Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 914 Alien Quetzalcoatl (Second update)

He had communicated with Lara Croft via video call just half an hour ago, ensuring that her expedition team had sufficient supplies to go deep into the jungle without major accidents. It stands to reason that after going deep into the rainforest, Lara Croft will definitely lose contact with the outside world, but she is carrying the communication equipment of the Eternal City. There is a communication satellite staying above the atmosphere above her head to serve her, which allows her to I received a call from Salomon in the humid and muggy rainforest. After a brief greeting, Laura immediately reported the situation to him - she followed Sir Richard Crawford's notes and the files obtained by the Eternal City, and sure enough, she discovered a relic in Brazil, the Holy Trinity. The remnants of the First Division may have been here a long time ago and left some remains of soldiers in the ruins trap.

"We found the wrong place. The ruins should be in Peru, not Brazil." Laura's tone was full of excitement. She held up the photos of the ruins and kept talking in front of the camera, as happy as a little girl who got a toy. Perhaps because of the intervention of the mystic, Laura's character was completely freed from the shadow of her father's death and the remaining wishes. She was able to happily follow her father's footsteps and talk about her adventures in a very relaxed state. She showed Salomon the reliefs she had photographed in the ruins. The ruins were inlaid with gems that formed constellations on the murals. She found the true location of the ruins based on the clues on the reliefs.

"And we also found a character in my father's notes... He is an archaeologist who studies pre-colonial times and ancient times. It is said that he will come to Brazil soon. I decided to wait for him here, maybe he knows What!"

"I'm sorry to tell you this news. Dr. Domigues is from Holy Trinity." Salomon said while flipping through the files. "I will send Dr. Domigues's files to your terminal later. However, Due to the age and chaotic management, even the intelligence agencies have not been able to obtain much information, and his life is still shrouded in mystery."

"That's enough, Salomon." Laura shook her head, "You have given me a lot of help, and I have never seen a more generous sponsor than you."

"I did this out of responsibility rather than personal emotion, so I don't need too many thanks." Although he said this, Salomon still smiled. "What's more, if you deal with the Crawford Foundation first, you won't need me to support you at all. You don't know how the old housekeeper complained to me, Lady, that another manor was due to lack of maintenance. And the grass is growing. The old butler asked me to ask you if you are going to have cranberry cookies or plain butter cookies. You can find those on the plane when the supplies arrive."

"Cranberry cookies, thank you." Laura pretended to hesitate, then quickly concluded, "And tea."

"Of course, there will be enough tea bags, and there are more than bullets."

After Salomon hung up the phone, he began to mobilize personnel and gave orders to the troops fighting the warlords for the Eternal City in Africa. The leader of that army is Agent Coulson's old friend, former Peruvian officer and guerrilla undercover Camila. If the Holy Trinity really goes to Peru, Salomon believes that relying on Camila's relationship with the locals can Laura's task is much easier. On the other hand, the Immortal City is also planning an attack on the London headquarters of Holy Trinity, forcing Holy Trinity to devote all its strength to this possible comeback mission. In order to give Camilla a sufficient firepower advantage when facing the Holy Trinity, Salomon also gave her three armed helicopters, a large number of anti-tank missiles, Stinger missiles, anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns and other weapons and equipment.

If Camila had another nuclear bomb in her hands, maybe she could overthrow the Peruvian government!

Stephanie will take care of this matter, and the weapons and equipment given to Camilla will not affect the progress of the Eternal City's combat readiness.

This pleasant communication did not allow Salomon to delve deeper into the secrets of Quetzalcoatl, but thanks to the knowledge gained from reading previous books, Salomon still surmised what the scene would be like after Quetzalcoatl appeared. In the Aztecs' concept of the five universes, floods, jaguars, heavy rains, hurricanes and earthquakes all have their own legends, and related reliefs can be seen on the Aztec Sun Stone collected by Cama Taj. These are the fears that the ancestors of South America faced when facing survival. After integrating these fears into mythology, Quetzalcoatl, who gained faith, also gained power. In order to investigate Quetzalcoatl, Salomon also took the opportunity to purchase alchemy materials from Vandazar Fuchu to communicate with spellcasters from other planets to investigate the worship of Quetzalcoatl on alien planets.

On alien planets, the worship of Quetzalcoatl is no longer called "Kukulkan", but is called "Star Demon" because of its ability to block the light of stars and produce solar eclipses. On some uncivilized planets that believed in the serpents that swallowed the sun, solar eclipses were regarded as a precursor to the end of the world and therefore blood sacrifices were made. Salomon learned in detail the details of the blood sacrifices on those planets. Without exception, those civilizations possess extraordinary astronomical knowledge, but tribes often fight in the name of the gods. Similar to the Mayan "Flower War", they will sacrifice "human sacrifices" to the gods after the battle, and the priests will Wearing the flayed skins of the sacrifices, they danced to celebrate the rebirth of the sun. There are few things in the world worse than an orgy where blood and guts are splashed everywhere, cocaine-laced acid is consumed, madmen dressed in human skin dance around on the pyramids, and everyone is immersed in the crazy atmosphere. Something happened.

Compared with the floods, jaguars, heavy rains, hurricanes and earthquakes that ancestors feared, a solar eclipse must occur when Quetzalcoatl appears. However, this year's total solar eclipse has already occurred once as early as March, so it can be inferred that Quetzalcoatl The appearance has nothing to do with the laws of nature. It cannot be said that Quetzalcoatl can affect the trajectory of planets. I can only say that the possibility is very low, but it cannot be said that it is impossible.

This makes Salomon feel even more troublesome. His only clue is the truth that Laura keeps digging out during the archaeological process.

"Hey, Wanda." Although Salomon had access to most books, talking on the phone in the library was not a good idea. The librarian immediately glanced over, and a spell that emitted a dazzling light like a xenon lamp was cast on the librarian's eyes. Salomon had to cover his face with a book to avoid being exposed to this "silent and tactful reminder" "Blinding eyes.

"How about having dinner together tonight?" He lowered his voice and said to the other end of the phone. At this moment, the librarian's prompt was approaching again, and Salomon could only speak faster, "It's in the apartment, we are not going to the manor. After dinner, I will take you to meet someone, you know him."

"Who?" Wanda asked lazily.

"You can't believe it." Salomon began to imagine how Nick Fury would behave under Frank Cassel's persuasion. According to intelligence reports, Salomon discovered some secrets that had not been discovered before. "I can't tell you now, but you'll know a lot from that person," he said. "Don't stress, just relax, just treat it as after-dinner entertainment."

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