Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 166 Slashing The Deputy Longitudin In Front Of Longitudinal Tong

In the end, they actually met in mid-air.

Coincidentally, it was the place where Su Zicheng rushed to.

This is a Zongtong chartered plane, and it is flying towards a pier. Paper cranes fly into it, and there are rice pot Zongtong, Zongtong's secretary, and several big shots on rice pot knitting.

He didn't expect Killian's ambition to be so big, and he wasn't afraid that eating too much would make his stomach full.

No matter so much, even if the king of heaven is on this plane, Su Zicheng will still vent his anger.

Deputy Zongtong, today is a deal, and even Jesus can't keep him, as my bounty hunter Su Zicheng said.

Now that he knew where the person was, without further ado, he cut off and tracked the paper crane. The moment the paper crane turned into a light spot and disappeared, Su Zicheng took off directly.

Because it happened to be on the road of Su Zicheng, within half an hour, a large commercial airliner with a striped star flag appeared in his eyes.

In the next second, Su Zicheng appeared in front of the hatch.

He grabbed the hatch and pulled it casually, and the hatch was rotten like it was made of paper.

After all, 325 points of physique were added, so it was no joke.

I'm afraid that this random movement must have several tons of strength.

"Fack squid, what's going on, what's going on."

"Where is James Rhodes, General Rhodes, someone hijacked the plane..."

Seeing someone suddenly barging in mid-air, the group of 'intellectuals' panicked in fright.

Although all of them are members of the upper echelons of the Guo family, they have never seen such a scene before, only Zong Tong's face remained unchanged, and he hurriedly called for help.

However, At the moment's Iron Pot Lover armor is no longer James Rhodes, but Killian's puppet.

Therefore, no matter how loud everyone shouts, there will never be a savior.

"Don't worry, I'm only for him"

Su Zicheng stared at the secondary pupil coldly. Interrupt their cries.

"You, you are a bounty hunter, a person who fights against alien invasion by himself."

Sure enough, the group of people who calmed down realized that the man in the black windbreaker and hood in front of them was the bounty hunter who had made a splash in New York a few days ago.

Even if a few people don't know the goods, they still have to know this person.

"You should know why I came, since you dare to do it, you must be ready to be killed.

Su Zicheng didn't pay any attention to their nonsense, he only had one person in his eyes.


Saying that, Su Zicheng pulled out the Cursed Blood Knife. Point to the secondary longitudinal pupil.

"Don't, don't kill me, aren't you a bounty hunter, I'll give you money, a lot of money, how about letting me go..."

Ever since Su Zicheng appeared, Deputy Zongtong had already known that he would surely die today.

However, after so many years, it was hard to sit on the position of the secondary pupil, and maybe he will be able to board the longitudinal pupil soon.

Why is he not afraid of death. This is an example of why the more official you are, the more timid you are.

"Please, please forgive me, everything is..."


Seeing the man kneeling on the ground shaking like chaff, and even smelling urine, Su Zicheng not only sneered. This is still the vice vertical pupil, if you dare to do it or not, you should kill it.

Raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, before he could finish his next sentence, the next moment, the deputy vertical pupil would end up with a different head.

The bystanders have long been dumbfounded. Even Zong Tong sat slumped on the ground and stared dumbfoundedly at the deputy Zong Tong [Putian's partner's skull fell to the ground.

What's going on, what's going on.

A group of people just watched the Deputy Zongtong die just like that. Not to mention resistance, these people didn't even dare to refute, they didn't even dare to breathe, they didn't dare to raise their heads, let alone look directly at Su Zicheng.

I'm afraid that the bounty hunter's knife will appear on his neck in a second.

The moment they blinked, they looked up, and there was only a strong smell of blood in the cabin. As for Su Zicheng, he had long since disappeared, as if he had never been here before.

Only the dead bodies on the ground told them that it was not easy.

Isn't Su Zicheng from Avengers, isn't he from S.H.I.E.L.D?

Kill the abomination, fight against the aliens, isn't he a superhero, how come he killed the secondary vertical pupil.

This group of people wanted to break their heads but couldn't figure out what was going on.

And this happened to be Su Zicheng's little calculation.

For a long time, it was S.H.I.E.L.D who hired him, causing Su Zicheng to appear in the public eye.

People who don’t know must have the same idea as these people on the plane, Su Zicheng~The bounty hunter is a person from S.H.I.E.L.D, a superhero, and the opposite of all villains.

So far, none of the gang leaders, Jin Bing, Red Skull, and HYDRA have dared to invite Su Zicheng. You know, each of these people is a master who kills people without blinking an eye, who doesn't make trouble for a day, who doesn't eat well, who doesn't sleep well, who wants to destroy the world and rule the earth all day long.

If these people don't come to Su Zicheng, it must be because of this, at least this is what Su Zicheng thinks.

Therefore, killing the deputy vertical pupil is the so-called killing two birds with one stone.

One is, find a place and dare to blow up my home, then you have to pay me a price.

The second is to tell everyone that he is a bounty hunter, not a lackey of the government, bad guys can be killed, aliens can be killed, and I dare to kill the deputy vertical pupil. As long as you can offer me a price that satisfies me, I don't care about Heavenly King Lao Tzu.

Coincidentally, I also use this to warn whether I am a bounty hunter, whether I am a bounty hunter, I only recognize money, not people.

Because there was a bounty hunter just now, the terrifying aura directly suppressed the airflow of the plane door. Now that Su Zicheng has disappeared, the air pressure in the aircraft cabin suddenly drops extremely rapidly, as if everything is going to be sucked out.

Zongtong, Zongtong's secretary, and everyone including this group of people were suddenly sucked out of the hatch by a huge force (by Zhao Zhao) without any precaution.

This place is several thousand meters high, if it falls, not only a few of them will die, but the whole rice pot will probably be shaken.

Anyway, Su Zicheng didn't think about these things, he just wanted to cause a stir, the bigger the trouble, the better. Killing is killing, considering the consequences, and dealing with the aftermath, that is not the demeanor that a hunter should have.

"""Mr. Hunter, Mr. Hunter, help, we pay, we hire you to stop"

As expected of Zongtong, he was able to understand Su Zicheng's position so quickly and understand his intention to kill Deputy Zongtong.

However, Su Zicheng had disappeared long ago. After killing Deputy Zongtong, he disappeared after a few teleports, so he didn't hear Zongtong's shouting at all.

Even if I hear it, I don’t necessarily accept this task. I just go to save you after I have established my prestige. Isn’t this a slap in the face of myself? Don't worry, according to the development of the plot, Tony should appear at this time. .

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