Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 116 The Prerequisite For Controlling The Strong Is To Be Stronger Than Him

Su Zicheng happily replicated all kinds of little magic on Jiali.

What kind of wind magic, wind slash...

Ice Magic, Frozen Thousands of Miles...

Fire magic, meteorite flames...

For spells like Frozen Thousand Miles and Meteor Flame, the single-target damage may not be as good as the elemental arrows condensed by the elemental bow in Su Zicheng's hand, but when it comes to group damage, Su Zicheng with only one bow is incomparable Got too group attack magic ~ method.

After all, a bow can only shoot so many elemental arrows at most, and it can only be fired once at a time. Although there is no forward swing, the group damage is definitely not comparable to these large magics.

The ability of the copy eye is still very powerful.

At least he is really good at copying magic.

Although it's only lv.3, you can easily learn the magic of the general city-destroying level, so it's not too cool.

You can learn so many skills by spending the skill bar of one skill. In Iv.4 and Iv.5, you may be able to directly copy Gali’s time at a glance.

It can only be said that this deal is very cost-effective.

The 'copy' magic that Su Zicheng is working on.

On the other hand, the Avengers are also actively looking for Tesseract.

Natasha Romanoff went to communicate with Loki in an attempt to deceive some information and make Luji's plan fail.

The final result was Natasha Romanoff's success.

However, behind this result, they didn't think carefully, who is Loki? The god of tricks, maybe not as good as a fighter like Thor in terms of physical fitness, but he is a god in the true sense in terms of playing tricks, how could it be possible Was it easy to get the news from Natasha Romanoff, a mere mortal?

In the small research room of the aviation base.

The original Avengers come together.

Iron Man Tony Stark, Thor Thor, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff Romanoff, Green Titan Hulk Bruce Banner, Captain America Steve Rogers and Black Braised Egg.

Except for Hawkeye Barton, the original Avengers are almost assembled.

However, the atmosphere in the At the moment research room is not very good.

In Avengers1, the early Avengers did not have the concept of a team, and there were more or less rifts between everyone.

The most typical is Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.

There is also Bruce Banner, who everyone is on guard against, and Thor Thor, the brother of the prisoner Luji.

A seemingly peaceful team, but full of cracks, as long as there is an opportunity, it will be completely fried.

However, this opportunity is simple and easy to say, and difficult to say.

Because everyone is an adult, even if there is dissatisfaction in their hearts, they will not vent it if they want to, not to mention that almost everyone who can stay here except Thor is the peak of IQ and EQ.

But very precisely.

This opportunity has always been lurking beside them.

Therefore, the team completely quarreled.

"We found evidence that you used the Tesseract to research weapons..."

Bruce Banner and Tony found Nick Fury and took out the evidence that Tesseract was used to study weapons, and pointed the finger at Nick Fury.

As a party against the war, they absolutely resist this kind of behavior.

"Not long ago, some outsiders invaded my S.H.I.E.L.D and blew up a pier. From then on, I knew that there are not only humans in this world, but also other people who are better than us in many aspects, such as That bounty hunter, how can we restrain him?..."

And Nick Fury is not to be outdone, targeting Thor and Loki, two aliens who "invade the earth".

In fact, what Nick Fury said is also reasonable, but it is a bit unkind to hide it from the Avengers, and he is too controlling. Even now, he still has the idea of ​​using force to threaten Su Zicheng in his hands.

Thor's IQ may not be particularly high compared to Tony's, but it depends on who he compares with. Compared with ordinary people, he is almost perfect except for being a little reckless, so he immediately found a reason to refute Nick Fury.

"It was your study of Tesseract that made Loki and his allies notice the earth, because once you start to study Tesseract, it means that you want to start the battle of advanced civilization


"As for the bounty hunter...Nick Fury, sometimes you should take care of your little thoughts. Some people are destined to be impossible to be controlled by you and threatened by you!"

……… Ask for flowers…

The last sentence drew strong approval from everyone, including Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff, who has always supported black eggs.

They are all people who have seen Su Zicheng's strength.

There is a saying that is good, it is better to be broken than to be whole. They don't think that a strong man of this level will not have his own arrogance, and will want to be controlled by an ordinary person.

Want to control this kind of person "Ten carelessness is to fall into the abyss of the abbot!

The premise of controlling the strong is that you are stronger than him!

Nick Fury also wanted to argue, but at the moment he himself was a little hypocritical.

In this way, the scene became more and more chaotic, and the first-generation Avengers evolved from public grievances to private grievances.

Tony and Steve scolded each other and got into an offer fight.

Natasha Romanoff speaks for Black Braised Egg.

Bruce Banner was complaining about something that happened to him, suppressing his anger to keep from turning himself into a Hulk.

They were all arguing, but they didn't notice that the Mind Gem inlaid in Loki's scepter on the table next to them was shining with a strange light.

That's right, Mind Gem influenced them.

Just flickering lightly, the cracks in their hearts are infinitely enlarged, infinitely enlarged, until they are completely advanced [they didn't realize until the end that they became so irritable when they were affected.

Just when the Avengers are scolding each other.

On the other side, Hawkeye Barton, controlled by Loki, has already found the location of the S.H.I.E.L.D Flight base in a fighter plane.

Don't ask where the fighter planes came from, but S.H.I.E.L.D has made too many enemies. If you just call on them, there are countless people willing to help Loki and Barton destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.


Barton's eyes are as beautiful as jade, which is a symbol of his being controlled.

In the fighter plane, the bow was fully drawn, and the arrow equipped with a super-powerful bomb accurately shot at the position near the super-large turbine supporting the flight of the base. Once this place is blown up, many connected places There will always be problems, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

(PS: Second update, please subscribe! Please subscribe automatically! Text).

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