Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 98 Enlightenment

Salomon felt that his plan did not need to be changed too much. For a naive and romantic guy like Saul, he believed that Jack Daniel's brewing barrel was enough to dismiss him. He would also like to steal a bottle of mead from the banquet if he could, when the poor blond baby would probably need some comfort from home, and he couldn't help laughing at the thought of how pathetic the big guy looked.

"Don't be too gloating," said the High Wizard, "Asgard is our partner."

"If Sol is still like that, then he will not be our partner, but our enemy. Moreover, I think my character and Sol must not be compatible." Salomon said, "Anyway, Asgard There is still a candidate for the throne of Germany, isn't there?"

The Supreme Master glanced at her disciple, and she always felt that there was something in Salomon's words. His Holiness thinks that Salomon refers to Loki, but in fact, Salomon refers to Hela, the goddess of death. If Odin's parenting plan fails, then he would rather form an alliance with Hela, provided that he can be with Hela. Draw a tie. Hela, who grew up bathed in blood, symbolizes the most brutal side of Odin, just like Salomon, he will also represent the most cruel and ruthless side of the Supreme Mage.

"The attitude of the other heir is even worse." The venerable turned his head and watched the heroic soldiers evacuate the civilians, "Only with iron and blood can the other heir accept you, just like what I did when I faced Odin ...if you think you can handle it, it's worth a try because the challenges ahead are tough and we need a strong helper, and it doesn't have to be Saul."

"We still have time, teacher." Salomon rubbed the blue gemstone on the index finger ring with his right thumb, "I have already figured out how to deal with the future, although that is not what many people want to see, but our The future is always accompanied by the passing of life, whether it is your own or someone else's. But only those who are conscious can open up a bright path in the dark wilderness. Perhaps in the worst case, my life It will also end, but isn't it our responsibility to open up a path for mankind that should lead to a bright future?"

This is not a beautiful word, but a side effect of the memory of the stigmata. The death of countless lives made Salomon not pay attention to his own and other people's lives. This side effect will become more serious as he grows older. The latter is still limited by the rules of Karma Taj. Salomon has not yet had innocent blood in his hands, but this situation will not last long, because there will always be something to force him to do; He doesn't cherish his own life like ordinary traversers, and he won't hesitate when it's time to sacrifice himself. This kind of thinking is undoubtedly extremely crazy for the extremely selfish "fourth natural disaster".

Although the Supreme Mage wanted to let Salomon bear the darkest and bloodiest side when he adopted Salomon, when he heard these words from Salomon's mouth, the calm expression of the Supreme Mage was still clouded , not only because Salomon's ideas are too precocious, but also because the supreme mage does not want Salomon to ascend to the seventh throne of hell so early. Phoenix in Karma Taj reminds the supreme mage, Salomon all the time. Meng also bears 1200 years of reincarnation.

"I want you to be happy, but I want you to bear the worst things, to carry what I have carried. I know this is contradictory." His Holiness said, "Sorry, Salomon, you are only fifteen years old. , you shouldn't have such thoughts at this age, and now you have not inherited my title, this is not something you have to take on now. I thought full-time school would make you think like your peers, but Now it looks like I was wrong."

"I know what I should do now, and I also know what I should do in the future, teacher, there is no need for you to feel sorry." Salomon said with a smile, "Everyone should take responsibility, I am your disciple, this is also My responsibility. I know this stigmata is not a gift, I don't care about shit heaven, but Karma Taj is my home. Although this home has no heating, it is always cold in the middle of the night, and it snows every day, but... ...That's still my home. What's more, there are people I love and people who love me in this world, that's enough, there are always some things that are more important than life."

"I'm very satisfied, Salomon, I'm really satisfied." The Supreme Mage said, "Now, we don't need to continue watching, Odin has already arranged the next thing, if things go well, Sol will There will be some growth. And I will also provide you with an opportunity. At the right time, you will face another heir of Asgard, and you have to bear the risk yourself."

"I will, teacher." Salomon lowered his head and said, "I have the will to bear all this."

The day after Frigga commanded the soldiers of the heroic spirit to guard the Asgard, when she looked back again, the Supreme Mage and Salomon had disappeared in place. The Empress took a deep breath, and turned around to arrange the maids around her, preparing to welcome Odin who had returned from the treasure house. The Supreme Mage has done what she can, and the next thing is to see Odin's arrangements.


In the small town of Pointe Antigor, New Mexico, it was night at this time, and an RV was parked in the desert, the car was not turned off, and the headlights were still on.

A woman sat among a pile of instruments, holding a pen in her hand, calculating parameters. She turned around and patted the seat. Daisy Louise, who was sitting in the driver's seat, pursed her lips and turned off the lights. Astrophysicist Jane Foster drilled out of the sunroof of the car roof with an unknown instrument in her hand, and put the instrument on the roof of the car. Her teacher, Eric Shavig, also drilled out together. Watching his students busy up and down.

After a while, the value of the meter reader in Jane Foster's hand returned to zero, and the night sky in New Mexico was still clear, and anyone could clearly see every star in the sky. The weather that should have been welcomed by the majority of astronomy enthusiasts made Jane Foster a little angry, because it was not what she expected.

