Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 929 Hope for the future (first update)

"We have entered the Reserva Nacional Matses. We can reach our destination by walking northwest for a while. Our people are waiting at Requena." Camila carried her food and food on her shoulders. Drinking water, trudging across the gravel-strewn creek. However, her words are not reassuring, because the Mats National Park in Peru is really too big. The expedition team crossed the border between the Brazilian Amazon state and Peru and headed west. Until now, no human civilization has been found. trace. The humid and sultry rainforest environment and the possibility of malaria breaking out at any time are more terrifying killers than the Holy Trinity mercenaries. Fortunately, the Eternal City is thoughtful and distributes water purification tablets, anti-mosquito paint, and malaria prevention along with food and water. of quinine drugs.

But Camila would rather have an electric mosquito swatter, or a complete communication facility, even if it requires a hand-operated generator to charge. "We have traveled more than two hundred kilometers, Camilla." Laura, as an archaeologist, was also assigned to the task of transporting. She panted and said, "It's the fifth day. It's impossible for Holy Trinity to track us. Maybe we can change our route. Rekna is really too far away."

"Where do you want to go, little girl? Requena is the nearest settlement to us." Camilla said with a cold face, "Going west is another nature reserve, and going south is another national park. If If we don’t go along the Ukaria River, we will have no choice but to die in the rain forest after our food is exhausted. Let me make it clear, I don’t care whether you live or die, I only worry about whether I can complete the mission.”

"I know, I know, I just want to ask if there is any other way for us to contact the organization?" Laura said, "I know there are a lot of high-tech equipment in the Immortal City, so..."

"If our communication radio hadn't been smashed together with the plane's fuel tank, but we didn't carry too much spare communication equipment for the convenience of transfer. Now we can only rely on Peru's poor communication network." Camila stretched out her hand, Help Lara climb up the muddy slope. Seven days of continuous wilderness survival left everyone exhausted, not to mention that they had exchanged fire with Holy Trinity's search team five days ago - if it weren't for the fire superiority doctrine that the Eternal City has always emphasized and those puzzling high technologies. Weapons, the team led by Camilla is really likely to be annihilated. However, they really had nothing to do with Holy Trinity's armed helicopters. When all the individual missiles were exhausted, in order to avoid the enemy's air superiority, she had to lead the team in a roundabout way in the rain forest to avoid being attacked by Holy Trinity. Catch the traces.

Lara Croft has been ordered to reach Peru alive.

The Immortal City pictures a future for her and invites her to join it. She witnessed the establishment of order on the African continent. The original owners began to have their own lives. Western diamond companies and energy companies were ruthlessly kicked out and replaced by local people who had received a certain level of education. Manage with the administrators of the Eternal City. Basic public facilities such as schools, hospitals, and prisons began to be built. High technology was no longer the preserve of the rich, but became machines for building houses and roads. Criminals were executed, children were forced to study, and everyone participated in the labor of building their own lives. Everyone's lives became visibly richer, and the life of eating mud cakes to satisfy hunger could no longer happen - although Not everyone is willing to accept the rule of the Eternal City, but even if they wield a whip, the ruler must force people to move towards a better life.

Camilla herself became the protector of this beautiful life.

This is what she's been waiting for, and she hopes it can happen in her native Peru.

Clean up the poppy growing fields, wipe out the gangs, corrupt police and the US puppet government, and return wealth and power to every Peruvian. For this wish, she is willing to sacrifice her life for the Eternal City, even if she has witnessed the brutal methods of the Eternal City - as a member of the Peruvian rebels, Camila knows that this is a necessary method. Only those idiot saints in Europe and the United States will ignore the reality, turn a blind eye to the suffering of the people, and only know how to call for peace.

Like that idiot Coulson.

Night fell quickly. In order to save battery energy, Camilla asked her men to use torches after temporarily getting rid of the pursuers. This measure proved effective, because two days later they discovered that the battery power in their hands did not exceed 50%, and it was impossible for them to return to the place where the encounter occurred to pick up the discarded supplies.

"I hope the Eternal City discovers the Holy Trinity's armed helicopter." Camilla said nonchalantly beside the fire. Laura cast a confused look at her, and Camilla explained, "Actually, I don't know how much high technology the Eternal City has now, but before setting off, I heard from a friend that the Eternal City now has An armed orbital platform. Think about it, dropping a stick out of space..."

"The Rod of God has always been a failed project, Camilla." Jonah interjected. "Considering the need for precise guidance, just throwing down a tungsten rod will not do much, and it is not cost-effective."

"You can throw anything else, I'm just giving an example! Don't laugh, Benjamin! Otherwise I will deduct your salary!" Camilla coughed twice, "I mean, our current actions are very likely to Being stared at by satellites outside the atmosphere. Even if they haven't found us yet, they may already be looking for us. Nothing is more obvious than a crashed gunship, isn't it? I hope there will be an assault The transport boat, that thing was frighteningly fast. It took us only a short time to fly from Africa to South America, and we also broke through the atmosphere. Benjamin couldn't adapt and even vomited his breakfast on the cabin deck."

"To be honest, I thought it was a gunboat." Benjamin's laughter was very low, like a night owl in the forest. "No one told me not to eat before getting on the assault transport."

He was Camila's old subordinate in the government army. He tried every means to rescue Camila after she was imprisoned. However, the Peruvian government at that time did not intend to let go of officers like Camila who had colluded with the anti-government guerrillas, and also planned to liquidate them. Camilla's team. Therefore, when the Immortal City rescued Camilla, the agents operating behind the South American mountains also took Benjamin with them. This battle-hardened Latino man had dealt with drug lords and corrupt police officers. When the Eternal City found him, the rifling of the AK-47 rifle in his hand was almost worn out, and the clothes on his body were several times I haven't washed it in months and my hair is full of dust.

If the agent of the Immortal City had been a little later, he might have turned into a savage.

"So you washed the cabin deck for half an hour," the other man said with a smile. Aaron, who had a black beard, picked up the sausage skewered on a branch and shook it, "Unlike me, I also slept on the assault transport boat."

"Stop bragging, Aaron, you just lasted a little longer than me. Do you think we didn't see you vomiting outside the cabin ramp?" Camilla mercilessly exposed her companion's lies, "Who I didn’t expect you to try to talk to those ladies wearing power armor after you vomited. I don’t know where you got the courage!”

"I'm just pursuing beautiful ladies. Who knew those women were so crazy!" Aaron's face suddenly turned red. "No woman would beat up a man just because he was approached!"

"Yes, Aaron." Camilla and Laura said in unison.

Everyone laughed, as if Holy Trinity's pursuers didn't exist. Being among this group of loyal partners, Camilla felt that all problems were no longer a problem, and she was full of confidence in the future.

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