Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 917 Dark Omens and New Evil Spirits (First Update)

Salomon knew very well that if this grand plan that could change the fate of the entire universe could be completed, the end result would be that he would lose the power, wealth, and army he had planned for a long time. But it doesn't matter, because by that time the human race will no longer be troubled by disease, hunger, poverty and other kinds of survival rights. Wealth and knowledge are no longer the privileges of a few people. Everyone has a long life and Enough wisdom to explore the mysteries of the universe.

By then, humans will no longer need an immortal leader. Every human being is an omniscient and omnipotent being. They can use their own reason to make correct judgments, and justice and axioms will become the only laws. After completing his mission, Salomon plans to find a place to live in seclusion in such a perfect world, raise two Siberian hamsters, and enjoy the sunset on the beach and wine with the witch. Then, taking advantage of the orange-red heat of summer in the air, I yawned on the balcony chair and fell into a peaceful sleep. Finally, when night fell, I was woken up by the witch, twisting my ears, and sat at the dining table to taste the dinner that Dinah had prepared for the day.

In order to achieve this goal, the road ahead will be paved with blood and thorns.

Wanda can understand Salomon's thoughts, but she didn't know what Salomon's ultimate goal was before today. Her mentor has set his sights on the future thousands of years later, rather than on the present for survival. And the race made up of numbers that beat the people to death. This ideal was so dreamy that Wanda was speechless for a long time. She blinked her eyes, finally wiped her eyes and stopped crying, but nodded vigorously at Salomon.

"I knew you could understand me, Wanda. But this is not what makes me happiest." Salomon said with a smile on his face, "When I first started teaching you, I told you the most basic knowledge. That is, every time we learn more powerful and profound knowledge, our understanding of the outer dimension will be deeper, and the dangers we face will become more terrifying. Without a stable mentality, it will be difficult for spellcasters to learn more advanced Mysteries. I am very happy that you were able to stabilize your emotions in such a short period of time. You are now able to access more and more dangerous magic. I have no excuse to limit your exploration of the safe range of knowledge. But you must remember—— "

"——An open mind is as fragile as an undefended fortress." Wanda raised her head and looked at her mentor, "I will remember this sentence. If this is a test, why did it choose this time? ? Is it because of the results of my exploration of the path of a witch?"

"It has a certain relationship, Wanda. Your magical ability is innate. Your mother or grandmother is most likely a witch. The reason why I ask you to explore the path of a witch is to let you find the source of your magical ability and Bloodline inheritance." Salomon nodded slightly, acting like a gentle scholar. At some point, he also held a cup of hot tea in his hand. The sweet smell of honey and white steam curled up from the brown water surface. "You did learn a lot of knowledge from the road of witch, didn't you? Soon, the black magic theories I taught you will have the opportunity to be put into practice. Those black magic are more in line with your power, but at the same time they are more Danger. Before that I have to make sure you are really ready."

"I'm ready." Wanda asked, "What kind of opportunity is it?"

Salomon narrowed his eyes and recalled a piece of information he had received.

Johnny Blaze's girlfriend called him and told him that the Ghost Rider's instinct found something extremely dirty, but Johnny Blaze didn't know what it was, so the homeless man on a motorcycle was at this moment. Looking everywhere. Salomon knows what the Ghost Rider is looking for. The "Book of Vishan Emperor" in the Kama Taj Library recently showed a spell for searching and locating to the mystic who was flipping through the book. Although no mystic would be stupid enough to directly cast magic that he did not understand, the only thing that made Emperor Weishan so impatient was the "Dark God Book". Salomon clearly remembered that it appeared with the "Dark God Book" He thought it was a moderately difficult test for Wanda.

Even though it was just a not too difficult test, Salomon still prepared a backup plan just in case. However, this time it is not a large army battle. There will be no support from attack aircraft and artillery. There will only be soldiers from the 1st Secret Regiment of Finbul Winter carrying individual light and heavy firepower as support personnel. Of course, he would never tell Wanda such a thing, not only to protect her self-esteem, but also to let her use her own strength and wisdom to complete the task, instead of relying on the Eternal City or even Salomon. Ability.

"A magic book that dates back to before the birth of mankind is about to appear." He said, "This magic book involves the inheritance of Camelot, the dark dimension, and the Knights of the Round Table. I want you to get it."

Although he said he was just teaching casually, Salomon was very conscientious in his role as a mentor.

Not only the teaching progress of students can be taken into consideration, but also the students' acceptance ability can be taken into consideration. On the one hand, he can perform like this because of his personality, not only because he values ​​the responsibility of his mentor, but also because he deeply understands the danger of the Scarlet Witch losing control; on the other hand, there are many aspects in his teaching methods. They are all extracted from the methods taught to him by the Supreme Mage. Not every spell caster can be directly thrown to an outer latitude to face the end of the heat death of the universe without going crazy. Especially for an extremely mentally unstable spell caster like Wanda, maintaining the mental state is a top priority— -In fact, His Holiness threw him directly into the dark dimension when he was young. It was a very irresponsible act. There was no such thing as a gradual process. Although there is a certain amount of protection, one should be cautious in everything. If it were someone else who was treated like this, the outcome would be hard to say. Maybe new believers in the dark dimension would be born in this world due to the pervasive corruption of the outer dimension!

Salomon never used any risky teaching methods when teaching his apprentices. Even when teaching black magic, he started with the simplest and most basic theoretical knowledge. Just like chemical experiments, you must first learn the safety manual before you can start hands-on operations. So just when Wanda was about to give it a try, Salomon poured cold water on her head without hesitation. He took out a total of fifty pages of printed paper, filled with questions written in size five handwriting.

"Write the discussion in a notebook and give it to me next Monday." His smile made Wanda feel scarier than black magic. "Don't worry, I have considered it. You don't need to explore the path of the witch this week."

"But today is Saturday!"

"So? Start writing. If you're lucky, you might still have time!" The Mystic Mage shrugged, slowly sipping hot tea with half-closed eyes. The undercover message lurking in Coulson's agent team was very timely, otherwise Wanda might not be able to catch up with this incident, and then miss the magic book that is destined to belong to her. He also wanted to call Johnny Blaze and ask why he shared Ghost Rider's soul with ordinary people without Karma Taj's consent, even if it was to find the source of extradimensional pollution.

But the deal was already done, Salomon couldn't pull out the soul of the new Ghost Rider anymore, he had to see if the new Ghost Rider was up to the job. Wanda's next task includes observing the new Ghost Rider, Robbie Reyes. This was also the request in the letter sent by Father Moru in the Vatican using a silver carrier pigeon - Johnny Blazer immediately approached Father Moru after realizing what he had done. If Salomon hadn't admired Moru very much, Father Lu was so stubborn that he would definitely pick up the war hammer and give Johnny Blaze a hit first.

Since he won't die, he will fight to death. He doesn't believe that Ghost Rider dares to fight back.

It has to be updated. Without royalties, there will be no money to treat cats.

3,000+ was gone in the morning. It was too expensive to check the cat and see a doctor. The blood test and 6 biochemical items were actually 500. I have to take anti-inflammatory injections every day for the next three days. After the injection, I have to do another blood test and 6 biochemical tests. If it is not cured, I have to get an intravenous drip... It's like a fucking gold-eating beast. I feel like I've been cheated.

The time for the next chapter is not fixed. I set the anti-theft chapter at 23:59. If I don’t get up to update, the anti-theft chapter will be pushed. I will replace the anti-theft chapter in the wee hours of the morning. I couldn't help it, I was so tired that I couldn't sleep well all night.

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