Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 921 Phoenix’s royalties (first update)

It wasn't until the next day that the report on what Nijadaka had done the night before was placed on Salomon's desk. The cover of the report wrapped in kraft paper bears the emblem of a black eagle with spread wings and the emblem of a snowy mountain peak with the Roman numeral I. It appears that this report comes from the First Secret Regiment of Finbul Winter. It was three o'clock in the morning, more than an hour after the incident, and the monarch of the Eternal City had already returned home. This report was later seen by Stephanie who was working overtime. She put down the parchment document that the monarch was going to review tomorrow, turning a blind eye to the rules she was supposed to abide by. She turned on the lamp on the table and picked up the report and flipped through it a few times.

Without hesitation, Stephanie picked up the pen on her desk and signed her name. She placed the report at the bottom of all the documents to be approved, which meant that the internal affairs department had already read the document. This is not the red box trick in No 10 Downing Street - civil servants sometimes put important documents at the bottom of the boxes they hand to ministers every day, and try to make the text as thick as possible so that politicians don't have the time and energy to read those last pages. document. Being forced to read hastily as the deadline is approaching, accidentally agreeing to small requests from civil servants or ignoring events that should be known to them, these were the tricks of civil servants before Margaret Thatcher.

Later, the Whitehall civil servants suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of Margaret Thatcher, and this trick gradually became less useful, because almost all politicians would subconsciously take out the documents at the bottom of the red box and look through it. The cat-and-mouse game between civil servants and politicians will continue, but it will no longer be as intense. However, Stephanie did this only because she knew that Salomon had no intention of caring about such trivial matters, and there was no need for the monarch to know every move of such a small character.

It doesn't matter how Nijadaka acts. He has only one role, and he just needs to play that role.

After she finished all this, she turned off the lamp.

A bright fire suddenly lit up in the dim office, and a red mist of light appeared above the desk out of thin air. The hot air was heated to the point of expansion and explosion in an instant, and a low thunder roared. Stephanie calmly squinted her eyes to block the manic hot wind and dazzling firelight that swept through the office from hurting her eyes. Then the heat center of the expanding air began to shrink in the blink of an eye, and the heat was precisely controlled within a very small range. , causing no damage other than ruffling some unpressed paper. Just as Stephanie expected, she saw a golden-red bird flapping its wings and emerging from the fireball that was radiating like a star. However, such an amazing sight could not make her expression change too much. .

Because this is not the first time she has seen such a scene.

"Phoenix, what does the monarch want you to do?" asked the head of the internal affairs department.

"My lord just forgot to bring the watch back. Do you know where to put it? The witch might be angry if she sees that the lord has forgotten the watch she gave her!" Phoenix, who slowly flapped his wings and floated in the air, answered honestly. question. "Oh, thank you! You're so kind, Ms. Malik." Seeing Stephanie take out the watch she casually put away from the desk from her pocket, the 37th Demonic Pillar changed the subject, "By the way. , Ms. Malik, please pay attention to check your emails recently, I filled in the recipient as you."

"Huh?" Stephanie raised her eyebrows.

"My Lord has contacted the publisher and my collection of poems has been published." Phoenix's childish voice was a little shy. Stephanie Malik nodded, knowing it, and Salomon shared it with her as a topic of conversation over tea, which was two hours after lunch. At noon, Salomon would open the food box he brought from home as usual, which would be filled with lunch made by Bayonetta. Although it was not very delicious, not as good as the exquisite dinner made by Dinah, and sometimes even bad, he still ate like this for many years - although Stephanie's literary attainments were not very high, she could still read The longing and memories of the period of aestheticism are reflected in Phoenix's poems, and there are many emotions about Wilde's works in his writing. This kind of writing should have appeared on the stage and become a new literary star. However, Phoenix was unable to meet people and could only publish it under a pseudonym. This is more or less a pity. The Thirty-seventh Pillar Demon God said, "I think those royalties should be used for military expenses. I know my lord's need for war, and I also want to help."

Even though she was tired from working overtime, Stephanie couldn't help but laugh.

"I think your master probably wants you to use the royalties to buy some snacks. The Eternal City is not so poor that it needs to use your royalties to make armaments. Don't worry, we don't lack the money to make a macrocannon shell, and I think it’s enough for the monarch to know that you are so loyal, he must be very happy.”

The self-propelled artillery that inherited the name and caliber of Gustav is the siege weapon of the Eternal City. The gun body seems to be full of the steel style of World War II, but it actually brings together the world's top materials science, artillery design and other disciplines. As a result, it has devices such as anti-gravity engines, otherwise even if it is equipped with crawler tracks, it may still sink into the soil due to its huge weight and be unable to move. The shells alone have been improved and developed by the scientific research department. The weight of the armor-piercing shells with new propellant fuel has reached an astonishing 10 tons, and even high-explosive shells can weigh 7 tons. Hundreds of Gustav anti-gravity self-propelled artillery were used in the Battle of Finbowente. Without the continuous bombardment of these artillery to weaken the ridge, just two small-yield hydrogen bombs would not be able to level the entire mountain.

The cost of such artillery shells is naturally staggering. After all, a high-explosive artillery shell can wipe out a small town. An excellent fire control system and detection radar can also guide the artillery to carry out precise shelling. Nearly a thousand such shells were used in the Battle of Finbowente, and the fragments of the shells during post-war cleanup were almost inseparable from the soil of the Finbowente Mountains. At present, these artillery shells can only be produced in small quantities through the arsenal of the Immortal City. The Mars Foundry is responsible for manufacturing larger war machines. However, in general, the price of a cannon shell is cheaper than that of a missile, but Phoenix still cannot pay the royalties. rise.

The big golden-red bird hummed twice, picked up the watch in its sharp beak, rubbed its head affectionately on Stephanie's shoulder, then let out a long cry and disappeared in the fireball. Phoenix's departure made the office fall back into darkness. Stephanie looked around, finally walked out of the office and closed the door. In a few hours, the door will be reopened by the Praetorian Constantine. Unless he is performing some top-secret mission that Stephanie does not know about, her monarch will sit in that chair and continue working, just like in the past. Likewise, the tip of the pen directs the steel and flames, casting seemingly unattainable dreams.

The little secretary quickly opened her mouth because of yawning, and her eyes were filled with tears. The look in Stephanie's eyes made her throw away her sleepiness. Dr. Lister's granddaughter has never undergone transformation surgery or taken alchemical potions, so it is naturally difficult for her to support such a high-intensity work. "Bring the interrogation records and summon the scribes to check the records." Stephanie Malik, the daughter of Hydra, said as she walked, and the blond secretary quickly followed. Stephanie said, "We have to put the Skrull interrogation records on the monarch's desk before six o'clock. At the same time, we ordered our foundation managers to clean up the evidence. The Securities and Futures Commission has focused on us. They think we are engaging in insider trading. .”

The little secretary was startled, "Did we do this?"

Stephanie glanced at the silly girl. "That's how the market works, honey," she said. "How else are we going to make money?"

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