Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 146 Swordsmanship Showdown

Why did Su Zicheng talk so much nonsense with Botu, instead of using the Elemental Bow or the close combat ability to arrange it clearly?

Botu is a rare master of swordsmanship in the world, the one with the best swordsmanship among the five immortals of Hand Association.

leave him alone.

I just want to try the sword ability I just bought.

Can you cut this guy who has returned to the basics of swordsmanship under the sword.

Although the curse blood he used was a knife.

But swords do not separate families.

And after hearing what Su Zicheng said.

Botu was calm on the surface, but he was overjoyed in his heart.

He definitely knows how powerful Su Zicheng is.

The heart is not as calm as the surface.

Su Zicheng is definitely not something to be underestimated for being able to cause such a big storm in this messy world recently. Ability emerges endlessly in his body, and there are more than five kinds of abilities that have been exposed to the eyes of the world. Who knows what else is hidden underneath?

But, now, Bo Tu, who had been hanging on his heart, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

If you don't use your powerful strength, you will directly kill the enemy with one blow, but you want to use swordsmanship to compete for strength.

If it were him, he would definitely kill the enemy immediately, instead of trying to defeat the strongest aspect of the enemy here.

Like in the movie? I will beat you wherever you are strong?

Don't blame him for judging people by their appearance, a teenager is still too young.

"Can I still refuse?"

Bo Tu chuckled, pulled out a long sword from the gentleman's crutch, and pointed it at Su Zicheng.

Unlike Su Zicheng's Cursed Blood, this one is a double-edged, genuine long sword.

He has absolute confidence in his sword skills.

"I said, why do you big villains like to hide swords in crutches?"

Su Zicheng complained helplessly: "Do you think you can be caught off guard?"

One thing to say, he always thought it was stupid to hide a sword or something in a crutch.

"No, it's just for convenience."

Botu shook his head, staring fixedly at the sword: "Don't you think it's troublesome to carry a sword with you?"

"That's true."

Su Zicheng nodded.

The two chatted without saying a word. Stalemate here.

In the end, Botu couldn't help but make a move.

He raised his long sword horizontally and stabbed at Su Zicheng.

This is the stabbing sword, which is the most basic in swordsmanship, but as the saying goes, "stabbing is the soul of the sword". If you practice more stabbing swords, you can feel the combination of reality and reality when holding the sword, and most of the strength in swordsmanship routines. It is the foundation.

But the thrust of the stabbing sword is at the tip of the sword, and it is very simple and rude to use straight stabs to kill the enemy.

To use one to describe it is like a green dragon coming out of water, and an immortal guiding the way.

Such an ordinary move was used incisively and vividly in the hands of a swordsman like Botu, the combination of swordsmanship and hand speed.

But Su Zicheng wasn't too lazy, he held the cursed blood in his hand to block sideways, and used the blade of the cursed blood to cut down.

Realizing that the long sword was blocked, Botu's expression did not change at all. The incomparably powerful anti-shock force did not make him panic, but he quickly turned the sword to the side without letting go of the force.

Instead, rubbing the cursed blood blade, following this force, he slashed towards Su Zicheng's feet in a sword-splitting posture.

It's a long story, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye.

Su Zicheng stepped back a few steps, and the two started a sword fight in this not-so-wide corridor.

There is no sword energy like in the fancy fantasy.

Just a duel of two swords/knives.

Chop, pick, cut, tease...

Each of the moves that looked simple, but contained flavors but were incomparably complicated was used by the two of them like arms. Although the moves were very simple individually, if they were converted into a duel.

Stabbing swords, chopping swords, hanging swords, wiping swords, pointing swords..... emerge in endlessly, one after another, different from the slow dance of swords, the battle between the two is dazzling and looks extremely cool.

Swordsmanship is a very cool technique.

Definitely, it would be nice if the curse blood in Su Zicheng's hand could also be exchanged for a sword.

The battle has heated up.

"Click Crap Crap--"

Botu is a rare master of swordsmanship in the world.

And Su Zicheng is a hanger with swordsmanship Iv.4.

The fight between the two was fierce.

definitely, to say who is better.

That is naturally Su Zicheng.

The clothes on Botu's body were already torn.

Definitely, he's uninjured just yet.

Otherwise, with the curse poison of the curse blood, it is impossible for the little blogger to survive.

But in contrast to Su Zicheng, he didn't have any damage on his body, so everyone judged.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because of the hunter suit.

It was because Botu had never rubbed against him from the beginning to the end, not even once.

After this period of fighting, Bo Tu became embarrassed.

And Su Zicheng also looked very comfortable.

As for this corridor.

The surrounding walls have long been turned into sword marks and mouth marks because of the battle between the two.

One by one is deep and full of sharp breath, and the sword marks and knife marks that make people dare not look directly are densely covered.

Bo Tu faced Su Zicheng with difficulty, already horrified in his heart.

He never imagined that Su Zicheng's sword skills are so high.

Could it be that he, like himself, has lived for hundreds of years?

And Su Zicheng, who was confronting him, almost spit out his breath.

Don't forget, Su Zicheng also has mind reading skills.

【Botu: Damn it, this guy must have lived for hundreds of years like me, otherwise, how could his swordsmanship be better than mine?!】

In this regard, Su Zicheng has one word.

Grandpa is really young (yes), but who told Grandpa to be a coward?

[Botu: No, if this continues, I won’t be able to hold on, I don’t need other means, at least get rid of him when he only uses swordsmanship!]

Looking at the blogger in front of him, Su Zicheng pouted.

Damn it, it really is the head of an organization like the Hand, that's insidious.

However, he did not have many surprises.

It has long been expected that either he or Botu will make things happen first.

And bloggers.

But he didn't know that his inner thoughts had already been completely read by Su Zicheng, leaving nothing behind.

One of the five fingers of the Hand.

It is also an old immortal who came out of Kunlun.

Apart from swordsmanship, he didn't use one very necessary thing.

That is - gas zero.

(PS: Third update, please subscribe! Please subscribe automatically!!).

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