The mystic closed his eyes and raised his hands in surrender, "I promise, I will visit them in the orphanage tonight."


"Look, I came after the exam. I also informed Karma Taj that the vampire lair in Chicago has been completely emptied." Salomon sat across from Nick Fury's desk, working Agent Maria Hill, who was organizing files at the desk, ignored him. She didn't even know that Nick Fury was sitting in the chair next to her.

"Did you bring the goods?"

"This is exactly the same as the little gangsters I met on the corner of the block when I was a child." Nick Fury pushed the safe suitcase across the table, "I can't think of what you want to use these gem powders for."

"Diamonds are one of the materials for casting positive energy spells." Salomon opened the box and checked the materials, then took out ten bottles of potion from his satchel. These potions come in three different colors. "There are four bottles of panacea, and the duration is the shortest. There are also four bottles of anti-poison, and two bottles of recovery potion. This time there is a discount, because it involves my subject, next time there will be no more. Don't be delusional, I will tell you My subject, I still haven't clarified the problems in it."

"Aren't you worried that S.H.I.E.L.D. will analyze your potion?" Nick Fury said calmly. This was also his test. He was testing whether Salomon would dislike the outflow of magic items. He said, "I remember you invented a portable chemical analyzer. We can't fully analyze the technology in it. Isn't that also a magical product? I think that thing is very useful and extremely accurate."

"No, that's a technology product." Salomon said, "it's just not earth technology. And I don't think S.H.I.E.L.D. can analyze my alchemy potions, even with the chemical analyzer I made, Because you have no knowledge of alchemy—not to mention my chemical analyzer is a castrated version."

"You mean, you have alien technology..." His one eye shone brightly.

"Hmm, but I think that's not the point. Focus on the transaction. After you count, our transaction will be completed. At least our transaction will not end in a shootout like a punk." Salomon said, "If these potions It doesn't work, I have another thing, a technological artifact, a potion that doesn't exist on earth."

Nick Fury said jokingly, "So you've switched to science?"

"No, both magic and science are the truth, and I'm still walking on the path of magic."

The reason why Salomon said this was entirely because he agreed with Athena's proposal that the A-level courses were still engineering. "Those are just by-products of my exploration of the truth."

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