Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 139 It's Finally Over

"The power of God is really weak.

Su Zicheng walked slowly in front of Loki, looking down at Loki with dull eyes.

Loki doesn't look like much.

But in fact, the inner line of defense has been blown away by Hulk's few blows.

A little embarrassed.

Su Zicheng glanced at Loki again, didn't say anything, but went to the side to pick up the roadbed scepter.

There is one last minute left in Thunder Field.

He wants to close the space wormhole at the last minute.

However, Su Zicheng obviously cannot stop the Rubik's Cube from running.

After all, Tesseract is a Space gem in other words. As the earliest thing in the universe, Su Zicheng wants to do any harm to this thing, it is still very early.

However, according to the movie, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Su Zicheng came to the scepter with "167" and came to the device.

There, Dr. Hillwig just woke up.

He's out of Loki's grip and back to sanity.

Seeing the damaged Manhattan all around, and the corpses of Chitauri who were still falling in mid-air, Dr. Hillwig looked a little unbelievable.

He still has some memories.

As far as he can remember, he helped Loki create this device in front of him.

In other words, he has a part in this battle.

definitely, not to credit.

Su Zicheng came to Dr. Hillwig with the scepter in hand.

Dr. Hillwig panted lightly, and said: "His scepter, using Loki's scepter, can close this wormhole.

Su Zicheng looked at Hillwig and said: "Doctor, I need your help. Although this battle is not your fault, it is also your part. Now is the time for you to make up for it."

Dr. Hillwig stood up slowly, walked to the computer beside him, and said as he walked:

"The power of his scepter, Rubik's Cube can't fight, because it can't fight against itself.

"I remember, I made a safety device."

"The scepter closes the portal, and it's in your hand.

Dr. Hillwig turned on the computer, pointed to the energy delivery hole of the Rubik's Cube, and said, "Facing the top of it.

Su Zicheng followed suit.

If it's other things, he can do it by himself.

But in this regard, he dared not act rashly when designing two Infinite Gems, Tesseract and Mind Gem.

It's fine if he understands, but the key is that he doesn't understand.

Only Dr. Hillwig is quite accomplished in this area, and in the movie he actually directed Natasha Romanoff to close the portal.

Therefore, Su Zicheng thinks everything depends on the arrangement of Dr. Hillwig.

Slowly bring the scepter closer to the perimeter of the device.

A transparent energy shield slowly rises.

This is the pure energy shield that blocked Tony's palm cannon not long ago. Not only can it block a lot of powerful energy, it can even rebound, and it is precisely because of this energy that stunned Dr. come over.


This energy shield is not so hard under Loki's scepter.

Su Zicheng slowly stabbed the scepter into the energy shield.

Little bits of energy splashed down, just like the sparks produced when sawing something with a saw.

Su Zicheng moved the scepter forward little by little, and soon he was only a little away from the speed of energy and light.

Give it a hard push.

The energy of the scepter cuts off the energy beam directly.

Without the support of the energy beam, the portal quickly and slowly closed.

And the Chitauri stars who have been coming in through the portal to deliver food, howled and crazily wanted to crawl back through the shrinking portal.

However, how can the power of space be controlled by these guys?

One just wanted to pass through, but was torn into pieces by the closed portal on the spot, just like a black hole.

Dust was all over his body, Captain America in a state of distress, and Thor, who was out of breath, and little Spider-Man stood on the ground, looking into the air.

Watch the fading beam and the portal.

Steve heaved a sigh of relief.

The whole person sat down on the ground directly, panting continuously, looking really tired.

"Win...we won..."

"The portal is closed."

little Spider-Man also leaned aside to rest.

Because there are too many Chitauris to deal with, little Spider-Man is so tired that he doesn't even want to talk. How incredible is this for a chatterbox? One can imagine how... .....

There are also Barton, Natasha Romanoff and others who avoided the flames of the meteorite.

no way.

They are the only ones who can resist in this battle. It must be a lie to say that they are not tired or injured.

Like Steve, the uniform on his body has become tattered, with almost no intact parts on his body, bruised and purple, and dripping with blood.

However, Natasha Romanoff, Barton, they are not much better.

"It's over, it's finally over."

Natasha Romanoff leaned over, holding her legs with her hands, panting with her head down.

"Thanks to this bounty hunter."

"Fury made the right choice."

Although Steve has a bad feeling for Su Zicheng, but this time Su Zicheng is indeed very important in the battle.

Save Natasha Romanoff, clear the magic circle, and close the portal.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he contributed the most to this campaign.


Nick Fury, who was staring at the satellite screen, clenched his hands tightly, the moment he saw the portal close.

All the agents in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D base cheered.

"It worked!"

"It's over! This damn battle is finally over!"


Listening to their cheers, Nick Fury couldn't help showing a smile.

Even though the battle was ended by Su Zicheng, 4.4 means that he will have to pay 27 billion in mercenary money, otherwise he will suffer a catastrophe.

But he didn't feel cheated.

The money is well spent.

Even if you have to be condemned by those damn congressmen above, it's worth it.

(PS: One update, please subscribe! Please subscribe automatically! Brother Moe, I want to add a female character, it should be regarded as a time traveler... Definitely, it is still different from the protagonist, this female is from the Marvel world The ordinary world has traveled to the world of Marvel comics, and I know the plot of Marvel well.

But after all, she is still a comic book character, and they are all Marvel characters, so in the protagonist’s opinion, she should not be a time traveler? I don’t know whether to add it or not, I’m thinking about it, um, the main thing is that she looks good, you know what I mean? Whether to add it or not Look at you. ).

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