"Wait and see." She was still full of anticipation.

"Can I listen to the radio?" Daisy Louise asked.

"No!" This proposal was rejected by Jane Foster without hesitation, and Daisy Louise shrank back into the driver's seat with a depressed face. She is Jane Foster's intern, but she is not a student of astrophysics, because Jane Foster, who has been studying this topic that is considered a fantasy by ordinary people, can't find an intern to come. Sharing her work, all the astrophysics students knew that Jane Foster's project would not be fruitful, and they privately called Jane Foster "crazy".

But it happened that Daisy Louise needed credits, otherwise she would need to retake the course, and Jane Foster also needed an intern who could help, so the two hit it off. Facts have proved that Jane Foster's eyesight is fine-although Daisy Louise can't help with calculations and can't understand her theory, she can see Daisy is a good mover at a glance —because Daisy Louise has been burdened with sore shoulders since puberty.

"Jane, you can't go on like this forever." Eric Shavig kindly persuaded, but this undoubtedly made Jane Foster's mood even worse.

"The first seventeen predictions can be accurate to the second!" Jane Foster jumped back to her seat irritably, flipping through the records of the first seventeen experiments, trying to find out the reason for her mistakes.

"Jane, you're an astrophysicist, not some crazy storm chaser." Eric Scharvig refers to a group of people who drive and chase tornadoes in the US hurricane belt. These "storm riders" have been chasing hurricanes as a Le, his student is one of the somewhat unrealistic connections between astrophysics and Earth's storms, as he sees it. But Jane Foster hastily retorted.

"I told you," she said, "these atmospheric disturbances are related to my research. If I wasn't 100 percent sure, Eric, I wouldn't have flown you from England."

Eric Savage sighed.

Daisy Louise couldn't understand what her instructor was saying at all, she only knew that her shoulders were more sore, because today she moved all the instruments into the car, and Jane Foster could help not on. Suddenly, she saw a vision of the distant sky in the rearview mirror of the RV. It was the azure blue aurora piercing through the clouds. The wind blew the earth from the sky, and the clouds kept churning like waves. A large area of ​​light illuminated the desert in the darkness, and a bright blue beam of light was transmitted through the dust. Although this was different from what she expected, Jane Foss hurriedly urged the interns to drive towards the storm.

They saw a black hurricane descending from the sky, and all the silent sand and dust were immediately swept up, and the fine sand crackled on the car window. Daisy Louise slammed the steering wheel sideways, trying to drive away from the place.

"What are you doing?!" shouted Jane Foster, holding a DV in her hand.

"I don't want to die here because of the six credits in the school!" Daisy's eyes widened. But Jane Foster grabbed the steering wheel and tried to turn the car back. The intern yelled, "It's just a storm, not a man! Why are you so anxious to jump on it!"

Suddenly, the center of the black tornado lit up, and a ray of light circled down with the thunder and bombarded the ground. Daisy saw the faint figure in the storm with the faint flash, but the speed of the vehicle was too fast. Even if Daisy stepped on the brake hard, the whole car still lost control and skidded, screaming and hitting the figure. Turned around in the desert a few times before stopping.

This scene left the three people in the car stunned and speechless. They got out of the car quickly, flashlighted, and ran towards the unlucky guy. They didn't come to cause traffic accidents, but to observe astronomical phenomena. Who knew that this drunk or drug addict would suddenly appear in front of their car?

"I think from a legal point of view, it's your fault!" Daisy Louise's voice was crying. She came to earn credits, not to go to jail! Ruined! It's all over! She shouldn't have followed this unscrupulous mentor...

"Hurry up and get the first aid kit!" Jane Foster squatted in front of this man, she shone a flashlight on his face, "Do me a favor, don't die!"

"Oh!" Daisy Louise smacked her lips, who knew that this guy had such a good figure, "Does he need artificial respiration? I can do artificial respiration!"

Sol was thrown over the Rainbow Bridge before he recovered from the shock of being exiled. He raised his head, looked at the woman in front of him, and finally lay back on the ground weakly.

"Where did he come from?" Jane Foster saw that his face was very clean and his beard was trimmed. He didn't look like a drug addict, nor did he smell alcohol, much less a drunk. There are no vehicles or means of transportation around here. Could it be that this guy came here? Why did he walk in the desert at night?


"Why are you here?" Joan of Arc came home from get off work and saw Salomon half lying on the sofa, she asked in surprise, "Shouldn't you go to some ceremony?"

"I'm waiting for love to ferment." Salomon held the cat in his arms and half-closed his eyes. He said, "It's not mine, but the idiot prince's. The supreme mage even counted the father of the gods into it."

Thanks to cats, books and dogs for their 500 point rewards.

Thanks to Sebastian for the super reward of 100 points.

Thanks for the 500 point reward that is so difficult to pick a name now.

Thank you for the 100 point reward.

Thank you for the 100 point reward at the funeral under the moon.

Ask for a recommendation ticket--in addition, I also need a book friend who is interested in applying for the operation officer. After all, when I finished writing this chapter, a new idiot appeared in the comment area.

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