Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 937 This makes you full of confidence (first update)

The sight of cats, winged horses, phoenixes, and cubs playing together is certainly adorable, but such words should not come from the mouth of the King of the Eternal City. At least Stephanie thought so. Even though Salomon hadn't put on the crown yet, she didn't really want to hear how the bear cub sharpened his claws on the tree or how Pegasus and the Phoenix competed in flight. She believed that Salomon had better show the majesty of a dictator. Even Gideon Malik thought so. Joking or telling stories with his subordinates did not suit his status as a feudal monarch and a ruthless ruler.

"If he can't fight for the interests of Hydra or the Malik family, then prevent him from being manipulated by any interest group." Gideon Malik said to his daughter. Even though the bodyguard’s blood has not yet dried, Gideon Malik is still sitting in his study imparting wisdom to his daughter, “I tried to persuade him to accept it, but he refused, which shows that he is not someone we can control. . He is a king, not a money-grubbing politician or businessman. A king cannot be manipulated. So you must follow his every step and let his interests become the interests of the Malik family. At the same time, you must eliminate for him any forces that may manipulate him. .My daughter, you must make us one with Him.”

Stephanie has kept her father's teachings in mind. Now it seems that her father is quite far-sighted. The power of the Malik family is indeed much stronger than before, and they can even manipulate Congress's investigation of Hydra to attack those who are unwilling to obey. power. Stephanie wants Salomon to maintain the attitude of a feudal monarch. Drawing distance will only make people lose awe of him, and it will also shake the status of the Malik family around him.

Salomon's strength made this mission look like a walk after dinner, and Stephanie also had the opportunity to personally kill the Skrull outposts, but this was still not a good time to relax, the kind that took advantage of the warm afternoon The topic of the pale yellow sunshine and the slightly drunken summer wind blowing from the river is obviously not suitable for the current scene that exudes gunpowder smoke, feces, blood, wailing and burnt flesh. Any ordinary person will be confused when he sees her current appearance. Body feels cold. She wants to hire a professional to clean her beautiful black bear skin cape, which is now looking pretty bad.

"Sorry, I didn't know you wanted to hear this."

Even the bloody scenes around him couldn't conceal Salomon's kindness and gentleness.

"No, it's just a little inappropriate." Stephanie said with a frown. Although the Skrull's blood was vaporized by the current on the claw blade, she still felt that the burning smell lingered. To be honest, she was starting to hate killing now. It's not that she suddenly changed her attitude towards aliens and planned to show a kind face, but that she didn't want to do it herself. Although his father talked about the importance of strength every day, killing with his own hands was tiring and smelly, even with power armor and a fully enclosed helmet.

No matter what kind of creature is facing death, it will smell bad, and it would be great if someone else could do it for her. She really didn't like the sight of her enemies dying like shit, even if it was inevitable. The skills she had learned so far were enough to protect herself, and she didn't think anyone else could hurt her when she was around Salomon. Even Salomon didn't expect that she could bring such safety to others. Feeling, which made him feel a little surprised as he scanned Stephanie's surface emotions.

Ever since he made his plans and parted ways with the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D., his behavior has been in some ways indistinguishable from the comic book villains. It's just that he won't make idiotic declarations of hostility, nor will he show mercy for the sake of monthly magazine sales. There is no one under him who can be persuaded by the so-called superheroes. Even people like Natasha Romanoff know that Even though he was being used, he had to continue working for him, and even took the initiative to provide him with information. In addition, he also contacted a former Kama Taj mystic who lived in seclusion in Eastern Europe and a few defectors who were not killed through the relationship of the venerable, and planned to let the gypsy former mystic come to him. Work.

After this purge operation is over, he will go to Eastern Europe to personally visit the defector whom His Holiness is unwilling to kill. He was sure to convince the other party because their ideals were almost identical, except that Salomon saw further and thought more. To put it bluntly, Salomon is smarter and more stable than the other person, and will not be disturbed by too many emotional factors. If the candidate for the Supreme Mage had not been determined, he would have wanted to convince the other party to take over the title for him.

"In my opinion, there is no difference. Killing a few Skrulls is as easy as eating dessert." Salomon said. The Skrulls he and Stephanie killed were all reconnaissance soldiers, intertwined with the Immortal City's surveillance network and infiltrating each other. His arrival was no different than a dinosaur trampling on the bushes, easily crushing the delicate balance of all the squirrels snatching nuts among the branches.

"I'm tired."

Although the Skrulls' gauss weapons hit her a few times, the protective magic applied to her at some point erupted into bright blue and orange sparks when hit, and the electromagnetic shield installed on her back She could always block the high-speed flying metal at the right time. Under heavy protection, she didn't even lose the paint on her power armor. The risk-free killing fails to stimulate adrenaline, and the cruel fun gradually wears off, and by the end Stephanie doesn't even bother to do it.

"Then let's take a rest. Dita sent a message. The sisterhood's mission is completed. They have destroyed radar stations, hangars and runways, blocking US air support within a thousand kilometers. Now we just need Just wait here for the transport ship to enter the atmosphere, and the assault transport ship will block the US military aircraft trying to approach." Salomon shrugged, and he raised his head as if he could see the fighter jets roaring past the horizon.

Stephanie put away her paws, "Aren't you worried about the Skrulls in the Immortal City?"

"Why should I worry? I always win, always." Salomon walked in front, the humus stained by the stinking blood oozing from the Skrull corpses, but he didn't care at all about the exquisite tall tube. What kind of dirt is on your boots. When he said this, he did not even show the strong confidence that should be felt by others, as if he was drinking a glass of water instead of carrying out ruthless purges and counterintelligence activities.

"Our mission is accomplished, Stephanie. We can sit on the cliff over there and watch and watch the whole battle. It will be exciting."

When the ablative armor of the transport ship rubbed violently in the atmosphere like a huge meteorite falling from the sky, Salomon took out his own flask and clinked it with the drinking spout on Stephanie's power armor, causing her to throw it at the mystic mage. Come and roll your eyes. But the mystic was still smiling. "I have always liked the roar of these war machines. As long as humans no longer aim their guns at their own kind and kill each other for the wealth of politicians and businessmen, it will make me confident in the future of mankind."

The battle began, and Salomon awaited victory.

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