Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 160 Tony Stark's House Was Bombed

"Shet, Shet, get down, get down, Pepper!!!"

Tony hurriedly yelled at his girlfriend, and without waiting for Pepper to react, he flew over, trying to throw her to the ground.

As for Maya Hansen, whoever she is, please be blessed.

Don't even think about it, you have to save your future wife first.

However, before Tony could hug Pepper, the powerful bomb hit Tony's house.

This house is a private villa of Tony.

Rich people, definitely have a lot of houses.

Although this is Tony's sea view villa, but more appropriate is his laboratory, studio. The upper three floors house the entertainment area. But even more hidden is the basement.

That's where all of Tony's experiments come together. Mark 1-42 are all collected here. Even more high-tech stuff can be seen here.

It can be seen that Tony regards this place as his home, maybe this is the wedding room with Xiaojiao in the future.

However, at the moment of the explosion, all this disappeared.

That huge roar. The whole world fell silent.

It's not that the world has stopped, but that all three of them are temporarily deaf in 28 moments.

After all, the bomb exploded nearby, and the loud noise can be imagined.

With the explosion, the bodies of Tony and Pepper were blasted into the air in an instant.

Maya Hansen is worthy of being an intellectual. At the moment of the explosion, she also found a bunker, and tightly hugged the temple big velvet rabbit that was entrusted as a Christmas gift by Mi Gao.

On the other hand, Tony, Pepper, and Maya Hansen are faring much better.


In mid-air, Tony said the word with difficulty. At the same time, he pointed his wrist at Little Pepper. As soon as the voice fell, I only heard it.

Swish Swish Swish...

Don't know where it came from.

A squint, though, revealed that it was Tony's Mark 42 armor.

Since, after the last battle with Loki.

Tony deeply understands how important remote control is. Therefore, in the future research and development, Tony especially emphasized that J.A.R.V.I.S should equip all armors with remote operation and space retrieval devices.

Even, the sensors are implanted in the limbs, just for convenience. It is also to avoid the last time when I was playing against Loki, I secretly borrowed a drink to brush up my cleverness and put on an operation bracelet, watching Mark 42...

For some reason, the armor that was supposed to be worn on Tony's body turned around and flew onto Pepper.

"I saved you..."

Tony raised his eyebrows, even at such a critical moment, he didn't forget to tease him. Seeing that his most beloved person was safe for the time being, Tony also heaved a sigh of relief.

However, this is a missile explosion, how could it end so easily.

Sure enough, a reinforced concrete slab fell towards the two of them. If they were hit by this blow, let alone death, it would be nice to leave the whole body with Tony's mortal body.

Long story short, in fact, these things only happened in an instant, from the sound of the explosion, to the two being knocked into mid-air, to the moment when Pepper puts on the battle armor, the total time is three breaths. At the moment, Tony, in the In mid-air, there was no strength left to resist, and he could only watch the stone slab fall.

"Honey, watch out! J.A.R.V.I.S, J.A.R.V.I.S..."


Fortunately, in times of crisis, Pepper ordered J.A.R.V.I.S in time. This artificial intelligence AI is much more useful than bodyguards at critical moments.

J.A.R.V.I.S did not live up to the title of Tony's butler. Before the hostess finished speaking, he controlled Mark 42 and stood in front of Tony.

"Honey, I saved your life too... Hehe...

Sure enough, it's not that the whole family doesn't stay in the house. After getting along with Tony for a long time, even Xiaojiao became funny.

"Pepper, go save her, and escape...quick..."

"and you..."

"do not worry,"

The two parted with each other in agreement. Pepper ran out wearing a battle armor and pulled Maya Hansen, but the armed helicopter outside seemed not to let it go, only to hear a few more missiles fired in succession, and, every time Every shot hit the support point of the house precisely, as if trying to completely destroy the house.

"Sir, Miss Pepper has escaped to a safe place." The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S sounded.


Tony pointed with both hands, and the Mark 42 battle armor originally worn by Peibo came off piece by piece, and quickly flew towards the ruins.

The helicopter seemed to be equipped with infrared heat-sensing Gatling bullets that shot at Tony accurately.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, I'm going to fight back..."

"Sir, we are trying to debug it, this is just an armor engineering sample..."

Before J.A.R.V.I.S finished speaking, another missile attack came. The supporting points of the villa collapsed completely, and the whole house leaned towards the sea.

"Xie Te...", Tony is indeed a person who has experienced big scenes, and a palm cannon was thrown out, just in time for the helicopter outside.

"Get a..."

However, the house couldn't hold up anymore, together with Tony turned into ruins and fell into the sea constantly, the originally impregnable villa turned out to be so fragile that a three-storey villa that was as large as a football field collapsed.

Just now, an incomparably luxurious presidential villa was destroyed like this. It became a ruin, and even this piece of sea area was also created by the explosion of the villa.

The ruins were 'boiling', and on the only remaining helicopter, looking at the Stark villa that had been razed to the ground, several people looked at each other and smiled 523, turned the nose of the plane, and disappeared at the sea level without looking back.

Their mission is not to destroy Tony, but more like a demonstration. Don’t you have a way to reveal your home address?

Are you provocative?

Then I'll blow you up. Let people all over the world see how Iron Man, who was admired by everyone, was knocked down from the altar, what Stark Group, what Tony Stark, what Iron Man. But is that so, vulnerable.

Maybe this is the criminal mind of these people.

At the same time, the whole world was boiled by the scene in front of the TV.

Tony's villa was bombed!!!

Tony is dead???

Iron Man is dead???

superhero is dead???

Immediately, the newspaper news that Iron Man was killed was spread all over the United States. However, they didn't know that when all the dust settled, an inconspicuous exhaust rose through the ruins after the attack helicopter left. A cloud of dust covered the sky. Long after Harpy was bombed, Tian Hou made a plan.

That's why Tony's survey of the city has places above 3000 degrees Celsius. Originally, Tony planned to go to Tennessee after today, and even let J.A.R.V.I.S record this place in the itinerary. .

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