Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 904 Chapter 900 Tianjian Bureau Space Station (Second update)

Although Nick Fury was unconvinced, he had to follow Salomon's orders so that the Sisters could take over the facility. In order to ensure that there are no defensive measures in the corridor, technicians from the Sisterhood and the Mars Foundry have controlled the central control system and power system in advance to ensure that only some systems can operate normally. Even so, the assault team carried shields to ensure that not a single bullet could hit their monarch.

"Why can't you have more trust in the Skrulls, Salomon? They are now homeless and still serving in this agency that deals with supernatural threats and fights for the safety of humanity." Going to Nick Fur On the way to Rui's office, the former SHIELD director kept nagging, "They are not enemies, they are a peaceful race just like the Asgardians. Although there are people like Loki among the Asgardians , but people like Thor also exist. Listen, we can resolve this peacefully. Hey, be gentle, lady! They are not prisoners!"

"If you pin the safety of the human race on the mercy of aliens, then we have nothing to say." Salomon followed the sisters' escort team expressionlessly. In addition to Nick Fury, some Skrulls were also among the escorted team. The Sisterhood's strike team, responsible for escorting the management team, was met with rude retaliation if they made any suspicious moves, including the female Skrull disguised as a human who received a slap in the face when she initially tried to escape. Nick Fury foresaw all this happening, but he insisted on doing it anyway because he didn't want Salomon to kill any humans or aliens here.

"I was dealing with other tasks, and my Praetorian Guards reported an alien invasion to me." Salomon said, "You don't know how busy I am and how urgent those tasks are. If it weren't for finding out about you How many aliens have you brought to Earth, and you are dead now. I want to know everything, Nick Fury, just because you didn't keep your promise."

"See, I told you so! You are exactly like me. You don't trust anyone and always want to control everything. I know how the former SHIELD agent feels. Agent Coulson must be very happy with him. Get rid of me." The former SHIELD director sighed, "I'll give you what you want, Salomon, but you also have to give me what I want. You know my ability to keep secrets, if I don’t want to tell you, even if you kill everyone here, you won’t get it. By the way, is Agent Romanoff working for you now?”

"You're still the same as before, Nick Fury," the mystic said. The escort team stopped in front of a door. This was a door that required irises and fingerprints to unlock. "Okay, open the office, our administrative staff will find the information." He said, "We need to solve this matter as soon as possible. It has been delayed for several years. The Skrulls on Earth may all have cubs. .”

Nick Fury opened the door without much resistance, allowing the Eternal City's administrators to rush in and begin the search.

"If you find those Skrulls, what will you do?" He was pressed on the chair, Salomon sat opposite him, "Kill them? Lock them up? Or use them for experiments?"

"Why can't the three things be done together?" The mystic mage watched as the administrators began to crack the firewall of the space station, transmitting the information here to the server terminal in the Immortal City, and then screening and feedback by the intelligence personnel on the earth. , telling administrators what information to look for. "I have repeated my bottom line more than once, and you know my decision will not change. The Immortal City will hunt down and hunt all Skrulls on Earth, and the Skrulls in this space station will Imprisoned and interrogated—"

"-Final execution." Nick Fury said.


"Don't you think these Skrulls have a greater use?"

"It's a tempting idea. Beings that are genetically and mentally shape-shifting would be very useful spies, but the way you're using these Skrulls is terrible. I think this organization has not yet been destroyed by S.H.I.E.L.D. It has been established at that time, and you are not just diverting funds to build secret bases around the world. It is this space station that really consumes funds. Tell me, Nick Fury, how many Skrull agents have defected? Have you ever recovered Have they?"

"Have you started coaxing girls into fighting now?"

"Don't try to change the subject. We will find out the identity of the body, and we will also find out how many Skrulls have strayed to the earth because of your negligence." Salomon said, "I will take over this facility, and you You will work with me. From now on, you will be my subordinate. Are you happy? I got three sky battleships from SHIELD during the Hydra rebellion, and now I got a space station from you. You It’s really good to me.”

Through the armored glass of the office, one could see a huge black thing slowly moving through the void, like a giant whale swimming in the dark deep sea. It was a sky battleship modified by the Eternal City, and now those cannons were aimed at this space station, which was twice as long, wide and tall as the sky aircraft carrier. Based on existing human technology, building such a space station requires a huge price, and only someone like Nick Fury, who possesses alien technology and embezzles a large amount of S.H.I.E.L.D. funds, can build it. It's just that he didn't think that anyone would attack the space station at first, so the high-tech space station succumbed to the powerful firepower threat of the sky battleship.

"My Lord." Aura took off his helmet and walked over. She looked back with disgust at the bound Skrulls who had been thrown to the ground before she began to report the situation. "The Immortal City has received the message." She leaned down and said in a voice that Nick Fury couldn't hear. "The intelligence services are working on breaking the encryption, but the encryption methods and codes they use are incompatible with Earth's."

Nick Fury raised his eyebrows.

It was surprising that Salomon's men were able to crack the firewall and transmit information. Although he didn't know what the woman in power armor said, it must be because of the encryption measures in the system. But he still pretended that he didn't understand anything. "It looks like we have to stay here for a while longer." Salomon looked at the former SHIELD director's one eye, "If we can't control Skyward Sword, then I don't mind a little more garbage in space."

"Because I have no time, Nick Fury, and my patience is limited." Salomon stood up and gave an order to Aura. "Detain all the Skrulls according to the list and impose restraint devices. In addition, let Tita arrange for personnel to interrogate each Skrull. If we fail to obtain information from here, I believe these aliens must know Something." He said, "Take over this facility as soon as possible and order the foundry to begin a renovation plan."

"Yes, my lord!"

"You were not like this before, Salomon. I thought you would handle this matter in other ways. Do you want to become a tyrant?"

Salomon did not answer, but turned and walked out of the office door.

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